Make Easter brunch amazing with this easy and inexpensive Easter centerpiece idea. Simple and colorful, you'll feel like you're celebrating Easter in a garden. It's been a while since I've been totally excited about something I've created and this Easter centerpiece and tablescape are my very favorite. I cannot express the happiness I feel every time I walk in the room. A few of my wonderful friends got together with me for a blogging challenge where our goal is to Make Something From Nothing. It's all about being creative with the gifts and talents our Creator has given us … [Read more...]
Shhh! Don't tell anyone, but my dear husband and I aren't very romantic. I think I would like it if he was and I think he'd like it if I was. But we aren't. Not that we haven't tried. In our early years, we thought we were being romantic by purchasing pretty new sheets for our anniversary. We'd go out to dinner dressed to the nines. We've had fancy foods at our bedside. And my dear husband has sent me countless gorgeous floral bouquets. All romantic sounding things to do.... but bells don't ring and birds don't sing. He brings me flowers and … [Read more...]
The countdown to Thanksgiving has begun! Have you already started shopping for your holiday pantry staples? With Thanksgiving less than a month away and Christmas nipping at TG's heels we all need to get prepared. This week's Project Inspire{d} link party has some fabulous recipes, decor, and crafts to inspire your Thanksgiving celebration. If you are a list-maker wannabe and like to have a plan for everything... than you'll love the detailed printable planner Megan from NEPA Mom has put together for you! I always make sure that I plan my table way in advance... that way it always looks … [Read more...]
Raise your hand if you like quick, easy, and inexpensive party ideas. Me too! That's why I just had to share with you this super simple and inexpensive... yet extraordinary 4th of July dessert idea. Plus a few extra tips to make your Fourth spectacular! Whether you just entertain a few friends or the whole neighborhood... you are going to LOVE this! Here's how it all came down. I just made a quick trip into Walmart to pick up glitter, jars, and Mod Podge for this amazing 4th of July mason jar post I am cooking up for the blog. As I was running from one end of the store to the … [Read more...]
Hello friends! Thanks for coming by! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was picture perfect! I even enjoyed spending some time at the beach checking out the flying antics of some expert kite flyers at our local kite festival. The wind was mostly perfect and the sunshine warmed me to my core. My face got a little sunburned... but it was so worth it. Can you believe that this coming weekend is Memorial Day? Boy did that sneak up on us quickly! If you're a little behind... you'll want to check out these inspiring red, white, and blue ideas curated from this past week's edition of Project … [Read more...]
I'm so excited to share this quick, easy, and so pretty Mason jar floral arrangement that is the perfect farmhouse style Easter centerpiece. Seriously it's so simple you don't need a tutorial... but just for fun... I created one for you... because that's what I do. I can't stop myself!!! Here's how it all came together... Last year I was blessed to participate with a group of my blogging friends in a Mason jar blog hop for Mother's Day. As part of the event, each of us received aqua blue, amethyst, green, and clear Ball pint jars. I created … [Read more...]
The Thanksgiving countdown has begun! Before you know it... it will be time to thaw the turkey. On Monday I joined up with 18 fellow bloggers to bring you some terrific Thankgiving Centerpiece and Tablescape ideas. If you missed that post, pick it up here and be sure to stop by the other blogs for more fabulous inspiration. This week's link party was filled with ways to make your Thanksgiving table extra special. So many truly creative ideas for inspiration! Get your "pinning finger" ready for these all Great Ideas... 20 Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Table Extra … [Read more...]
Today I'm joining some of my blogging friends for a tour of Thanksgiving tablescapes and centerpieces. You'll find all the details at the end of the post. Many of my friends say Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday. There's something to be said for a holiday that's about gratitude, celebrated around the table with a special meal, isn't there? This year I won't be hosting Thanksgiving. I'll miss doing that. However, I won't miss creating a lovely tablescape and centerpiece. That's because I created one for a good friend of mine. I had so much fun putting together this simple but spectacular … [Read more...]
