If you listen to today’s news or watch images of violence and hate flash across your screen it’s easy to become discouraged.

Maybe that’s why this quote from the 1600’s by English Puritan and clergyman, Thomas Manton, struck me.  It’s incredibly relevant for the 21st century… more than 400 years after it was first penned.Our hope and confidence QUOTE - Printable - AnExtraordinaryDay.netWhat an excellent ground of hope and confidence we have when we reflect upon these three things in prayer ~ the Father’s love, the Son’s merit, and the Spirit’s power.
–Thomas Manton

Click HERE to DOWNLOAD this free 8×10 Thomas Manton QUOTE Printable for personal use.  Slip it into a frame to remember what counts.


Do not be discouraged…

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

Do not lose hope…

This old hymn that I remember singing many years ago came to mind as I was thinking about hope.  Singing truth replaces all those fearful and negative emotions.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”
by Edward Mote, 1797-1874

Be confident…

You are my hope, O Almighty Lord.
You have been my confidence ever since I was young.
Psalm 71:5

When we know the source of our hope and confidence we can quietly meditate on God’s love for us, the resurrection of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we take our focus away from what’s happening around us so that we can re-center ourselves and find our “true north,” we’ll find that our strength returns, our hope rises, our confidence increases, and our faith grows.

This then is the ground we stand on… the place that becomes the filter for what is happening around us… and our place of safety amid the world’s turmoil.

This practice is not an escape from the world, but instead, when we reflect on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we should then be able to be the reflection of love, grace, and wisdom to the world that only comes from the Lord.  All while, giving us the fresh infusion of hope and confidence we need.

May your hope be renewed and your faith strengthened as you purposely include this practice in the good and the hard moments throughout your day.


JoyDay! - Devotional to REGAIN you hope and confidence - AnExtraordinaryDay.net


It’s JoyDay!

And time to get our joy meters soaring!

Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful.  This simple exercise of counting and giving thanks together in this space is something we do each week to reset our compasses and put our eyes back on the Lord.

I’ll start…

Thank you, God…

  1. for being our Hope and our Center.
  2. for fun Christmas decor finds.
  3. for brief glimpses of sunshine and beautiful sunsets.
  4. for soup and crisp and being able to share them with my good friend.
  5. for my new class — I surely need your help and focus to do this.
  6. for my small group and our lively conversations.
  7. for Your limitless love and grace and mercy and for the healing YOU are bringing me.  All praise and glory belong to YOU! 

Now it’s your turn!

List your ‘seven’ in the share your extraordinary thoughts section below.

You’ll be glad you did… I dare you!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts.May your week overflow with unimaginable Joy! Signature - AnExtraordinaryDay.netReceive FREE inspiration like this in your inbox!
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  1. Thank you for my husband sitting in the recliner right next to me.
    Thank you for family near and far.
    Thank you for sunshine and trees and birds that sing.
    Thank you for America and all who keep us free and safe.
    Thank you for good health.
    Thank you for our puppy dog and cat who make us smile all the time.
    Most of all, thank you for giving us sons who are happy, healthy, good people.

    • Thank you for taking the time to share your “seven,” Stacey! Love your heart of gratitude. May your new week be filled with unexpected blessings from God! xoxo

  2. Lucy Belivesu says

    I don’t know when I have ever enjoyed such a perfect post! This speaks highly of your love for God and for yourself, Diane. I will definitely share this and I have already put the scripture in my phone on NOTES so I can refer to it often. Thank you so much for sending on such mindful thinking!

