Raise your hand if you enjoy fall nesting.
Do you transition your fall decor from September through Thanksgiving?
Last year I had fun playing with my then, new-to-me sideboard.
I thought it would be fun to take a look back to see the process I went through.
This photo is the last iteration before Christmas.
Please pop over to the post and see where it all started, and the changes that led to this.
While you’re at it….please let me know which version you like best.
Where are you in the fall nesting process these days? With Halloween behind us and Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner…what is your timetable and what are your plans. Yes…we’re all dying to know. [wink]
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Catch up on all that’s Extraordinary…
this week at An Extraordinary Day:
Here’s a rundown of this week’s posts…
- Just Be… The Week at a Glance 11/02
- Be Obedient :: Joy Day!
- How to Make Pine Cones Pop :: Dry and Debug Pine Cones
- The Case of Ruffled Feathers :: Bluebirds
- Thankful Thursday :: Be Thankful
It was another Extraordinary Week on the blog!
We wrapped the week with a quote from a reader that spoke volumes to our understanding the importance of “being” over “doing.” Not only did we count our blessings for Joy Day! we talked about the joy we receive for leading an obedient life. You know how you’re working on a crafting project and something happens and you have to “Plan B” the project? That’s what brought me to writing the post about drying and debugging pine cones. What was most interesting to me was that I almost didn’t write the post. I’m so glad I did as numerous people were helped by the suggestions. For most of my life, I’ve only gotten glimpses of Bluebirds. But, on this day, I got to take their pictures. It was more than fun. I think you’ll love their antics. Again, I was surprised by the response to the post. And because I’ve been feeling grateful for the littlest of things lately, I decided that between now and Thanksgiving, I would have Thankful Thursday. I shared a fun idea there for jump starting your gratitude heart. There’s lots of extraordinary goodness on the blog. I do hope you’ll pop over to any of the days you missed.
Humbled and blessed.
What a lovely blessing to have been featured at these lovely link parties:
Imparting Grace ~ Living Well Spending Less ~ Cupcakes & Crinoline
The Golden Sycamore ~ Design, Dining & Diapers
Please be sure to pop over to these extraordinary spots!!
On a Personal Note
I know I’ve talked about this in the past, but I really haven’t been very successful at monetizing the blog. If you have some suggestions, please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas. Many bloggers offer advertising for a set price per month to companies, bloggers, shop owners, etc. If you would like to advertise here, please let me know. I need to start somewhere, and it would be wonderful if I could begin with a few An Extraordinary Day readers.
For those of you who pray…there has been no response, again, from the interview a few weeks ago. We are considering going a different direction and your prayers for guidance and wisdom would mean so much.
I can’t believe that cold weather is now upon us. Though I packed winter coats and boots, I really didn’t think we would need them. I seriously thought this time of “inbetween” would have been over by now. Waiting on the Lord requires faithfulness on our behalf. It isn’t easy, but I do know that God’s timing is perfect.
Any one who knows me well knows I’m not a dog lover. To clarify, I’m not a dog hater either. It’s just that my earliest experiences with dogs included Cocoa that barked at me, and snapped at me as I walked to school, and Nipper, who lived up to his name. There’s this little dog named Bear who has made it his life’s work to make me like him. And you know…he’s doing a great job. Today I threw the ball for him to chase, catch, and bring back to me. We do this almost every day. But, today I decided to run away from him as he was bringing the ball back. I totally cracked up thinking of what it must have looked like to observers as I ran around the trees with a tiny black dog, ball in mouth, chasing me. I guess he’s pretty serious about playing ball, since he’s willing to chase me just for the chance that I’ll pick up his ball again and throw it for him to chase and catch.
So tell me…what good things have made your week?
Do you have a pet that loves to play?
Wishing you an Extraordinary weekend!
I’d be delighted if you’d share the extraordinary goodness with your friends
by clicking any of the sharing buttons at the bottom.
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Sharing with these Extraordinary Spots:
DIY Showoff + Dwellings + Frugal Foodie Mama + Boogieboard Cottage + Uncommon Designs + Rae Gun Ramblings + by Stephanie Lynn + Between Naps on the Porch + Cedar Hill Farmhouse + A Stroll Through Life + Cozy Little House + The Dedicated House + Our Home Away from Home + Cupcakes & Crinoline + My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia + Kathe with an E + Home Stories A to Z + The Gunny Sack + Elizabeth & Co. + The DIY Dreamer + Oh My Creative + Clean & Scentsible + Savvy Southern Style
I actually liked them all! It was like the season…gradual changes, subtle, pretty each time, and so therefore it went a bit of summer on in to full autumn in the last photo! Amazing how you captured that transition in these four photos!! How can I say, oh orange honeysuckle bush outside my window…I’m not ready for you to be gone…I’m still enjoying your food for the hummingbirds and yellow finches outside my window? And right as I voiced this aloud, my entire honeysuckle bush/vine shivered!!! I’ve never seen this ever!!! It was like God was telling me, Oh Gwen! We must not get stuck in one spot, one view! The hummingbirds are on their journey south. This bush must go dormant! And I giggled for once more I saw the shiver of these tiny leaves, the finch buried deep inside shaking things up after that shiver, and three hummingbirds drinking from top trumpets of orange, unconcerned by the finch’s movements nor the earlier shivering of its food supply. And so I’d say you captured Autumn just right in your gift of photography!!!
Gwen, what a delightful thing to have hummingbirds and honeysuckle still…even if for a few more days. 😉 I love your word picture of the vine shivering. 😉 It’s true…we do prefer things to remain constant and beautiful.
Thanks for your kind words and for enjoying my little bit of Autumn fun on the sideboard.
First of all, true to my nature, I liked them all. LOL. But since I’m into simple and minimal under present circumstances, the one with just two pine cones and no frills would be my pick if forced. 😉
I wish I had knowledge of how to make this wonderful place, monetarily effective. I hope there’s someone with that experience/knowledge that can share with you.
Yes, the cold has found us, too. Frosted mornings are becoming the norm, thought the sunshine has made it disappear in quick order. And I had to chuckle at the thought of this wee thing with a red ball chasing you. When the critters decide, good luck in changing their minds. And it seems the more I don’t want their attention or affection–the harder they persevere. LOL. Silly critters. Enjoy the pup, they CAN be sorta kinda fun. 😉
You know….I’ve been enjoying less frills, too. It’s a good thing no matter the circumstances. Yes?
Thanks…I discovered an e-book and my fingers are crossed for some good advice to emerge.
Haha….you are so right. The furry ones seem to know and “persevere.” 🙂
Hope your weekend was filled with many wonderful memories in the making!