Learn how to make a small space amazing with a beautiful spring container garden.


Earth Day sponsored post with Wayfair - Spring Container Garden - AnExtraordinaryDay.net

Close up of planting of muscari at the golden hour - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Spring is my absolute favorite time of the year!  And my very favorite thing to do is to stroll through the garden or hike through the woods looking for new growth pushing out of the ground.  The air is rife with anticipation and the earth is filled with so much newness that my heart bursts with joy!

With that in mind, you’re in for a treat! Today I’m going to share all my tips for getting a head start on the gardening season by creating a fabulous small space container garden! 


English Daisy, Primrose, Daffodils in a Spring Container Garden - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Saturday was the day that our small town celebrated Earth Day.  And it was the first REAL spring day we have had since early February when we got a brief reprieve from our usual deep freeze.  It appeared that every single person in town was out and about.  Downtown I could barely find a parking spot.

That afternoon after it warmed up, I celebrated spring and Earth Day by pulling my spring container garden out onto my tiny balcony for some fresh air and snapping a few photos of it to share with you.


Apartment balcony breathes spring with this beautiful container of spring flowers - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Before moving from state to state, I would wear my Master Gardener hat and give container gardening demonstrations on Earth Day and share general gardening tips for being good stewards of the earth.  It was especially fun to see the little ones excited to get their fingers in the dirt and be inspired to grow something in their yards.

When I lived in New York, I always had a giant pot by my front door for all the seasons.  Filling it with early spring plants was the best.  They were often a mixture of what I had in my yard that would bloom soon if not already, like the primrose that pushed through February’s snow to show off, or other early blooming perennials, bulb plants, or violas I picked up from the greenhouse that I could replant in my garden when it was time to transition my containers for summer.


Close up of artemisia and primrose - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Here in West Michigan we just experienced the winter that stayed winter while the calendar said spring, with never-ending snow and freezing temperatures.  It was a little challenging to put together an early spring container in these conditions, especially since we started the week out with heavy slushy snow and my balcony was covered with several inches of it.  Fortunately, one of the stores in town was bravely selling small individual pots of spring bulbs that had been forced but were not yet blooming.  I picked up some miniature daffodils and grape hyacinths which I tucked in front of my sliding glass door with hopes of some sunshine.  And then, between snowflakes, my friend and I visited a greenhouse where I found all these beautiful plants to fill my huge container provided by Wayfair.


Cart of flowers for my container garden at the greenhouse - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


After my trip to the greenhouse, I purchased a bag of organic potting mix.  That evening, I covered my floor in front of the slider with a plastic sheet and got to work designing and planting my new spring container garden. I am crazy about my new all-season Santorini Resin Pot Planter made by Garden by Artech. Low round bowl containers that look like they’re made of stone are always my favorite and this one really looks like it’s cut from dark stone. Isn’t it lovely?


Weatherproof polyresin planter looks like stone - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


My balcony is small… really small.

It’s imperative that I use larger substantial looking containers so my space doesn’t look cluttered.  Plus, larger containers are easier to keep moist so the plants don’t dry out and they give me the feeling of having a real garden outside my sliding door.  I cannot tell you how delightful it is to sit in my living room or at my dining table and look out on my small space and admire a beautiful container garden.


View of my huge spring container garden through the slider on my tiny balcony - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


If you’re a container growing wannabe, you’ll be inspired by these 9 first steps to creating an extraordinary container and this detailed window box planting tutorial is terrific for all interested container gardeners.

Let’s talk about my sweet spring garden…

What do you think of all the soft spring colors and textures? I think it SINGS spring! It’s jam-packed with color and beauty.  Just what my soul needed after the longest winter ever.


Earth Day Container Plant Selections - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Here is my plant list by color and number…


  • 1 – Primrose ~ Primula elatior ‘Crescendo Blue Shades’ (3)
  • 2 – Salvia nemorosa ‘East Friesland’ (2)
  • 3 – Grape Hyacinth ~ Muscari Blue (4)
  • 4 – Annual Viola ~ Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Spring Select Mix (3)


  • 5 – Woodworm ~ Artemisia hybrid ‘Powis Castle’ (2)
  • 6 – Lamb’s Ear ~ Stachys byzantia ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ (1)


  • 7 – Columbine ~ Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Celmentine Salmone Rose’ (1)
  • 8 – English Daisy ~ Bellis perennis ‘Pomponette Mix’ (3)


  • 9 – Yellow Daffodil (6)
  • 10 – Creeping Jenny (3)

I could have chosen red and orange flowers for my small space garden, but the pinks, purples, and blues with a splash of yellow are my favorite colors for spring and summer. And they are so relaxing to the eyes and spirit.


