Hurry with your answer, God! |


This week my heart was encouraged as I read these verses….

Hurry with your answer, God!
    I’m nearly at the end of my rope.
Don’t turn away; don’t ignore me!
    That would be certain death.
If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
    I’ll go to sleep each night trusting in you.
Point out the road I must travel;
    I’m all ears, all eyes before you.
Save me from my enemies, God
    you’re my only hope!
Teach me how to live to please you,
    because you’re my God.
Lead me by your blessed Spirit
    into cleared and level pastureland.

Psalm 143:7-10 The Message


Have you ever prayed, “And Lord, please answer yesterday!”

So many times we are anxious for God to move and answer our prayers quickly.

This was the cry of the psalmist…

Hurry with your answer, God!
    I’m nearly at the end of my rope.

It was also the cry of the widow to the unjust judge which I wrote about last week here.

I so identify with the psalmist.  Many times in recent months I have been at the end of my rope.  And I cried, “Hurry Lord!”

What’s interesting to me is that as much as we want God to answer today’s plea, yesterday, he often does.

How many times have we prayed only to realize that for our need to be met, God had been already orchestrating his plan for us days or weeks in advance?  Okay…more than we want to admit…we don’t think about that.


If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
    I’ll go to sleep each night trusting in you.

I’m not sure that I hear God’s voice waking me in the morning…but I do wake without an alarm clock….and always with hope…even in the midst of some pretty gray days.

Ddi you hear God’s voice wake you this morning?

Maybe I need to better train my ear to hear those morning whispers.

Regardless, I do know that when I open his word shortly thereafter, he always has something there to encourage my heart.

And…most nights, in spite of how things appear, I go to sleep trusting God for the next day.


Point out the road I must travel; from Psalm 147 |


Point out the road I must travel;
    I’m all ears, all eyes before you.

Is this your prayer each morning?  Or do you find yourself telling God your agenda for the day?

I know this is an area where I need to be careful.

There is no way we can be all ears and eyes if we are bent on our “to do” list. [sigh]


Teach me how to live to please you,
    because you’re my God.
Lead me by your blessed Spirit
    into cleared and level pastureland.

God designed and purposed each of us uniquely.

Have you discovered what your purpose is?

Two things in these verses are so clear to me…

One…we need to get it straight every day that God is our Lord and we live to please him and not ourselves.  Usually in my prayer time I spend time acknowledging God and his attributes and that helps me get that settled.  Otherwise…my day tends to be all about me.

Two..when we allow him to lead us…we can walk with confidence and not in fear.

I don’t know if you caught this…but these verses from Psalms can serve as our prayer….either at the beginning or close of our day. It also gives room for the cries of our heart, as well as helping us realize that all our strength and confidence comes from God. And finally, it helps us to seek God’s direction and guidance for each day.

The psalmist in just a few sentences went from being near the end of his rope to fully surrendered to the leadership of God’s Spirit.

Whatever we have going on in our lives…no matter how joyful or how difficult…seeking to live each day to please God is going to be a game-changer.  That simple prayer and act of faithful obedience will make even our desperation turn to joy.

Speaking of joy….

Joy Day! | Hurry with your answer, God!  |

Today is Joy Day!


Want joy?  In addition to surrendering to God, looking back and acknowledging the good things God has done and counting just ‘seven’ of them is a sure way to discover joy!  We’re supposed to give thanks in all things.  That includes things like a not-so-good week, too.

Will you join me in counting just ‘seven’ from the past week.

I’ll start…

Thank you God for…

  1. a temporary job and its first pay check.
  2. getting to serve a friend.
  3. the beginning of the interview process.
  4. the loss of hundreds of readers getting to read my posts because of a Feedburner issue.
  5. provisions from your generous hand.
  6. seeing young friends making wise choices.
  7. knowing YOUR grace is enough.
  8. and one more…. this blog and the joy of TWO years of writing and sharing in this community. 🙂


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Now it’s YOUR turn!!

Join me in counting ‘seven.’
Scroll down to the comment section…Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts….and list your ‘seven.’
I dare you!

Want even more joy?  Take the Joy Dare here.

Thank you for stopping by today.
I appreciate you and your sweet comments make my day.




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Sharing at these Extraordinary spots:
Life in Balance + Rachel Wojo + My Freshly Brewed Life


  1. 1. A day of rest.
    2. 48 tomato plants
    3. a husband that understands computers
    4. God’s endurance when I have none
    5. our broken-legged dog who is resting.
    6. three newish squiggly, shoe-unstrapping puppies
    7. just when we need it most moments.

