Thirty-One Days.

It went by in a flash.  Some days.

Other days, every tap on the keyboard was work.

But, in the end…it was so worth it.

31 Extraordinary Days to Be…

The main point of this series was to write for 31 days straight.  Faithfully.

The other aspect was for me to write something meaningful and somehow meld something near and dear to my heart with what we usually do here on the blog.  It wasn’t seamless.  It was meaningful.

Each day I read comments that touched my heart.  I could/can hardly believe that what I tapped in touched your heart.  Yet…your words told me volumes.  Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts.  Even more, I am humbled that God used the blog in whatever way he chose to speak to several of you.



Just BE :: The Week at a Glance 11-2 ::


I really wanted everyone to grasp this concept that our value doesn’t come from doing but from being.

That you can quit all the doing and just be…

After all my “talk” a comment was left on the final post by a dear reader.  This is what she said…it says it all.

“a while back i went to a funeral of an old friend that i had lost touch with when we moved. the weird thing was that she had a mental disease and MS from her early 20’s until her death in her late 50’s. she and her husband raised three great boys but the lion’s share of daily living was on him and her input was minimal due to two major diseases. her girlfriends frequently helped out with meals, cleaning, kids, that sort of thing. but at her funeral her husband at one point just collapsed into our arms sobbing and saying, “what will i do without her? she did EVERYTHING.” astonished, i rode home in silence until i realized it really is NOT about what you do, it is only about who you be.”

That’s it my friends.


I printed out the printable I created for you and framed it.  You might want to do the same.

Keep it somewhere you can look at it often.

Consider choosing to just be one of those traits for a day or a week.


And remember….to just BE!


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Catch up on all that’s Extraordinary…

this week at An Extraordinary Day:


Just Be... :: The Week at a Glance 11-2 ::


Here’s a rundown of  this week’s posts…


Humbled and blessed. What a lovely blessing to have been featured at these lovely link parties:

Rooted in Thyme    ~    Living Well Spending Less

Please be sure to pop over to these extraordinary spots!!

On a Personal Note.

I am so grateful to all of you who have faithfully read the #31Days series.  A big welcome to those of you who are new to the blog and subscribed for the series…I am blessed and I hope you are too.  For those of you have come on the scene during the series I want you to ask you to stick with me.  This is a lifestyle blog, so just like a lifestyle magazine, the posts will vary and I won’t be “on subject” as I was for the series.  However….my plan is to continue to inspire you to fully living a beautiful life.

For those of you praying….thank you  and please keep it up.  The prayer of a godly person is powerful. It makes things happen. from James 5:16  We are waiting to hear about a next step.  It’s been ten months today since our adventure began.  It’s been challenging, to say the least.  Yet I can say without reservation…God has been faithful.


Wishing you an Extraordinary weekend!


I’d be delighted if you’d share the goodness here with your friends.
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Sharing with these Extraordinary spots:


  1. Gwen says

    It seems like your journey has been soo long. I pray too. The Lord provides and leads us….even providing sweet manna in the desert. I am going to have my hubby (who got home today!) print the ABC’s. I missed reading the part that it was a printable!! Thank you for prayers And Lord guide this couple to a position just right for them. Soon please Lord? We have been encouraged by Diane during her wilderness journey –and she continues to praise You.amen

    • Diane says

      Gwen….your words and prayer encouraged and blessed me. Thank you so much!! 🙂
      I do hope that your husband is feeling rested and rejuvenated and enjoyed his vacation.
      May your day be filled with Jesus’ JOY!! [hugs]

  2. Love the ABC’s of being. I am going to print it and frame it soon!

    • Diane says

      It’s funny how something like this can be a good remind to choose our outlook. Hope your Sunday is truly blessed!

  3. Mia says

    Dear Dianne
    Oh, I am also so dependent on my husband for I suffer from Fm/ME and he looks after me with so much love. I haven’t read your 31 days, but I am bookmarking it to read at my leisure. Yes, dear friend , when we are addicted to “doing”, we often never learn what it means to live!
    Blessings XX

    • Diane says

      You are so blessed Mia to have such a loving husband. I’m sorry you suffer from Fm/ME…. 🙁
      Let us both LIVE in HIS power and victory!


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