Pink English Daisies and Pink Columbine in a spring planting - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


In addition to choosing a color theme, the key to a beautiful large container garden is to vary the heights, and textures of the plants, just like you would for an in-the-ground garden.  When I planted the daffodils and muscari I had no idea how tall they would get.  I think they might be taller than if they were in the garden, but because they have been getting light through my north-facing windows and we had very little sunshine they’re a bit smaller.  That’s the beauty of gardening… there are always fun little surprises.


Large Spring Container Garden for a Small Space - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Notice that I didn’t put all the tall flowers in the center.  And though most are to one side, the pretty grape hyacinths kind of create a splash over on the side with their little extra height. It’s just visually more appealing this way.  It works well especially when your container will not be viewed from 360 degrees.


Muscari, creeping jenny and purple and white viola show off in this small spring garden - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


This view of my happy planter garden was taken during the golden hour when the evening sunshine was peeking through the slates on the balcony railings.  Isn’t the glow magical?


Spring container garden, small space outdoor decor - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Because this container will not be filled with all of these plants for months and months, I can squeeze the plants close together to get the full look I like.  I encourage you to do that too to give your instant garden the look of a long-standing full and flourishing garden.

What can you do with this container garden as spring fades into summer? 

Once the season is over and the warm weather comes this container will be perfect for planting an herb garden or a salad bowl garden.

I’m giving two green thumbs up to this stunning container! Besides its beautiful faux stone look, it’s made in the USA and that makes it definitely more earth-friendly.  It’s designed to resist frost and cracking so not only will it last a long time, but it’s a huge plus for being able to use ALL year-round outside. I love that this planter has double-wall construction which helps insulate the plant roots ensuring they won’t dry out too quickly.  AND it’s food safe because it’s BPA free!  Whenever I grow vegetables and herbs in containers I always make sure that I use organic soil and choose containers that won’t contaminate my eats.

Need Ideas for an Herb Garden?

The easiest way to plant an herb garden is to pick up small pots of herbs at your garden center.  Be sure to give them plenty of room to grow and expand as they can get fairly large.

Think about a themed herb garden.  You could choose a scented herb garden, an Italian herb garden, or a mint garden.

Just imagine a Salad with Greens YOU Grew!

Right now is a good time to pick up some salad bowl organic greens seeds so you’ll be prepared once the frost-free days come in mid-May.  Once you sow your seeds, you should be enjoying lovely salad greens around the 4th of July, if not earlier for the more tender greens.


Blue Salvia, Pink Columbine, Yellow Daffodils, Silver Artemisia in a Spring Container Garden - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


I’m so grateful to have been chosen as a Wayfair Homemaker this year.  You’ll want to watch for more posts featuring inspiring ways to make your home more beautiful with products from Wayfair.

Most of us have small spaces we want to bring to life, in and outside our homes, regardless of the size or location of our real estate.

Right now I’m living in a small upper apartment, but I’m learning to not let the smallness restrict my style.  Even though we’re living high among the treetops, I’m making a tangible connection to the earth as I carefully steward the resources I use for my joy and the benefit of planet Earth and her inhabitants.

Thanks for stopping by today!

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  1. Oh, Diane, your container garden is beautiful! I love how you put everything together and your photography is stunning. p.s. I LOVE that container….I thought it was a stone or concrete planter.

    • Diane says

      Thank you so much Mary Beth!!! I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to finally be able to enjoy spring flowers. Wish I wasn’t so busy so that I could just sit and look at my container. 😉 Okay… that might be a slight exageration! LOL

  2. Chas says

    Your pictures are incredible! Thanks for sharing on To Grandma’s House We Go!

  3. Hi Diane,

    Where did you get the Sunflower placemates? That is so cute! Love your ideas!

    • I got them last year at Hobby Lobby. Hope you can find them someplace, too!! And thanks for your kind words!! <3

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