There’s an old saying, “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.”
Though we could discuss that proverb and the pros and cons of risk-taking, when it comes to thrifting and DIYing, that’s really true. When you find something you think you can work with, even if you have no idea how you’ll DIY it… get it. Who knows if you’ll find another one later.
One day I hit the local Goodwill shop and found a few items for a change. I have a blogging friend who comes home with all kinds of fabulous finds for next to nothing from her Goodwill store in the Windy City. Here in my small coastal town, three hours north, the local GW marks UP dollar store donations, so there are never great deals, ever, on anything. That being said, I have found some interesting things to work with and priced better than new (except for the dollar store items!). This wire bird tea light holder is a good example.
I had been wanting a bird to add to my vignettes for the spring and summer months, so when I spied this interesting specimen, I snatched it up at $1.99.
At the time, I had moss on the brain. Seriously, I wanted to mossify (Yes, I just made up a word, it’s what I do!) everything. The only thing holding me back was time. That was probably a good thing, huh? Who knows… I might have ended up with a mossy table lamp. Just kidding.
I started out by making mossy shamrocks for a St. Patrick’s Day vignette. From there I moved on the mossifying Easter eggs and created a great tutorial on how to make the mossy eggs I used for my Easter vignette and Easter tablescape.
The process is very similar to making mossy shamrocks, but I didn’t want fluffy moss eggs, so I snipped my moss into tiny pieces so that it would coat the eggs more tightly and give them a thin mossy veneer which was perfect.
When I started to mossify the wire bird I started out using moss as it comes from the bag, as I did for the shamrocks. But, my bird was lacking definition. I wanted a mossy bird, not a blob of moss that if you squinted your eyes tight and used your super powers of imagination, it might look like a bird.
It was a little bit trickier to make moss stick to wire than to a papier-mache egg since the egg had a solid surface. However, the process is same. I just needed a bit more moss and a few more applications to fully cover the wire bird.

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How to Make a Moss Bird
- Bird – ceramic, metal, wire, whatever you find
- Tacky Glue
- Scissors
- 1/2″ or larger flat artist’s paintbrush
- florist moss
Cover your work surface to protect it with a plastic or kraft paper.
Remove a “chunk” of moss from the bag, pulling it apart to loosen it.
With your scissors, cut up a section of moss into 1/4″ – 1/3″ sized pieces.
Squirt some glue onto a small paper plate and with your paintbrush, coat a small section of your bird with the glue.
Press the cut moss into the glued area.
Repeat cutting moss, gluing, and pressing moss onto the bird until the entire bird is covered.
Fill in any areas with glue and moss that are sparse.
Allow your moss bird to dry thoroughly.
Display your new moss bird proudly.
If you wish, you could use ModPodge instead of tacky glue. This project is a little bit messy, so you will want to cover your surface well with paper or plastic for easy cleanup. AND plan that your fingers will get coated with glue and moss. But, it is so worth it. Your bird may drop occasional bits of moss. If that bothers you, you could spray it with a fixative. ALSO… I am sorry that I forgot to photograph the process of applying moss to my wire bird tea holder, I get a little carried away sometimes.
If you have a ceramic bird on hand, or find a bird shape you like while out garage sale-ing or thrifting, try your hand at turning it into a lovely mossy bird for your decor. I love that green as it truly gives life to a vignette.
Don’t stop with a bird. I’m sure there are other things that you’d like to update for your decor and a thin mossy exterior coating would be perfect. Have fun being creative!
What are you going to transform with a little moss and glue?
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More Mossy Projects
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I like that bird!!! I think I know why there are no photos for the process! Sticky glued fingers covered in moss!!!
Oh yeah!!! I’m sure that’s it! Silly me for not remembering that. LOL
I’m so glad you like my birdie, too! He’s so much cuter and who would guess he was a tea light holder?!!
Have a blessed day Gwen!!