Day 30

There’s no doubt about it.  This has been the year of pumpkins.

You might remember when I shared my excitement and pumpkin blessing here. {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing | Outdoor display of Pumpkins and Longaberger Baskets


Prior to my blessing, I had made up my mind that I was just going to try to be creative with the things I had in my house, and the little bits of fall stored in my “Fall Decor” box. I had pretty much thumbed my nose to anything from the Fall Decor Store.  Of course, that’s easy to do when shopping the aisles of the Fall Decor Store is not an option.   I was enjoying the challenge until I experienced Pumpkins from Heaven! Do you hear the music?


Join me for a little trek down pumpkin memory lane while I do a little “Pumpkinizing.”  {silly grin} {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing - Decorating with pumpkins


It all started the day my friend and I picked up our pumpkins and we had a Pumpkin Party on the Patio.

Okay.  I know these little pumpkins and gourds are real fakes.  But aren’t they cute with the strawberry pot? {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing On the Patio


We didn’t stop with the pumpkins that day. Nope!  We also created a lovely outdoor Autumn dining spot.  Pumpkin soup, anyone? {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing - Pumpkin Soup on the Patio


Then I went home and Plumped the Window Box with Pumpkins.  Since then, my husband and I were out walking and fresh bittersweet was hanging in the woods….just waiting for us to pull down and bring home.  We got all we could reach.  Those vines hang from the tallest trees.  I further Plumped the Window Box….this time with bittersweet. {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing in the Window Box with Bittersweet


There was a bit more pumpkinizing going on around the porch.  One of my favorite wall baskets was emptied of flowers, filled with a bag of leaves,  topped with a square of burlap and a pumpkin, and a bit of bittersweet was added for some panache.  I think it’s pretty sweet. {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing - Wall Basket with Pumpein & Bittersweet


Then we went inside for some more pumpkinizing.  Pumpkinscaping on the Sideboard to be specific.  I have enjoyed those little orange orbs sitting on the candlesticks.  Every time I pass a big grin comes across my face. {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing - Candlestick Pumpkins


And then there’s my long time favorite fake I picked up many Falls ago.  Doesn’t she look sweet nestled in a golden glass bittersweet garland high on her pedestal? {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing - Pumpkin on a Pedestal


And if I didn’t already have enough pumpkins… I had to try my hand at creating some burlap ones.  They will make their official indoor appearance around Thanksgiving and complete the pumpkinizing quite perfectly if I say so myself. {31 Extraordinary Days} Pumpkinizing - Burlap Pumpkins


Why be Ordinary when You can be Extraordinary!


A bit of playful pumpkinizing will give your fall decor just that extra bit of panache.  And it’s that little big extra… that takes everything from ordinary to Extraordinary!!!

For more “Fabulously Fall” ideas, follow me on Pinterest.


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The Inspired Room + Titus 2sDay + The Dedicated House + House of Hepworths + Shabby Nest


Please join me each day in October for… | 31 Extraordinary Days | October 2012

This is the 30th post in a series, 31 Extraordinary Days.
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  1. Oh my, I am in awe! And a little jealous! Here it is, almost zero hour and I’m still frantically working on costumes… and your whole house and yard are beautifully pumpkinized! 😉 You’ve done an amazing job and it’s just lovely!

    • Diane says

      {Blush} Thank you Heather!
      I know how much work costumes are….and if you’re like me…thinking they’ll take less time to put together than they really do!
      Your kind words are appreciated. Hope your celebration is extraordinary!

  2. Visiting from SITS Girls Blogtober. Love all these great pumpkin ideas! 😀 Everything looks so beautiful!

    • Diane says

      Pumpkins are almost self decorating with their cheerful color and shapes. 😀 Thanks for stopping by Ali! Wishing you An Extraordinary Week!

  3. Mel says

    *chuckling* And here I am gutting the fella that’s going to be the Jack-O’-Lantern! LOL I love pumpkins. I adore fall. And I’m graced to have a pumpkin patch just down the road–and it’s owned by awesome folks to boot!
    I’m a tad envious of how you’ve adorned your surroundings so beautifully. I’ve got pumpkins…..and giant spiders. LOL NOT quite as lovely as yours are arranged, mind you–but they’re all ready for the little ghostie and gobblins tomorrow!
    Well…..’cept for the one pumpkin that’s calling to me, wanting to join the one I’m working on! LOL
    Always another Jack-O’-Lantern to carve!! Two seems a good number!

    • Diane says

      How fun!!! Two lighted faces to greet the kiddos. I know they’ll love it! Speaking of spiders….I’m giving out spider rings instead of candy. My husband doesn’t think the kids will like them. Regardless…I think they are super fun. Enjoy!!!!

  4. Love all the pumpkinizing going on around your place, Diane!! 🙂 HA! 🙂 Love that word too.

    • Diane says

      Awwww thanks Melissa!! I’ve had a ridiculous amount of fun with pumpkins this year. 😀

  5. You really done it again! You will be one of the features at Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House. Pop on in and grab a feature button. Can’t wait to see what you will bring to the party tomorrow. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. Super cute, I love all the pumpkins!

    P.S. I’m doing a $50 Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog. You should check it out here:

    • Diane says

      Thanks Melanie! I think I might have gotten a little bit carried away with the pumpkins this year. Sure was fun though!!


  1. […] this pumpkin look familiar?  I teased you with it here and here with promises of plenty more members to the Pumpkin family, and even some DIY details.  (Are you […]

  2. […] decorate for Halloween.  But, I truly enjoy fall decorating and some years there’s a lot of pumpkinizing going on.  I’ve heard that Halloween decor is running second, behind Christmas in retail sales, so I […]

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