Filled with Joy….
Psalm 126
A song of ascents.
1 When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
we were like those who dreamed.
2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
3 The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4 Restore our fortunes, Lord,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6 Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.
As I was reading these verses this morning I read them with hope in my heart.
Wouldn’t it be a blessing to have all that we have lost…restored….beyond what we had before? To be able to laugh and sing songs of joy in community and have all those around us point to God and give Him the honor and glory for what He has done in our lives? That would be amazing.
As I continue reading the next verses, I think of all the tears I’ve shed over the last four years. More than I care to admit. Yet…the psalmist speaks of those who sow with tears or go out with weeping, saying they will sing songs of joy and reap a harvest.
Following that reading, the Holy Spirit directed me to some other verses.
Lord God, you created heaven and earth by your great power and outstretched arm; nothing is too hard for you! ~Jeremiah 32:17 CEB
“I am the Lord, the God of all people. Nothing is too difficult for me.” ~Jeremiah 1:27
Nothing is impossible for God. ~Luke 1:37 CEB
Jesus answered, “What is humanly impossible is possible for God.” ~Luke 18:27 GNT
Do you see a theme here?
God can do anything!!
This verse often comes to mind…
It reminds me that we have a big, big God and that He is not limited by our small thinking. God is in the business of doing way more than we can even dream.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. ~Ephesians 3:20-21
All of these verses lead me to believe…
we can expect to see what was lost or taken, abundantly restored; to reap with songs of joy.
This past week has some unexpected challenges.
Being told I was not suitable for the new job was one. That was hard to accept knowing my abilities and experience. But, the blessing is that I worked enough to pay a bill that was due yesterday. For that I am grateful. The lyrics from Matt Redmond’s song, “Blessed be Your Name” came to mind: “You give and take away You give and take away My heart will choose to say, Lord Blessed be Your name.” Job says something similar in chapter 1 verse 21.
Some days we feel like Job.
That’s okay….
But, what I want to do is to be able to trust God as Job did.
I want to be able to say, “May the name of the Lord be praised.”
I want to camp on the words of that Psalm.
I want to believe God’s word is true for my life today.
I want to trust God for the impossible.
I want to expect Him to move on my behalf to bless me and show His greatness in ways that I would never even dream.
I want to hear people say, “Look what God has done.”
I wan to be filled with JOY!
I want to be faithful to give Him thanks….in ALL things.
Today is Joy Day!
Will you join me in looking back over the past week…counting all things….the good and the not-so good and giving thanks?
I’ll start:
God I offer my gratitude for…
- Gorgeous blossoming trees
- Homemade broth in abundance
- My job loss
- A one-time paycheck
- Silence on Tim’s job front (so hard to give thanks for this)
- The most encouraging comments from sweet readers
- Your everlasting love and faithfulness
It’s your turn! Please join me in counting just ‘seven’ from the past week.
Scroll down to ‘Share Your Thoughts’ and tap in your seven offerings of gratitude. Joy will come! Don’t pass the opportunity to give thanks in community.
Want more joy? Take the Joy Dare here.
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!
May your fresh new week overflow with JOY!
P.S. There is a big party being planned here at An Extraordinary Day!
It all starts on Monday with a guest post from a VIP blogger. It will be an honor to have her here to help celebrate my first year of blogging. But, that’s not all!! Every single day there will be a new giveaway….thoughtful things to hopefully bless you. You can help make this an Extraordinary celebration by popping by every day this week, and using the share buttons on the side to let your friends in on all the goodness in store.
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Well……. *sigh* Pfooey.
Disappointments are a bit of a pain to contend with. Sometimes they shake my world (if I let them) and I ‘borrow troubles’ all over the place. It’s difficult to NOT get into that–disappointment sparks a bit of fear in me and I can get on a roll. It’s never productive, mind you…enough to make me spin for a bit before SOMEone reminds me “G-d’s got plans.” Ohhhhh yes…could He hurry up and get those rolling, please! LOL I’m an impatient soul, I know. Wise Person In My Life calls them ‘speed bumps’–I’m sure he’s right. They jar ya a bit, enough to get you to let your foot off the gas and have you take a good look. It’s a process that I seemingly NEED–elsewise I’d go careening out of control at the ‘smallest’ of things. I could use a bit of that faith that you let yourself be wrapped in. I think therein is the difference–I’m holding on to faith with my wee fingernails, you’ve let yourself wear it.
Gotta believe G-d’s got plans…and I’ll have another read of the Psalm, cuz there’s a hope-filled one!
In the meantime–I have JOY!
* letting go of the physical therapy that I was stressing about
* shoving the pot with the growing buddleia with my crutches to get it to where I wanted it–and being successful! Woohooo!
* Sidewalk chalk–a brand new box with 48 AWESOME colours! Whoa….they are COOL!
* the girl planning to make an offer on a house–it’ll be her first and I’m so thrilled for them!
* the last (oh, PLEASE let it be the last…LOL) snow shower (seriously fat flakes that didn’t last!)
