Day 31
Wow! Thirty-one days straight. Sharing my heart and my photo art with you.
It’s been joyous and grueling. Through this time I’ve discovered that no post is quick for me. From start to finish, I find that it takes about four hours, minimum. That’s a big chunk of time. It’s worth it to me if you have been encouraged or inspired in some way. I’ve said before, this blog is not all about me. Just like my life is not either.
As I come to the end of this series, there is one thing I want to know. Is there a sweet fairy godmother somewhere sprinkling star dust or leaving lovingly wrapped gifts on the pillows of all the bloggers who completed their 31 days series? I think I need one. {grin}
Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary. I’m pretty sure that each blogger who embraced their 31 days and met the challenge to the happy end definitely is extraordinary. To do this a gal really does need to put that extra on the ordinary. I know that each day I gave my best.
Today I spent my day painting. Remember when I said that I strongly disliked the orangey woodwork in my great room? Yup…I’m painting it. And the sun room trim too. Do you have any idea how many coats of paint is required? Many more than one!!!!!
While I was dipping the brush and stroking the woodwork I was trying to figure out how to wrap up an extraordinary month with an extraordinary group of readers. I wanted to be clever and cute. Then I wanted to be meaningful and intentional. Should I conclude the series with a fun DIY project or a recipe? Maybe I should write something deep and inspirational? {shrugs shoulders} I guess the paint fumes were getting to me. Because I wasn’t able to come up with any of those things.
Maybe, it’s because in my heart of hearts, what I really wanted to do was to finish this series with a conversation with you. I wanted to hear your thoughts on the month. I wanted to bake blueberry scones for you and serve you a steaming cup of tea, cocoa, or coffee. I wanted to sit and listen to your heart. I guess that isn’t really possible.
How about Plan B?
I still want to listen. Would you answer two questions for me?
- What does being extraordinary mean to you?
- If I were to begin a new series (not for 31 days!!!) what would you like to see here?
And now that I’ve asked two questions…please feel free to ask me a question too! Or answer the question you think I should have asked. 😀 I read every. single. comment. And reply to each one as well.
Thank you for joining me on this 31 day adventure of living a beautiful life to the full.
The adventure doesn’t exactly end, though. After all, the name of this blog is An Extraordinary Day and I’m sure to be sharing lots more bits of extraordinaryness. (I hope that’s how it’s spelled! tee hee)
Happy Day!
This is the 31st post in a series, 31 Extraordinary Days.
Click here to see a list of all the posts, updated daily.
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Well done, Diane! I have enjoyed every post from An Extraordinary Day over the last 31 days. Thank you for sharing your heart and your talents. You are inspiring.
Cindy, you are so sweet and kind. Thank you! It means a lot to me to know that you have followed the entire time! Mwah!
I’m the newbie here–and I landed at the ending of the series. But I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge that the questions and writing presented me with.
Attitude is everything–this I know. And for the brief bit I’ve been present for (and yes, I’m nosy and went looking at some of the previous posts for the 31), the effort to present us with food for thought and inspiration to do and look at things differently–was well worth those four hours! (LOL….easy to say, given it wasn’t MY four hours, huh?!)
What does being extraordinary mean to you?
To me–it means that bit of extra effort/energy to bring to someone else’s life EVEN when there’s no immediate payoff or knowledge that it’s happening. The extraordinary DO IT ANYWAY.
If I were to begin a new series (not for 31 days!!!) what would you like to see here?
Oh, gosh……I already feel like I stumbled into a place that validates things that I believe in and try to live…..
It’s your time, your efforts–
I’ve no doubt that whatever you land on, it will be another experience worth showing up for.
Thank you for your efforts.
Sometimes we wonder if we’re writing to the air.
Rest assured you are not.
Awwwww Mel, you brought a great big smile to my face! Your kind and thoughtful responses blessed me more than you will ever know. I love your thoughts on being extraordinary. That just might be a good example of unconditional love. {hugs}
I really enjoyed reading your series and always enjoy your beautiful photos! I hope you have been treated to something extra special the past couple days–I found your posts inspiring many times as I read your series.
I’m so glad the series was a blessing to you Jean. Actually…I ended up my series painting oodles of trim with 3 – 4 coats of paint on a whim and then realizing after I was in the midst of the project that I had invited 4 couples for a party on Friday night. Hahaha!! Let’s just say I’m a glutton for fun (punishment?) {hugs}
Diane…what an accomplishment…and a lot of work! Your dedication to all of us readers amazes and humbles me! I’ve tried to fulfill 31 days of taking pictures for my scrapbooking hobby and didn’t even get that done, and how long does it take to just grab a camera and walk out on the back porch!! LOL Your daily entries made me smile, laugh, feel blessed, and encouraged! That is so wonderful to be able to do that in another person’s life. Thank you so much!! You are so special!
And your comments have blessed me in return, Dixie!!! I hope that you are encouraged and inspired to grab that camera and start this month and document it’s extraordinary days! So much beauty awaits us. I think I need to go do that too!!!
Wishing you a weekend of extraordinary blessings!