For the past six weeks we’ve been discovering how to pray with power and purpose.
This prayer discovery (which began here) has taken us on a journey through…
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
This is the prayer Jesus taught his followers (and us) to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 GW. However, The Lord’s Prayer as most of us know it goes beyond the scripture text from Matthew which we’ve been dissecting:
“This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
let your name be kept holy.
Let your kingdom come.
Let your will be done on earth
as it is done in heaven.
Give us our daily bread today.
Forgive us as we forgive others.
Don’t allow us to be tempted.
Instead, rescue us from the evil one.
and concludes with these words….
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
If this last sentence isn’t in scripture, why do we recite it?
Because it’s tradition.
Throughout the Bible doxologies (short hymn-like verses which exalts the glory of God) are often used to conclude prayers. So early Christians adopted the practice when praying the “Our Father” or “The Lord’s Prayer.”
We’ve contemplated each of the verses of the prayer… so let’s continue on for this addendum to the prayer, the doxology.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
When we pray as Jesus taught us to pray we believe that ultimately, it’s God, and God alone we desire. We want God to be our leader, our ruler, and we want to experience his heavenly kingdom on earth. Without God we have nothing…we are nothing. We need him to provide for our every need. We are selfish, imperfect people who are in great need of a forgiveness that only God can give. And, let’s face it, on our own… we’re wimps. In this world… we’re up against evil everywhere we turn. We need God’s help and protection. In our quest to learn how to pray with power and purpose, we’ve discovered that these concepts are foundational.
When we pray these words… For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory… we’re telling God and reminding ourselves that all this… all we know… it’s all HIS. Everything we have comes from him. And as much as we act like we’re the center of the universe… we’re not. God is. And we need to make him our center. We fool ourselves when we think we don’t need help, that we’re capable on our own, that we’ve got things under control. In fact, those words…. under control are quite telling. Those two words suggest there is something bigger and more powerful, yet we like to think that we’re so awesome we don’t need any help. How foolish we can be. The weather alone proves that God’s power is beyond anything we can imagine… let alone control. He’s the king of power… and yet he wields it in love. And then the glory thing. All this is not about us… this world… God’s love… it’s all about him. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. (–John Piper) When we pray for YOUR glory… we are setting our sail and our course for him. Not us. And finally… for ever and ever. It’s a great reminder that God is… was… and is to come. He has no beginning or end and his goodness and grace and power and mercy and strength and might and love has no end.
This final sentence of The Lord’s Prayer gives us perspective for life and living.
- Did your husband come home today only to tell you that his company no longer needs him?
- Did your best friend just get diagnosed with a life-threatening illness?
- Did your beloved kitty die?
- Are you in pain that seems to have no end?
- Are you so deep in financial troubles you don’t know what to do next?
- Have your friends forgotten you?
- Has your husband left you for another woman?
- Did… Has… Are… Fill in the blank.
No matter what the challenge… God.
This final sentence helps us remember that ultimately we’re seeking after God. We want and need his kingdom in our hearts, our home, and our world. We may not have it in the bigger world… but we can certainly have his kingdom in our personal lives as we satisfy ourselves with more of him.
What’s your challenge?
Bring it to God. He is the one with all the power and resources. He is the one worthy of our trust.
I must be frank and remind you… God is not our fairy godmother. Every trial we encounter is allowed to change us more and more into his likeness. It’s all for his glory. The refiner’s fire makes the gold more pure and beautiful. And it will be our pleasure to finally come before him emptied and used up for his glory.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
So… horrible, bad news day…
I’ve got God…
and HIS kingdom… and His power… and His glory….
And that…. that’s why we can pray with power and purpose.
Now for a little aside…
These photos… I took them on a day when the winds on Lake Michigan were 40+ miles per hour. They aren’t the best. I struggled to stand still… and in some cases to even stand against the wind… let alone hold a camera steady. The wind was ferocious. There, on the shoreline, I felt the intense power of the wind and the waves. I felt weak. Something was greater and stronger than me. And though we could say it was the weather… the awe that I had in my spirit was that God was behind the phenomena of that moment. These images remind me that no matter the challenge… I can stand in the strength of the Lord. No matter the challenge for me... at a word he can stop it all... just like the wind. No matter the challenge… I can trust him to bring me through. Yes… I might be a little or a lot beat up. But, just like the driftwood that I collect that gets tossed by the waves and polished to new beauty… I too am experiencing a refinement a polish that only comes from life’s challenges which makes me beautiful. And so… in addition to the doxology of The Lord’s Prayer I can sing another familiar doxology…
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. –Thomas Ken, 1674
because my heart overflows with gratitude for the ONE who stands — lock armed — with me through every challenge of life.
