Inspiration to set a pretty but simple moss green St. Patrick’s Day table and thoughts on why I enjoy celebrating this Irish holiday.

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Do you love to rearrange your furniture with the seasons or on a whim? I have many friends who do that, but that’s not my style. I work hard to find a permanent furniture placement and instead of changing up my room arrangements I change up my decor with the seasons. If you’ve been hanging around here for any time, I’m sure you’ve noticed my love for seasonal home decor… especially on the table.
One of my favorite spots to change up is my console table and dining table. That little area is the heart of our small home. When it comes to decorating an apartment or small home there just aren’t many horizontal surfaces for creating vignettes or adding seasonal decor, so I’ve discovered that my dining area is prime for celebrating the change of seasons and holidays.
After Christmas, Valentine’s Day is a welcome holiday and an excuse to infuse a little color into my winter decor. But once the Valentine flowers fade away, we are faced with the reality of another month or two of winter outside and a need to make our homes feel fresh and inviting on the inside.
As March moves in I usually discover I’m craving green, especially green plants. Looking out my windows and seeing bare gray leafless sticks reaching up to the gray sky makes anything green a welcome sight for me. And knowing St. Patrick’s Day is on the horizon, gives me permission to bring on the green and transition my decor gradually toward springtime and Easter.
Since I don’t have a drop of Irish blood in me, it’s probably a surprise that I even bother with St. Patrick’s Day. For me, it’s not so much that I’m celebrating the color green or Ireland or leprechauns or luck. What I love about St. Patrick’s Day is that it’s about a man who saw the Irish people’s need to know Jesus and decided to put personal comfort aside and introduce them to Jesus. How many holidays are there that celebrate a mission and a missionary?
Even though folklore has become a big part of St. Patrick’s Day over the years as has the merriment of lifting the mug, I choose to enjoy decorating with green and shamrocks while remembering this humble man’s relationship with Jesus that went from his heart to bringing love and grace and hope to a whole country. It really is amazing.
Let’s talk about how this tablescape came to life.
Of course… it all started with green.
Several years ago I acquired some dark mossy green luncheon plates from Pier 1 for a song. At different times of the year, we use them on a daily basis. I’m a huge fan of luncheon plates because they are a tremendous help with portion control. It’s so easy to fill up a plate and if I keep my plate smaller then it’s so much better for my waistline. But, I digress…
Because I wanted my table to have a lighter brighter feel I decided to pair the mossy green luncheon plates with white squarish dinner plates I picked up last spring at the Dollar Tree. The vintage green goblets were a fun discovery last fall at my local Goodwill store for just eighty cents a piece. These three pieces were the core pieces to creating my tablescape.
What to do next? I tried out a green placemat that was close in color and tone to the luncheon plate… but it gave the table a heavy feeling. A few weeks ago, I picked up some pretty spring green placemats at Dollar Tree… but those were TOO springy feeling. I could have used my cream and white tablecloth which I love, but then I had another idea.
In all my years of creating tablescapes, I have never had a table runner. Usually, it was because my table was too long or too short or something was off. This time I decided that I would try to find some fabric and make it work, so off to Hobby Lobby I went, gift card in hand. Not two minutes into strolling through the fabric department I spied this beautiful white fabric with a green pattern. The pattern is reminiscent of vines and shamrocks. Not that you can actually SEE any shamrocks, it just gives the impression. At least to me.
I had planned on sewing a table runner, but once I got the fabric folded to see how I liked it, I just went with it as is. Generally, that’s not the way I roll, but I’m learning, ever so slowly, to let go of perfectionism. That makes this a big win for me. Actually a double win. Because once St. Patrick’s Day is over and should I choose to put away my faux table runner, I will have a nice piece of fabric to make into something fun.
My table was coming together beautifully.
Except for the centerpiece.
I found a pretty fern at Walmart for $3.74 and a lovely ceramic urn at the thrift store for $2.50… but in the end, it looked so good on my end table that I decided to keep it there and go another route for the centerpiece. After my chiropractic appointment one morning, I had this little impression that I should go to a small garden center slash floral shop in town. As I was browsing the tiny greenhouse I found some trailing Irish moss. At just $3.50 a pot, it had to come home with me. As I was paying for my greenery the designer told me that the moss had just come in. That’s why we listen to those little nudges when we get them. It was meant for me.