It all started with some branches from a flowering tree in our yard. One of the most lovely surprises you can have in a new-to-you home is the discovery of flowering trees and bushes. We had no idea what this white blooming beauty was, but the branches were many and heavy laden with blossoms, so I decided to cut a few and bring them inside. I will have to say, the blossoms did not have the most pleasing fragrance. But, their beauty was spectacular. Today I want to give you a little inspiration, so you too, can create a vignette with flowering branches. My … [Read more...]
Grace. Daily Grace. I don't know about you... but I need an abundance of grace to get through the day. Good thing God's grace is constant and overflowing. What about my grace? Sometimes I am not all that gracious. It's hard to understand how we can be given so much and then turn around and be stingy with what we have. I'm not talking about stingy with stuff... I'm talking about stingy with grace. How are you in the patience department? Me? Not so good. In fact, my husband often points it out to me. In a good way which … [Read more...]
Having lunch or a day of shopping with a good friend is pretty special. But, those few hours go by too quickly. How many times do you wish for some extended times without an agenda? Last week I went out-of-town to I spent some time with one of my favorite friends. We've been wanting to get together for quite a while. Finally, it was the right time for both of us. And though I could have driven back and forth any number of times, she invited me to be her house guest for most of the week. And it was wonderful. Mary Beth and I worked together for several years and I … [Read more...]
Farmhouse Christmas Vignette I bet you are in the process of making your home MERRY AND BRIGHT! Decking the halls and doing Fa-la-la-la-la fun things this Christmas! I am doing that right now too! One great way to give your home a festive holiday look is by creating Christmas vignettes. I'm so thrilled to be a part of Diane's CREATING CHRISTMAS MEMORIES WITH VIGNETTES. And I am soooo happy to be here at AN EXTRAORDINARY DAY today!!!! A big thanks to Diane for letting me visit her beautiful blog and be part of this wonderful series! My favorite vignettes to create any time … [Read more...]
Table art. If you're the creative sort, you not only enjoy setting an inviting table, you probably like creating something pretty for it, too. We are each blessed with some sort of creativity. I like creating with my hands and my camera lens. Sunday was one of those days when nature's bounty, creativity, a special gift, and beautiful weather all converged at the same moment. It was an amazing few hours. I had so much fun setting the table and photographing it. My husband, who so graciously went with me to the park to lend a hand, kept hearing me talk … [Read more...]
I have a special message for Mother Nature... No more snow! Holy Cow! It isn't even Thanksgiving yet!! Since she no doubt is covering her ears... I'm covering my eyes... and pretending there is still green grass and falling leaves... and all things wonderfully fall. Who's with me? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Here are some Thanksgiving tablescapes from the archives that would be extraordinary for your holiday dinners. I hope you find a tip or two that you can use this year. Cozy & Warm Homespun Table Setting Mixing Gold & Silver for Thanksgiving Table … [Read more...]
Do you remember those days as a child when you would collect fistfuls of autumn leaves? Maybe it was just last week that you found yourself picking up pretty leaves on your walk? Please... "Pin" - "Tweet" - or "Share" this image! I'm always on the look out for creating home decor with nature's bounty. It does seem that Mother Nature couldn't deliver any more leaves than she's been raining down on us the past few weeks. Actually, it's all been quite convenient for me. I have been planning an autumn tablescape but feeling like there was an important missing … [Read more...]
It's the little things that take life from ordinary to extraordinary. Don't miss my simple, low cost tips, ideas, and inspiration for extraordinary living. Do you recognize that statement? It's found in the green box on the sidebar over on the right. It's my teaser to get you to sign up to receive An Extraordinary Day by email. The little things. Have you ever noticed a young girl playing with miniatures for hours, happy as a clam? Kids love their little treasures. They collect tiny things by the pocketful. But, as we get older, we set our sights on larger … [Read more...]
How are you today? are YOU? Most of us trudge, or breeze, through the day. The trudging or breezing has to do with the load we carry. If we have a ton of worries and responsibilities weighing us down....trudging might be a generous term. On the other hand, when we're working within our giftedness, living with hearts filled with joy and gratitude, and spending our hours with others who build up rather than discourage....we breeze through our day and the minutes seems to fly away as easily, too. If you are one who flits through the day … [Read more...]