It’s the little things that take life from ordinary to extraordinary.
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It's the Little Things Fall Tablescape


The little things.

Have you ever noticed a young girl playing with miniatures for hours, happy as a clam?

Kids love their little treasures.

They collect tiny things by the pocketful.

But, as we get older, we set our sights on larger things.

We acquire more things. Larger, bigger, more improved things.


It's the little things Fall Table Set for Two


Today….let’s look at the little thing of two friends getting together to share a meal.

You create the relationship and the scenario.

The meal could be enjoyed in a restaurant.

However, I much prefer eating at home.

At home, I can make the little things count.

Little things that make my friend, guest, spouse… feel special.


It's the little things that make people feel special


The other day I shared a brunch recipe on Facebook.

A reader made this comment, “This looks so good and the place setting makes it even more desirable.  Guess it is true that we eat with our eyes first.”

The place setting she was referring to, was one where I was the guest.

My friend prepared a wonderful brunch for just the two of us.

And it was so special.


Table for Two It's the Little Things


Today I set the table for two.

The feeling of fall is in the air, the colors of the landscape are green and yellow and brown.  And if you look closely, there’s a blush of red and orange in the trees, a promise of what’s coming.

With those colors in mind, I put this tablescape together.

For the centerpiece, I pulled the lantern from the living room, the crock from a display over the kitchen cabinets, and the giant wood peach from the top of the china cabinet.  To give it life, I trimmed a few fronds from the painted ferns in the backyard and cut those yellow pom-pom flowers (that I have no idea what they are) from the garden, too.  These bits of nature got tucked in and amongst the other objects.  I’m not going to worry if they will stay, because they’re just for the meal.   No vase is needed.


Simple Fall Place Setting It's the Little Things


To make the place settings a little more special, I used a tablecloth with placemats on top.  The round place mats give the feeling of having chargers, but for a much smaller price tag.  I received these for my birthday last year.  You might have seen them before, here or here.

For special occasions I love to use cloth napkins.  But, more often I will use pretty paper napkins that I’ve found deeply discounted at TJ Maxx or Tuesday Morning.  These sweet sunflower napkins, along with the napkin rings, were a birthday gift, as well.

I love how the napkins, plates, and centerpiece all go together without being matchy in the least.

Sure, it’s great to have stemware or pretty glasses, but these plain iced-tea glasses work too, and they’re almost invisible anyway.


Lovely Table for Two It's the Little Things

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Remember those little things I mentioned.

Sometimes the little things are using what you have in a fresh and creative way.

Often times we forget that the lantern we use in the hall entry can make a great centerpiece when combined with other elements that hold court in other areas of our home.

The cupboard contained two lonely creamy yellow plates.  They were the little things that this whole tablescape was created around.

My green luncheon plates were a fun find for $1.19 at Pier 1.  They were purchased to go with the set of dishes I loved, and received as a gift, that has no plates.  I mentioned them here.

I love how all these little things came together to make the ordinary, extraordinary.

And…I guarantee that taking the time to create a simple but extraordinary table setting will make the meal taste even better.  Really!


If you’re in doubt as to what to serve….

This is a great breakfast or supper.  And this seasonal sauce is available now and makes an amazing dinner.  Better yet, serve your favorite easy-to-prepare meal.  And don’t forget…Chinese take-away is always great!


It's the little things that take life from ordinary to extraordinary


It’s the little things that take life from ordinary to extraordinary.

Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary!


What are the little things you have done to make the ordinary, extraordinary?


Thank you for stopping by today.
I appreciate you and your sweet comments make my day.

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Wishing YOU an extraordinary day!

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  1. Glenda Kremer says

    I must have missed the brunch recipe so how do I find it now? have a blessed SONDAY tomorrow!

    • Diane says

      Thanks Glenda!
      Just scroll up towards the top of the post and when you see the words “brunch recipe” in red…click on those red words. By doing that, you will be taken directly to the post with the recipe.

      You’ll notice all through the post that there are red words. Those are all links. Each time you click on one you’ll be take to the post that relates to the topic I’m discussing.

      Thanks for asking and may your weekend be blessed in every way! [hugs]

  2. Betty Brown says

    Diane,EVERYTIME I read your post like this it makes me want to make things pretty and special.Fall is my favorite season and I love the rich colors and even tho I’m not too crazy about bright orange I love the burnt reds and muted orange.Thank you for the great post.

    • Diane says

      Betty…you just made my day! Thank you so much!!
      The colors of fall warm my heart and make me feel so cozy.
      Again…thank you for your sweet words.
      Big hugs, my friend!

  3. Cathy says

    What a lovely Fall tablescape – I agree it’s the little things that make it special – thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

    • Diane says

      Thank you so much Cathy!
      Best wishes for an extraordinary week!

  4. What a lovely table! I like to use pretty plates and colorful decorations too. Visiting from Sew Can Do. Love your combination of pretty plates and brown mats. They do look like chargers! I have some dark red chargers that go with a lot. You have a lovely blog, and I’ll be looking around a bit more. (PS, love finding another WordPress user!)

  5. Mel says

    A bunch of wreaths AND pretty table dressings. Wow….now, see–this is why you come to mind when I’m perusing Peir One!! The two of you know how to dress up a table, that’s for sure. But I like your price tag better. Just sayin’!
    It really IS the little things, huh?
    Very classy, ma’am. 🙂

    • Diane says

      Awwww…Mel…you are the best. You sure know how to put a smile on a gal’s face.
      Sending super big hugs your way. And a basket of gratitude for all those nice words. 😉

  6. What a simple elegant table setting. Just love it!

    • Diane says

      Thank you so much Bonnie! Sometimes simple is best. 😉
      Hope your week is off to an extraordinary start!

  7. Great post. Your tablescape is beautiful. What a fun meal you must have had! I love your description and how you pulled it all together! I’d love you to link it at The Fabulous Fall LInky Party! Come by and link up!

  8. susie says

    what a simple restful table. by adding the lace you made this table like the one Iwant to sit at or be invited to.thank you .Susie

    • Diane says

      Awwww…thanks Susie! I like the lace too. The little circle designs in the pattern replicated the scalloping on the plates. I confess to being in love with small repetitions that help pull things together.

      Oh yes! Wouldn’t it have been fun to have been able to enjoy a luncheon together? 🙂

      Hope your weekend is extraordinary!!

  9. Bev says

    Wonderful plate stack…all of them work so well together. Lovely centerpiece!

    • Diane says

      Awww…thank you so much Bev! You are always such a wonderful encourager!
      Hope your weekend is blessed in every way!

  10. Jann Olson says

    Diane, there are so many little things around my home that bring me delight! The little things truly are important. When I visit a friends home I take special care to notice and comment about some of their little things. Looks like you had a wonderful luncheon surrounded by so many beautiful little things! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    • Diane says

      Jann….I would LOVE to have you over! I love having guests who notice the little things and I love going places and ooing and ahhing over little things. I know not everyone is into the details…but for those of us who are….it’s the best compliment ever.
      Hope your weekend is Extraordinary!!

  11. Trish says

    Very nice Fall Tablescape. I love simplicity.

  12. Susan says

    Lovely and inviting.

  13. Fabby says

    Very pretty tablescape! I specially love your crocheted tablecloth, it’s lovely!
    Have a nice week.

  14. Kathy says

    Your tablescape is lovely! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


  1. […] It’s the Little Things :: Fall Table for Two | An Extraordinary Day – The little things create an intimate table setting for two, a time for two friends to share, remember, and create new memories. […]

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