Once home, I placed the moss, still in their containers, into a larger urn. They fit fine but felt too tall on the table. Maybe the proportion just wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger on it. So in my usual style, the thinking commenced. A few hours, just minutes before closing time, I walked into our local thrift shop and noticed under a big table a large array of baskets. And then I spied it… a lattice weave bun basket painted white. If you don’t study it, you immediately think that it’s a ceramic basket. With my fifty-five cent purchase in hand, I walked out the door certain that I had the buy of the day.
My three pots of trailing Irish moss nestled perfectly into their new home… a basket of mossy perfection. Except. Something was missing. Did I need flowers? A little height? What would complete the centerpiece? And then I remembered. Last February I picked up a couple crosses at Hobby Lobby discounted 90% off. This smaller one didn’t cost a dollar. At that time I had no idea how I’d use it… but I knew it was destined for something special. Can you believe that I was able to perch the cross on the edges of the moss pots where they came together in the very center of the basket! It was just what was needed to not only complete the look… but to give the real meaning to our St. Patrick’s Day table setting. And it even has that old world European look.
After adding my Walmart flatware to each place setting there was one more thing to do… add a sweet bit of whimsy to each plate.
At the same thrift shop where I picked up the white basket, I had on another occasion scooped up four small footed dessert bowls at just fifty cents each. They are really too tiny for ice cream… maybe they were made for limoncello? I think they make fabulous mint candy cups. When I was a little girl, mint cups or nut cups were very popular on the table for parties. I couldn’t resist filling each cup with M&M mints in pretty shades of green. What’s better than having your personal dish of after dinner mints?
You can very easily set a similar table for St. Patrick’s Day. If you don’t have green plates, pick up some fun green or St. Patrick’s Day paper plates. My tablescapes are pretty simple aside from the centerpiece. Because that’s prime decorating real estate for me, I love having a seasonal centerpiece of some kind on my table. If you want to be more fun and whimsical… go for it… Lucky Charms
and all!!!
The decorating didn’t end at the table this time. I couldn’t resist giving my plain grapevine wreath and giving and dressing it up with sparkly shamrocks. Tomorrow I’ll be back with the super easy and CHEAP tutorial. Since I already had the grapevine wreath for the base this really was just a $2.00 project!!!
Now it’s time to sit down to eat.
Except don’t expect anything Irish. Our fare this week has been roasted chicken, balsamic meatloaf, and lemony salmon and other than the potatoes that I prepared to go with our dinners, I really have no idea what a good Irish dinner is. Hmmm…. maybe I need to do a little recipe research. Or… better yet… I’d LOVE to hear your suggestions.
Put a little green on your table and celebrate the selfless life of one man whose heart for Jesus turned a whole nation to God.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Thanks so much for popping by today!
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Discover MORE St. Patrick’s Day Inspiration HERE!
Decorating the Mantel for St. Patrick’s Day with Book Pages
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with Irish Cocoa and a Chat
Easy to Make St. Patrick’s Day Basket
Fun and Fabulous Ideas to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
Add a Pinch of Green to Your Home Decor for St. Patrick’s Day for Pennies
Sharing at Between Naps on the Porch
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ( just a tish early)
I am green ?with envy over the table runner and water glasses.
This holiday is a funny one in my house full of Irishmen.
No one and I mean no one likes corned beef and cabbage. Ick!
Anyway as we have come to expect beautiful ideas from this wonderful little place, you as always have done it again!
Blessings to you, and don’t get pinched
Awww… you are so sweet, Minnie!!! Isn’t it fun how such simple and inexpensive items can make such a big splash?! And I’m so blessed that you’re enjoying it with me… even if it is long distance. 🙂 Thanks, friend!!
Diane, I love LOVE this table! All that fabulous green for St. Patrick’s day or just about any other day! That basket, what a steal!
You just made my day, Cristina!! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your sweet words. I have to say that all this green has been refreshing to my spirit. After a long winter, I had no idea how “hungry” I was for green. 😉
Thanks again! xo
I thought that basket was ceramic!! Perfect for the moss. I thought about the three circles joined. A neat symbol of the shamrock and the Trinity! I would love to find Irish moss for a friend who is part Irish. I bought her a shamrock plant one year. Mine died within weeks. Twenty years later hers is massive!! What will she do with the Irish moss?!! Your table is so inviting. I hope you have several dinner parties planned!! Or at least small supper or luncheons.