* Helpful people–thoughtful people…..holding doors, being kind and waiting for me to pass–people are just NICE
* hearing Mr. Cardinal complain about his feeder being empty. LOL I love how he sings for his supper.
Have a blessed week….and know you’re being cared about and prayed for over here!!
This trusting thing. [sigh] As I write this…this verse comes to mind: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Some days, I really do feel put to the test. I’m sure you do too. Then I remember that I can go to control center and fix the world. Haha! NOT! It takes discipline to ‘lean not on my own understanding.’ I’m grateful for you and for this blog. 🙂 And though it seems like we may be hanging on with just our pretty nails. He actually is actually holding on to us. That is the crux of it for me to remember. I have a tendency to make myself too big and too important. Why don’t we learn? Haha!
Enjoy your new box of colors and your sweet bug who will delight in them, and the dreaming of all the things to accomplish in her first new home. I pray God will heal and restore and remind you of his great love and care for you. He delights in you, Mel! [hugs]
You lost your job? Well. that’s the pits! God’s probably got something better lined up. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that He always takes care of us! You’ll be in my prayers.
My 7:
1. Losing one, but gaining 2 sewing students!!
2. Having my whole family here for a small celebration of my daughter’s birthday.
3. The slow realization that Arizona really IS beautiful! (this one has taken about 7 years!)
4. People that care about me.
5. The best 14 month old boy in the world, to babysit for!
6. My pastor and his newly pregnant wife!
7. Waking to a new day….it’s like a blank slate for me to color!
And if I might add….8. This blog for beauty and encouragement. May God bless your richly.
Thanks again for this opportunity! Dona
Well, yes, Dona it kind of is. But…you’re right…God must have something much better in store. 😉 I’m going to believe that. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers…it means so much. [hugs]
I love your joyful spirit today, Dona! You see God’s hand in the fabric of life so beautifully. And thank you for #8. It’s like the warmest hug.
Everything you wrote in this post, I agree with and feel the same. You ARE my sister – in Christ. 🙂 We could talk, friend. I’m praying for you and your husband, thankful for you. Thankful that you make me, at least mentally, list all the things I’m thankful for from this week. For this moment, I’m also thankful for a comfortable bed and I must get in it or fall asleep as I type. Just had to share how much you encourage me that I’m not alone in my feeling almost hopeless during these days. But, we have full hope in Him! Can’t wait to see what you have in store this week. Happy Blogaversary! 🙂
I am so blessed knowing that God would use these words to encourage you, Kim. 🙂 To God be the Glory!!!
Thanks for your sweet encouragement dear sister.
May your day overflow with HOPE!! [hugs]
Hi Diane,
I am so glad I linked up behind you at Laura’s blog, so I could read your inspiring words of faith and trust. Praying today for God to continue to provide for you and your husband. We have been jobless in the past so I can relate. Thankful for how you are pointing others back to God. Thankful for God’s provision. Thankful for His presence and patience. Blessings to you 🙂
Oh Dolly…your words are so very encouraging today! God has been so good to us. 🙂 Thank you so much for taking time to stop by.
May your day overflow with JOY!!
Lovely spring images and thoughts Diane! Thank you. xo
Thanks Nancy!!
What a fantastic and uplifting post. I remember many times singing “you give and take away” with my hand open acknowledging it’s all his and so am I. It got me through many a difficult time. May God’s joy abound in your life because he is bigger than whatever we have to endure. That’s something I am exceedingly grateful for.
Amen, Sister!! Thank you for your encouraging words, Liz. 😉
May your joy cup overflow this week! [hugs]
What a beautiful way to start my morning! I thank you for that! I especially enjoyed reading the affirmations that nothing is too big for God to do. Amen!
How nice of you to stop by and leave your words of encouragement Kadee. Thank you!
May your day overflow with God’s JOY!!
I have never seen that version before, using the words ‘fortunes’. I have always read ‘captive ones’. It’s definitely a different thought. I do appreciate the Lord’s ability to restore us and bring us through difficult situations. He is such a good God. Thanks for linking to In the Studio. Visiting from there. Have a great day.
Yes…He is good…all the time!
Thank you for stopping by Anita…I appreciate your thoughtful remarks.
May your day be filled with JOY!
There are more than seven to thank Him for just this morning! The coolness, the quiet, the answers to a request, the trusting Him in all things, the time for being alone with Him, my sweet husband, a lovely sight of roses blooming, just to start!
AMEN to your post! Wonderful words of life!!
One of our favorite two words in all scripture is, “But God…”
We love these words because although things look bad for a moment, or things don’t go our own way, But God does something else, bigger and better. Can’t wait to hear what He’s got planned for you!
What a wonderful word of encouragement Doni!
“But God.” Thank you for that.
Beautiful Psalm. It’s so hard to understand reasons why certain things happen. I’m believing that God is going to bring something your way that’s above and beyond what you can imagine!
Absolutely HE will!!! Thanks for believing with me for a great move of God’s hand!
Am a Ugandan in Africa.
I need a friend.