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Last week my friend Melanie linked up a Christmas post to Project Inspire{d} that touched my heart. 

She talked about how much she had to do for Christmas, how her decor wasn’t really blog/magazine worthy, and then she shared this…

Plastic Nativity and the sweetest story

My old, plastic light-up nativity set may seem cheap to some,
but my kids absolutely love it. They spend time outside
carrying Baby Jesus around the yard, acting out
how they remember the Christmas story going down.


I don’t know about you.  But, having children “get” the Christmas story and act it out in their play is the best gift a parent could get for Christmas, other than having their child choose to make Jesus their forever friend.

Christmas is filled with imperfection. It’s in our imperfection that God reached down to show us that we were/are worthy of his perfect love.

Wherever you are on the Christmas spectrum… take a few moments to read Melanie’s post about what Christmas means to her.  I think you’ll be blessed.


To each of you who come and link up here each week… Thank YOU!!
May this Christmas be your most memorable, blessed, and JOYous Christmas ever!
Merry Christmas!!

It’s time for Project Inspire{d}!

I am so glad you’re here!

Project Inspired Link Party goes live every Monday night at 8 Eastern.


Project Inspired Monday Night Hostess Banner

 Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline ~ Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday
Stephanie Chan from The Silly Pearl ~ Diane from An Extraordinary Day


Just in case you missed all the extraordinary goodness from this past week…

This week at AnExtraordinaryDay 12-22

In the Quiet there is Fullness of Joy :: Joy Day!

How to Make a Fresh Evergreen Centerpiece for Christmas

Christmas Baking Vignette :: Creating Christmas Memories with Vignettes No. 7

Blinded by the Glare of the Sun?

7 Tips for Stress Free Holiday Entertaining :: $250 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

Plus…Project Inspire{d} Link Party Features:
7 Peppermint Treats :: Project Inspire{d} Great Ideas

Stop back every day this week for some extraordinary goodness.


Be sure to head over to see
what my co-hostesses have been doing…

Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline
Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday
Stephanie Chan from The Silly Pearl

Party Guidelines

Posting to our party means you are giving us the right to post your project and photos
and promote via social media. Links will be pinned to our Party Board throughout
the week and may be seen here: ♥Project Inspire{d} Party Pins♥
and my personal board Project Inspire{d} Great Ideas.

Blogging friends… thank you so much for taking the time to stop by,
link up your Great Ideas, link back, and leave your warm words.
Click here to learn what you can do to increase your SEO.

Non-blogging readers… this party is for you, too!! Click on the little thumbnail links
at the bottom of the post and enjoy a plethora of Great Ideas!

Please visit other blogs who have linked up, show some comment love, and
pin their great ideas from their sites. You just might make someone’s day.


You’ll make my day when you follow An Extraordinary Day at one or more of the following spots…

The Blog :: Facebook :: Pinterest :: Google + :: Twitter

We’d love for you to include the Project Inspire{d} button code, somewhere on your blog
or a link back to this post so others can join in on the inspiration.

Project Inspire{d} Hosted at AnExtraordinaryDay

Subscribe to An Extraordinary Day and don’t miss a single post or party!
If you enjoyed this post….please pass it on to your friends.
Click any of the sharing buttons at the bottom.


  1. TAMARA says


  2. Thanks for hosting and wishing you a blessed Christmas!

  3. Mila says

    Thanks for hosting! Have merry, blessed and beautiful Christmas 🙂

  4. Have a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for hosting!

  5. Hello cute lady! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party! Please come and join us at our party. It starts tonight at 7 pm. We would love to have you!
    Merry Christmas! Lou Lou Girls

  6. Jemma says

    Thank you for hosting and wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  7. Hi there Diane – I hope this season finds you filled with joy! Thank you for all you do to bring joy to others. Merry Christmas and blessings over the New Year!
    Big hugs to you dear lady,

  8. Happy 2015 Diane! I completely missed this, but it made me so happy to come back and read it. Thank you so much for sharing my post, and I’m so glad it touched you. It was so much fun watching my kids hang out with “our Jesus guys”. Sadly, it’s time for them to go back into the attic. So thankful the real Jesus stays with us all year around! Blessings to you and yours 🙂

    • Diane says

      I can only imagine how your heart swelled to watch your kids play “nativity.” Christmas seemed to come and go to quickly this year. Pretty soon we’ll be celebrating Easter. 🙂


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