Gwen, Tim said the same thing about the basket!! And I didn’t mention that about the Trinity, but I thought the very same thing!
Oh, I do hope you can find some Irish moss for your friend. Ask at some of the floral shops in your area, I just bet you might find some. Twenty years is a really long time to keep one plant going. WOW! That is special!!
What a wonderful table setting! Thank you Diane for pointing out how we (with no Irish blood – well, not that we know of, anyway) can celebrate the holiday with thanksgiving for a missionary – how has that thought never occurred to me before??
Recipes to look up might be Colcannon or potato (and leek) soup with soda bread, Irish stew (lamb), potato griddle cakes – enjoy!
Blessings from the UK x
After reading your thoughtful words, Debbie, I was reminded of the popular verse, Romans 8:28. I guess this is just another way that God works all things together for our good and HIS glory. Surely HE deserves glory upon glory for all that was accomplished by Patrick. Isn’t it fun to be able to look at the holiday in a new and fresh way?
Thanks for popping over to the blog my friend! I think I’ll have to find a recipe for the potato and leek soup. That sounds really good!!
Big hugs!!
I completely agree!
Happy St Patrick’s Day, Diane!
I hope you have a blessed day and get time to make leek and potato soup – enjoy.
With love,
What a lovely post! Such a refreshing look at a holiday that has morphed into shenanigans and drinking too much. Thank you for the redirection to the positive reason for this remembering and for the darling ideas for your tablescape. You inspire me to look at what I have that I can use and make something wonderful!
Thank you, Susan! I’m so blessed that you like the tablescape and have a new way to look at St. Patrick’s Day. Once I started to look at it from that perspective it made all the difference. Hope you find some wonderful surprises in your cupboard, drawers, and closets just waiting for you to set the prettiest of tables.
All the best for a blessed new week!! xo
I agree at this time of year color is so welcome and green certainly makes a great impact! I like how you took the time to incorporate the religious aspect of St. Patric’s Day. Great dishes, table runner and accents! As far as I know there is no Irish in me either but I do enjoy pretending I am for the day!
Awww… thanks so much, Liz!!
It is fun being Irish for a day, isn’t it!
Happy St. Patty’s Day!
Your tablescape is so, so pretty! I adore the centerpiece and the fabric runner.
Hi, I like how you said you try to keep your overall décor simple so that you can just add a few touches for each season. I definitely aspire to that, but sometimes it’s not so easy. I’m really digging all the moss, it makes me feel hope that spring is coming and that the earth will soon be covered in green again. You’re dining room is so cute too, reminds me a lot of mine with the round farmhouse dining table. I have this chandelier though: ,
But I think all the decorative items would still look great in my space. I also really like the idea of incorporating a barn door or something like you have on the one wall; I need more places for wreaths, LOL. Very fun, great job!
Thank you for all your kind words, Amy! Like you, I’m hungry to see the earth covered in green again.
I always love a round dining table and farmhouse style is always so inviting. Your chandelier is fabulous! LOVE it! I bet your space is wonderful. Have fun dreaming and scheming and making your room warm, beautiful, and inviting.
All the best for an extraordinary day!!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing at our To Grandma’s House We Go DIY, Crafts, Recipes and More Wednesday Link Party! Hope to see you again this week!
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas! This table is beautiful! I’ve always admired St Patrick’s heart for sharing Jesus. It’s encouraging to see a table decorated to remind us of his mission. One man brought our Savior to a whole country! I love coming to your site for inspiration and ideas. Happy Spring!
Awww… thanks, Kate!! It brought much joy to my heart to create this table filled with meaning and I’m so blessed that you enjoyed it, too. It really is amazing to think that St. Patrick could forgive and put the past aside to bring the love of Jesus to a place where he had been wronged. And I’m so glad that even now with so much “cancel” in culture, he is still celebrated. Thanks for popping by to leave your warm words of encouragement. Have a blessed and most extraordinary day!
I just love this post! So far it’s the only St.Patricks day decor with an emphasis on St. Patrick himself, the Apostle to Ireland. As soon as I read that, I knew this writer was a soul sister and fellow believer. Her emphasis on simplicity and thrift without compromising her quest for beauty affirmed that. Thanks for the lovely read and ideas.
I just love this post! PG SLOT.