    • Lucy, you are so sweet to say such nice things. I’m blessed that you enjoyed this post so much! Yay God! I love how he inspires me with different themes and verses. He intimately cares about us… so much so that he even used me to encourage you. He is such a good God. Hope your week is filled with hope and confidence. xoxo

  3. Gwen says

    It came on a perfect day when our skies have been forecast sunny without a cloud yet it is gray and not blue skies. My heart has been heavy over the deaths of so many in one night and then the awful fires causing our sunsets to glow aneery shade. A few days of concern when I was uncertain about a childhood friend and a week of battling things here at home. Yet through it all a friend far away and I reflected on Christ being our rock. I sang this very hymn as I use hymns to regain composure when my brain injury results in deep deep cries and weeping and groaning from within. Christ alone is our rock. This was such a good write Diane. Every week I look forward to this.
    1 I’ve had many many rest days. Today I rested after a night of strange awakening and crazy emailing troubles to my Bible Study friends.
    2.Yet God worked it out and today I was able to finish the study and it sent.
    3. I thank God for His promises in 2Peter 1. So much good stuff
    4. My friend no one could find was found and let his elderly Mom know!
    5. God took meals we received and they literally grew in amount each night!!
    6. Happy to hear Christmas tunes and shoppers happy
    7. Finding hope in God’s Word

    • My sweet friend, you have such a beautiful and sensitive heart. Praying the Lord has brought you an extra measure of peace and joy to refill your heart. {{big hugs}}

  4. Debbi Saunders says

    O Diane,what an incredible “Joy Day” Post today! I especially loved the quote by Thomas Manton and I will be printing it out…
    I am so Thankful God for:
    l. The service men and woman who have served our Country, both past and present that we might enjoy Freedom and that are keeping us safe….
    2. The healing you are bringing about in my shoulder…
    3. That I have not missed a day of work due to this injury…
    4. That you are using me to touch the lives of some people at work and in my neighborhood…
    5. For giving me the strength and energy I need to keep up with Pre-K children!
    6. For being my source and supply, my provider and protector…
    7. For the work you are doing in my Son’s life….

    • I’m always amazed at how God uses the little bit I have and makes it something that ministers to others. He is so good! I’m blessed that you were blessed. xoxo

  5. Minnie says

    Happy Joy Day!
    Yep,sometimes we get discouraged.
    But I say to myself,” remember who your God is!”
    Lord this week I thank you for,
    1. The questions that popped into my head and the quick answers you gave me.
    2. The fact that they even came into my head means you are talking to me, calling me to learn more.
    3. I was able to talk to 3 year old granddaughter about you when she was asking questions.
    4. S. had a safe trip.
    5. Daughter in law called me early today. She had what she was afraid was a big problem and who did she call?
    Me. She trusted me. She called for calming reassurance and mommy advise.
    6. Spotting the 2 beautiful deer in the field out back. I haven’t seen any for a little while and was so happy to see 2
    at the same time.
    7. Things around me are looking pretty.
    My dad is not doing well BUT he gives thanks to GOD daily for his blessings. Family and oh so many friends he
    has had. He has known love his entire life.
    Have a beautiful week Diane filled with love and joy.
    Blessings to you!

    • We all do get discouraged at times, Minnie. I love that you know exactly what to do to get yourself in the right spot again. You inspire me!
      I’m so sorry to hear your dear dad is not doing well. He sounds wonderful and you seem to have a very special relationship with him. Praying he is encouraged and strengthened and for God to administer HIS healing balm on your dad and surround you with HIS love. xoxo

  6. Lucy Beliveau says

    Dear Heavenly Father! Thank you for…

    …all of the wonderful communication I receive from my Dear Family!
    …my kind husband who cares for me in so many different ways!
    …my new found energy since I have been taking less and less Hydrocortisone!
    …my ability, with your help, Lord, to corageously strike out alone, on a long journey, across country, to Dallas,Texas on the Amtrak train!
    …all of my precious St.Timothy Church Friends who have so kindly told me how pleased they will be to see me upon my arrival home!
    …the strength I am finding to be able to leave my Blessed Guy for such a long time.? I will miss him so.
    …all You have done, Dear Lord, to help my eye continue to heal. I am eternally grateful!

    • Diane says

      I will be praying for you as you travel and God will be with you every. single. step of the way. It will be an exciting adventure and having your children greet you at the end of the trip will be simply amazing for you! I love your heart, Lucy! {{big big hugs!}}

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