WHY do I celebrate Earth Day?


Round orb in nature for Earth Day - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Immediately upon rolling out of bed I take a step the to the window and pull hard on the cord that raises the blinds shielding my eyes and bedroom from the morning light.

Today as I peered through the panes of my second story window, the blue sky was pale behind the gray sticks reaching upwards to the heavens.  Those dull branches and twigs looked lifeless, yet invisibly life might be found coursing through the pulp in that forest of trees.  In a matter of a few weeks, buds will be bursting with glimmers of green and our sleeping world will look alive again.


New leaf grown on a beech tree in celebration of Earth Day - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


It’s Earth Day!  A day many dismiss as just another day.  A day some celebrate.

In light of the day, I could easily discuss the benefits of composting and recycling or walking the byways to pick up trash mixed in with the leaves and debris of winter, all valuable, and often a part of most Earth Day events.


New pine growth emerging in spring - celebrating Earth Day - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


We are called to steward this place where we live.

As a gardener and opposer of factory farming and the likes of Monsanto, I could easily get caught up in discussions of good and bad government regulation and the ramifications of our actions and the price we are paying for our current agricultural state which is destroying our health.

Instead, on Earth Day, I want to celebrate THE CREATOR of planet earth.


Red Trillium in the forest on Earth Day - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


There isn’t anything wrong with celebrating the earth except sometimes we find ourselves in this place where we end up worshiping the earth and making it an idol and not using its resources which were given to us to use.  In some ways that “position” reminds me of the man given a bag of gold to invest, but buried it instead.

That is a dangerous position.  God designed the world for people to use, to live on, providing all the physical resources we need to sustain life. The land or animals or water, etc., were not made for our worship, but for our use, (not abuse, but I won’t go down that road here and now).

It makes me realize that we need a foundation upon which to form our thoughts and actions.


Green beetle and scripture words - The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. - AnExtraordinaryDay.netThe earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to him.
For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.
Psalm 24:1-2

The earth is God’s.  He created and built it.

There’s something really freeing about understanding that all we know here on this giant orb among the galaxies is God’s.  

That knowledge positions me.

It helps me to be grateful for this incredible gift of life and this amazing place that’s earth.

It also helps me to realize that the care and stewardship of this place and the people do not rest fully on you or me.

God is not a hands-off creator.  He makes the oceans and forests regenerate.  He gives us the wisdom we need to make right choices for ourselves and our neighbor.

The problems we have in our world are usually because of our selfishness or indifference.  If we would love our neighbor like ourselves then we would be better stewards of our planet and all our lives would be better.


New growth in the marsh for Earth Day - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Today is a day for gratitude.

A day to focus on all the good things God has provided for us and what wonderful lives we live because of his provision… and rejoice.

If you could only choose two things about planet Earth that you are most in awe of… what would they be?

It’s hard to narrow things down to just two, but I’m fascinated with emerging new life (Spring is my favorite time of the year.) and the brilliance of a different sunset at each day’s end.

What are yours?


Marsh Marigolds - JoyDay! on Earth Day - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


It’s Joy Day!


Want more joy?

Join in counting the gifts and blessings from the past week. 

Count the good and the not-so-good.  Because we’re told: “In everything give thanks.”

Count just ‘seven.’

I’ll start!

I’m thankful…

  1. for the end of winter and the beginning of spring. FINALLY!!
  2. we live in this extraordinary world filled with countless wonders.
  3. to be given extra and unexpected work even though it was hard on my body.
  4. for a wonderful trip to the greenhouse with my friend and all my finds.
  5. Lord, that You are giving me help and direction for renewed health.
  6. for a thought-provoking message today that challenges me in how I live.
  7. that Your love Lord never ends and that you are with me always.
  8. for a new week of adventure and learning and hope.

Now it’s your turn!

Scroll down to “Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts” below and tap in your ‘seven.’  When you take time to give thanks, something happens and your joy-meter will soar.  I dare you to try it!!

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow for some practical spring Earth Day inspiration from the gardening side of me.  

Thank you for stopping by and taking time to leave your sweet thoughts.


May your week overflow with unimaginable Joy! Signature - AnExtraordinaryDay.netReceive FREE inspiration like this in your inbox!
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More Earth Day Photos

This is My Father’s World :: Celebrating Earth Day!

One Earth Day Discovery Broke My Heart


  1. Minnie says

    Happy Joy Day and Earth Day my friend!
    Two things that I am in awe of…hmmm…
    1. Birth. New life. Not just people, but all life. People, animals, plants and yes seasons. New, fresh, Beautiful.
    2. Had to think about number 2 a minute but I think maybe, Water. It can bring life or death. It has the power to cut rock or the genial touch of mist. And I love the way moving water sounds so much I have 2 fountains in my back yard.
    Lord this week I am thankful for,
    1. Two weeks ago on Thursday my dad came home from nursing/rehabilitation hospital. This Thursday his beloved little dog passed away. I am so thankful that this sad passing did not happen before he came home. That would have been so much harder on him.
    2. Youngest son took his girlfriend (separate hotel rooms of course) to Hawaii. He is proposing ?!
    3. Two of my boys have a birthday this week. 7 years and 2 days apart.
    4. My continued strength, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    5. Finally warming up.
    6. The calming effects of a comfy rocking chair and a sweet cup of tea.
    7. The fact that my blessings are so many it’s makes putting only 7 down is hard!
    Hoping you have a wonderful week filled with beauty and joy
    Blessings to you!

    • I love how you see and celebrate creation and life, Minnie! Water!! Yes!!! I LOVE that!
      Oh, Minnie, your poor dad, being without his beloved pup must be so hard, but I’m so glad it was after he was home and that he is finally home.
      I cannot imagine your excitement at the upcoming proposal! WOW!! How fun!
      May your new week overflow with love and JOY!!!! <3

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