  2. Debbi Saunders says

    l. My son passed his Final Thursday night and texted me Thanking God and then me for being with him and seeing him through! He gave God the credit, honor and praise first! so proud of him!
    2.For bringing two people back in my life after years of not hearing from them. So excited! Thank you God!
    3.For losing half of the blogs I follow by email because of a feedburner issue…but I think I needed to clean house a little bit anyway…
    4.For cutting back on the time I am on the computer…
    5.For Diane and her blog! Hope she will continue it for many more years to come!
    6. That my tiny little garden is thriving and beautiful this year!! Loads of squash blossoms and tiny tomates!
    7.I love LuAnn’s ” Just when I need it most moments”!! that I have been blessed with daily!

  3. Glenda Kremer says

    1. thank You for Diane Miller and her love for You that she shares with all of us!
    2. thank You for Diane Miller and her wonderful recipes! Diane I too Far East Celery and Crunchy Grape Salad to small group dinner last night and both were hits! nothing left of either and 5 recipes of each taken by my friends!
    3. thank You for Anytime Fitness and my workouts with trainer Nick!
    4. Thank You for time with my grand babies
    5. Thank You for my health
    6 thank You that You rescued me from dark life I lived without Jesus over 34 years ago and brought me into light of Jesus!
    7. thank You for my husband , Allen

  4. Mel says

    I have a tough time staying in that surrender. LOL. It’s good that I can hit my knees as many times as I need to.

    –the beauty of the photos posted here. I get to enjoy springtime ldflowers twice….here and (eventually) in my woods.
    –being asked to be a part of two projects…woohoo…learning curves here I come.
    –asking to be given a task at a retirement party … and enjoying the social event. (Notsomuch my “deal”‘)
    –chairing two meetings when the chairman didn’t maket the meeting.
    –being gifted a double rainbow…G-d keeps His promises.
    –having options with pain.
    –tulips dotting my world with colour.
    Still sending up prayers for you and for Gwen…and I hope BIG.

    • Diane says

      That makes two of us in the working at surrendering department. 😉
      I just have to say…look at all the wonderful personal growth and opportunities you’ve been afforded recently. Good things are happening. And I’m looking forward with anticipation to see all the ways God is using and developing you. New is challenging. But in the midst….isn’t it just like him to gift a double rainbow…and tulips! 🙂

      Thank you so much for your prayers. This week there are some big first steps in the interview process. Pray with me that THIS is the one. 😉 [hugs]

  5. Betty Brown says

    1.Living close to a va hospital.2.A son that is working to support his family.3.Peace I had to sleep while my husband was in the hospital.4.Getting a break and eating lunch with my bible study friends.5.Finally making the decision to sell and make the change that is necessary .6.Not knowing how things are going to WORK out but feeling God holding me up.7.Provision for our life.

    • Diane says

      Betty….I sense in your gratitude list a deeper trust in God to love and care for you. I rejoice with you over your ‘seven’ and trust with you for God’s hand of guidance and direction as you navigate the changes ahead. [hugs]

  6. Kim says

    Thank you for sharing these passages, Diane! This has shown me that I CAN ask for an urgent answer from God. Praise Him! I read in your list that there is a new part-time job (yay!) and that you had an RSS feed issue – and you’re thankful for that. Eeek! God can and will replace them, and it is evident that you know that, too. Isn’t God amazing? His strength is so evident in you! Here is my list.
    I am thankful for:
    1. God’s truths permeating my mind and heart.
    2. Evidence each day that God is working and blessing us in it.
    3. God revealing new depths of love for my family.
    4. The strength of family bound by a deep love for God.
    5. My parents who raised me in a Christian home.
    6. Friends who are by our side praying continuously for us.
    7. Encouragement from fellow Christians who don’t exactly know our situation, but the simple fact that we are under attack has brought them to our aid through prayer. What a blessing!
    Diane, I pray you have an awesome week!

  7. Joy Day – that is awesome! I need to live every day as a Joy Day, giving thanks to the Lord, though I am so impatient. The idea of telling God to hurry up with His answer definitely resonates with my life! As my husband and I are praying for Baby #2, I am learning so much patience… and am learning how very impatient I am.

    1. Thank God for His patience and His grace!
    2. Blessing me with my husband and our son.
    3. Having a roof over our head and heat in the house during this cool spring day
    4. Fellowship of other mothers in our area AND other women through blogging!
    5. Health to run long distance and the opportunity to race this weekend
    6. Blessing me with being able to stay at home with my son
    7. Salvation – Thank God that He didn’t give up on me or view me as a lost cause!

  8. Lisa says

    Stunning photo of golden bloom and scripted JOY:
    ~Motherhood blessings
    ~Spring renewal
    ~Family legacy
    ~Hearts seeking God
    ~Youth searching
    ~Needs met
    ~Soul filled with Holy Spirit presence

    • Diane says

      Thank you, Lisa. 🙂 Wildflowers all seem to have different names in different regions. I’ve always called this one ‘Trout Lily’ …. but it really does look like a whimsical broom. What a great name!
      Thanks for sharing your ‘seven’ with us. May your new week overflow with JOY!!

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