It’s JoyDay!
What are you grateful for today? I’d love for you to join us in giving thanks in community…. for the good and the not-so-good. It’s an amazing way to re-set our compasses for the week. It’s a wonderful encouragement to each other. And most of all… it will make our “joy-meters” soar. Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Please join me in looking back over the last week and counting just ‘seven’ from a whole week’s worth of gratitude.
I’ll start!
Thank you Lord for…
- being my God… faithful, loving, powerful, trustworthy, and true.
- being my healer, restorer, rebuilder.
- helping me get my tree done!!
- amazing waves and the visual representation they are to YOUR power and greatness.
- change and the challenges of the unknown that come with news of change.
- my long-distance friend who is a faithful pray-er.
- a brief time of Christmas decorating with a good friend.
Now it’s YOUR turn!
Please join me by tapping in your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below.
Thank you for stopping by and taking time to leave your sweet thoughts.
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Thank You Lord for:
1. The new young man you have put into my life to minister to by example and I know that you will guide,council and give me patience and strength for this huge challenge!!
2. the beautiful week of feeling your presence so strongly!! that you are going before and making straight the crooked places…
3. the beautiful end of the week luncheon sharing and fellowshipping with faculty and staff…
4. for the unexpected financial gifts this week, when I did not know what I was going to do!
5. that my Son, brother, nephew and a few very close friends are experiencing the true meaning of Christmas in a personal and profound way this year!
6. for the comfort of my home,and of my remaining kitties, for your provision in meeting my needs even when I do not see a way!
7. for the greatest gift of all, Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior!!!
My dear friend, I have no doubt that God is greatly at work using you to impact this young man. Praying with you for patience and strength and above all… wisdom. I can only imagine what joy you will have when you look back come the end of the school year. God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine!! 🙂 Rejoicing with you in God’s loving kindness and provision. And believing with you for a joyous Christmas celebration. [[hugs]]
Thank you for:
The medicine that may be helping my panic disorder…long wait
My wonderful son who brings me such pleasure and love
That my family is going to be able to be together Christmas Eve
I know Jesus will get me through anything!
For my health
For my friends and loved ones
For my deep faith in God
I rejoice with you Debbie in God’s goodness and faithfulness in your life. And especially today for the provision of new medication. Praying it brings peace you so desperately need.
Today in church, there was an addendum to the prayer time where people who were struggling with anxiety (the real deal not worry) were to sit and they were prayed over. My friend and I didn’t sit… but we did put our arms around each other… trusting and believing for full and complete healing in this area. I pray that for you, too, Debbie. [[hugs]] May you and yours have a blessed and joy-filled Christmas!
Thank you so much Diane and Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope it is a wonderful time for you all!
I’m a bit slow. I think I slept much last week for there was much chaos. But I read today and blessed!
1. Free quality blog with great spiritual information that helps me grow and keep eyes on Jesus
2. A friend since childhood responded to an email and I know it was the Holy Spirit that guided her steps on her visit home to run into our high school Bible Study leader. She even felt a jolt and her entire being felt flooded. With love for our leader friend and for our Lord
3. Curt was able to do new things at vision therapy
4. I’ve never seen a Great Lake. Thus the photos meant even more.
5. Under duress I was able to do what needed to be done
6. Praying The Lords Prayer daily
7. I pray for Curt. Up early. Ride to be here over an hour ago. Not here. No text It’s been a struggle with getting his heart regulated and it is hard because as soon as he became disabled he was totally ignored by his children
Right now as I’m writing we are struggling with waiting. On others. It’s not good for our health. Oh we need Our Savior
My dear sweet friend… I hear the gratitude in your heart but the pain is so immense. Praying now…. believing for God to work in amazing ways to meet those difficult needs. Sending my love and praying you have a blessed Christmas. May the Savior’s love fill your heart to overflowing. [[hugs]]
Lord God thank You for…
Leading me to someone who I talk to about grieving the death of my mom and aunt.
Always showing me a way out when I find myself in a hot mess to a poor decision.
Your unearned grace and mercy You extend on a daily basis.
My home be a safe haven so many; a home some said I couldn’t get.
Providing every single need we have and allowing some desires to manifest.
My life’s purpose and that is to be a light to a dark world.
The sacrificial blood of Your only Son, Jesus Christ, that covers my sins.