Hello, friends!  Thanks for coming by!

Fall is here dressed in all her finery.  I find myself oohing and ahhing around every corner as I travel around town.  This must be the prettiest Halloween on record.  Speaking of Halloween, Tim and I are picking up a couple of kids in our neighborhood tonight to take trick or treating.  I hope we can show them a good time.  What are your plans for the evening?

If you missed stopping by this past week
I shared some extraordinary goodness on the blog…

So you want to know how to be happy. Here's the answer to that burning question...There I was… sitting at the stoplight… | It’s JoyDay!

#bethelightchallengeWill You Join Me in Holding Up the Light?

Make Thanksgiving Special with these Recipes, Decor, & Crafts at AnExtraordinaryDay.netMake Thanksgiving Special… Recipes, Decor, & Crafts to Inspire You

And today… we wrapped up this fabulous blog hop… 31 Days of Handmade Christmas Ornaments!

dont-miss-this-incredible-month-long-blog-hop-of-inspiration-31-days-31-bloggers-31-handmade-christmas-ornaments-blog-hop-october-1-31-2016-anextraordinaryday-netPop by  All Things Heart & Home  to see the latest!


And now… on with the party!

Project Inspire{d} Link Party


Project Inspired Monday Night Hostess Banner


Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline ~ Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday
Stephanie from The Silly Pearl ~ Diane from An Extraordinary Day


Party Guidelines
  • Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
  • Link backs are loved and appreciated.
  • Please do not add posts to promote giveaways, link parties, or shops…. we love seeing what you create… yup… YOU alone!
  • Visit and comment on at least 2 other links in the party – share the link party love!
  • The party starts Monday night at 8 p.m. ET and ends Thursday mornings at 8 a.m. ET.
  • By entering a link, you’re giving us permission to feature an image on our blogs and social media accounts. Proper credit and links back will always be given.


Non-blogging readers… this party is for you, too!! Click on the little thumbnail links
at the bottom of the post and enjoy a plethora of Great Ideas!

We’d love for you to include the Project Inspire{d} button code, somewhere on your blog
and link back to this post so others can be inspired too!

Project Inspire{d} Link Party
Subscribe to An Extraordinary Day and don’t miss a single post or party!

Please Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts!


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