In order to navigate through life, this thing called faith is a necessity.
Why is it that something so necessary seems so complicated?
It’s a complicated word.
For some…it has great spiritual meaning.
For others…it’s a bit nebulous.
A long time ago, when one of the girls from my youth group got married, I created some counted cross stitch art for her as a wedding gift. I stitched these words from Hebrews 11:1… Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Why in the world was I so enamored with this verse that I created cross-stitch art? And for a wedding gift, no less.
I can’t answer that.
One thing I do know…
In order to navigate through life, faith is a necessity.
As I was thinking about this verse today, I went over to Bible Gateway to read it in other Bible translations. I was struck by The Voice translation. I grew up using the New American Standard and the New International Version translations. Reading other Bible translations can make God’s word come to life for me. And The Voice did just that with Hebrews 11:1.
Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen. Hebrews 11:1
“Faith is the assurance…”
I went to Merriam Webster, the online dictionary, to look up assurance.
Here’s what I found:
noun \ə-ˈshu̇r-ən(t)s\
: the state of being sure or certain about something
: a strong feeling of confidence about yourself or about being right
: a strong and definite statement that something will happen or that something is true
The first verse I shared, from the New International Version, begins, “Faith is being sure…”
I don’t know about you, but there isn’t much of which I am really sure.
Everyone lets us down, at some time. Even those we love and trust the most.
This 8×10 image is available to you as a free download for personal use HERE.
I hope for a lot of things… I bet you do too.
- I hope for God to redeem some really hard years.
- I hope for my struggling friends to have their wrongs righted.
- I hope to be healthy and vibrant and to make a difference in the world.
- I hope for enslaved people to be free, the hungry fed, and the thirsty satisfied…. both physically and spiritually.
- I hope for a house with plenty of space for blessing others.
Hope is a good thing.
Faith to see those things happen is better.
Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen. Hebrews 11:1
But to have “the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen.”
That trumps all.
In the Book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul tells us that we need to put on the armor of God. One part of that armor is the shield of faith.
I’ve read the verses a hundred times…
Today, I read them with new eyes.
Also, pick up the shield of faith. Ephesians 6:16 (bold emphasis, mine)
Did you see it?
Pick up the shield of faith.
If the armor we are to wear is something God has provided…belt, breastplate, shoes, helmet, sword…then this shield…which is faith…has also been provided by him.
Are you in a rough spot right now?
Are you trying to conjure up enough faith to jump your current hurdle?
This 5×7 image is available to you as a free download for personal use HERE.
Aside from being available and obedient to do the will of the Father, there isn’t anything we can do.
Faith isn’t something from within….it’s something from God.
It’s….the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen.
What realities are you aware of that you cannot see?
Gravity… the molecules that form together to make the air we breathe…
wind… energy… just for starters.
What about God?
He definitely is a reality which we cannot see…
as is heaven… and hell.
The Kingdom of Heaven is here on earth.
It too is a reality we cannot see.
So where are we in all of this faith stuff?
Some days, I struggle with my current situation.
I wonder what God is doing…or not doing.
I question his moves.
But, I can’t see everything.
I don’t see the wars in the heavenlies.
I only see this small picture in this moment in time.
God sees the big picture…the endless picture.
I’m bound by the limitations of this life and world.
HE has no bounds.
So what am I to do?
I am to rest in this faith that God has provided for me.
Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen. Hebrews 11:1
And, ultimately, there is no one whom I can trust more than this Faith Giver…
No one’s ears have ever heard of a God like you.
No one’s eyes have ever seen a God who is greater than you.
No God but you acts for the good
of those who trust in him. Isaiah 64:4
Is the assurance…
that, HE is…
It’s Joy Day!
The day when we look back over our past week and count.
Count the good and the not so good. Just seven.
And we give thanks for it. All of it.
I’ll start…
I’m grateful God for…
- the gift of faith that you give to each of us as we open our hearts to receive it.
- melting away all the ice and snow.
- a warm home on these frigid days.
- Your continued care and provision… our hearts are full of thanksgiving for your goodness.
- being able to put a “name” on these health issues and knowing that it’s YOU that heals.
- a delightful evening with my friend and her kiddos.
- the freshness of the new year… help me to make my plans your plans.
Now it’s your turn!
Scroll down to the “Share your Extraordinary Thoughts” box below and tap in your ‘seven.’
When you do, you’ll find the corners of your mouth turn up and the joy meter in your spirit rise.
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Joy Day Diane!
Faith. Such a small tiny little word when you consider the meaning and what it brings.
Looking back at my childhood I remember always having Faith.
I’m not sure why, it was just inside me. I was only a very little girl and yet I had more Faith in me than the adults around me. As an adult my cousin once said to me how envious she was of that. She always had been.
I thank you Lord for,
1. Daddy came home from the hospital a few days ago.
2. M. and K. said, no they are not moving.
3. Disaster almost struck this morning, but didn’t.
4. Hubby said the nicest thing about my creativity.
5. Youngest son drove me to the thrift shop yesterday, it was nice to have a bit of Mom & Son time.
6. J. and L. had a nice and safe trip to visit her dad.
7. The few and free changes I’ve been making about the house. With Christmas decor down I needed to “fluff the
cozy” in my house. Yeah free! Yeah cozy!
I hope you have a warm and lovely week
Blessings to you!
Thank You God……
l. For Diane’s “JoyDay” post today , it really spoke to me as I am struggling with my current situations and wondering where you are and what is Your will in all of this…..
2. For Christian Friends and work place….
3. For my Family….
4. For a wonderful, Blessed, joy filled and peaceful Christmas Holiday Season…
5. For your infinite patience with me when I struggle in my faith ….
6. For heat and provision on these frigid days….
7. For Hope that comes with the New Year….
I am thankful for:
1. A God who loves me and sent his son
2. Unearnable grace
3. A family that loves me
4. The opportunity and ability to attend college
5. A warm place to live
6. Friends to always be there
7. A good cookie!