Welcome to the weekend!

Is the weekend a pause in your week?
A time to get oodles of work done?
A time to play?  Or just like any other day?


My weekend began in the quiet.  

Peering out the window I noticed a sliver of pink over the mountain and an eyelash of a moon in the sky.

Later, my husband prepared blueberry-banana pancakes which we smothered in butter and maple syrup.  Amazingly delicious.

And then I noticed this pile of silver I had put together yesterday for polishing.


Tarnished Silverplate & God's Promise :: AnExtraordinaryDay.net


I’m attempting to see my world with new eyes.  The incredible all around me.  Even this pile of silver is full of color, and texture, and interesting form.   And yes…I needed to take a picture of this beauty to share with you.   And contemplate the greater meaning.  And find this verse in the Bible.

Our Lord, you are true to your promises,
and your word is like silver heated seven times
in a fiery furnace.    Psalm 12:6 CEV

Do you need that reminder today?  I do.

My pile of silver is just silverplate.  Tarnished silverplate.  But, now, every time I see it, I will be reminded that God’s promises are true.   That I can count on his perfect word.


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Catch up on all that’s Extraordinary…

this week at An Extraordinary Day:


The Blog Week at a Glance 3-09 :: AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Here are this week’s posts…

  1. Quiet for Lent  ~  {Joy Day!}
  2. Home Decor :: Earthy Spring Vignette
  3. Being Extraordinary :: Seeing the Miraculous


It’s been an another Extraordinary week on the blog.
We’ve examined the value of being quiet, enjoyed a few snapshots of flowers from Phipps Conservatory, got a bit goofy talking about Forsythia branches and decorating my faux mantel, and finished it up with a photo and quote from Emerson.  It was a lovely week for me, and I hope for you as well.  I am sooo very blessed that you would join me on this journey.   It amazes me that you come here and find inspiration and encouragement.  Thank you.  Your comments truly make my day.  Hugs to each of you who make this feel like a chat and not me just tapping words into space.


I am blown away with having An Extraordinary Day featured so many times this week.
Thank you to the following lovely place from my the bottom of my heart:

Clean & Scentsible   ~  The Dedicated Home 

Boogieboard Cottage  ~  A Humble Creation

DIY Home Sweet Home  ~  Nap-Time Creations

Tatertots & Jello  ~  Cozy Little House

DIY By Design  ~  Savvy Southern Style

  ~  Cupcakes & Crinoline

The Vintage Farmhouse  ~  Chase the Star

Made in a Day  ~  Create, Craft, Love

Rooted in Thyme  ~  Barnes & Noodles

Life on Lakeshore Drive

Please take a minute to stop by these extraordinary blogs for even more inspiration.

Wishing you an Extraordinary weekend!


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Let’s chat!   “Like” An Extraordinary Day ~ A Place of Joy & Inspiration Facebook.

Sharing with the wonderful community at:  Weekly Top Shot + Jumping Tandem + Ivy & Elephants + No Minimalist Here + A Delightsome Life + Fine Craft Guild + Stone Gable + Live Laugh Rowe + Faith Grace Crafts + Katherine’s Corner + Green Willow Pond + Rooted in Thyme + This Gal Cooks + Imparting Grace + Common Ground + Bernideen’s Tea Time + The Charm of Home  + Create with Joy + French Cottage  + Shabby Art Boutique + 504 Main + The Thriftiness Miss + Faith-Filled Friday + The Vintage Farmhouse + Five Day 5 Ways + Spiritual Sundays

*   *   *  *  *  *  *    *   *   *  *   *   *   *   *   *  *  *  *  *  *   *  *  *  *  *  *
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  1. You are such a precious blessing ~ I find joy every time I stop by.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Diane.


    Mary Beth

    • Diane says

      Mary Beth you are so very sweet. Thanks for putting joy in my day! 🙂 I read your words to my husband and he said, “What a nice thing to say!”

      It’s a gorgeous day! We just got back from a walk, are peeling off outer clothes, getting a drink and going back out for more. Hope you’re enjoying your day too!!

  2. Nice shot of the silver. Even though it may end up being a chore, it is the creative process that I find joyous♫ My Top Shot: http://lore-eleven.blogspot.com/2013/03/pipes.html

    • Diane says

      Thanks Laurie!
      I’m getting pretty quick at polishing it up these days. 😉 All is good. Maybe I should take another shot when it polished. Hmmm.
      Hope your weekend is extraordinary!

  3. Gwen says

    Lovely photo.

    • Diane says

      Thank you Gwen!! 🙂
      Hope your weekend is extraordinary!

  4. What a wonderful “object” lesson! You have hit your blog groove!

    • Diane says

      That’s really nice of you to say that Susan…and interesting too! When I finished the post I actually said something to my husband about how it ‘felt’ right. Like I finally found my voice. It’s only taken almost a year! LOL! Seriously…I do appreciate you noticing and confirming and encouraging. Big hugs, friend!

  5. I love that verse and your photo is beautiful. I love old silver-plate, and I kind of like it tarnished!

    • Diane says

      Thanks Elizabeth. 🙂
      Me too, but it’s time to polish it again…I don’t want it to become permanently tarnished…as that can happen.
      Hope your weekend is extraordinarily blessed!

  6. Beautiful metaphor! Thank you for the gentle reminder, Diane!

    • Diane says

      Thank you Jessica for your encouraging words. 🙂
      May your day be filled with JOY!

  7. Marty says

    Both your thoughts and your image are truly lovely! A beautiful reminder indeed of His faithfulness and goodness!

    • Diane says

      So grateful for his faithfulness and his goodness.
      Hope your day is extraordinary!

  8. beautiful reminder!

    Happy SC!

  9. Visiting from Deidra’s place today. Beautiful photo, and the perfect verse. Thank you.

    • Diane says

      To God be the glory!!
      Sheila…May your day be blessed in every way!

  10. Diane…Just the truth about our faithful God I was needing today! Keep sharing Diane…your words are beautifully read and heart changing! XO, Aimee

    • Diane says

      And Aimee…your words blessed and encouraged me. 🙂
      May your day be overflowing with HIS JOY!! [hugs]

  11. Mel says

    Very cool photo. Isn’t it wonderful what the lens does to help us appreciate the seemingly ‘ordinary’.

    Weekends for me are ‘adventure’ and ‘exploring’ times. I’m not sure why I don’t give myself permission on other days..LOL..but I do tend to spend the weekend outdoors, wandering, snapping photos, tending to things as an excuse to be out in the elements, connecting with people I’m committed to connect with… HEARING things. Listening.
    I listen better on weekends for some reason. Go figure, eh?
    ..and WOW….look at how many folks featured the beautiful things and words you share! 🙂
    Very cool!

    • Diane says

      Your weekends sound perfect. 🙂 I’m thinking that in your realization….some of that is now going to spill over into the other days too!!
      Thank you for your kind words and shared excitement in my blessing. I’m still pinching myself. LOL!

  12. Lovely that you saw a lesson from the Word in a jumble of silver waiting for polish… I’m so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #73!

    • Diane says

      Isn’t God good like that Madge?
      Hope your week is extraordinary!!

  13. Such a lovely post Diane! I wonder how many people were blessed with you sharing the Word with us. Thanks so much and have a beautiful day. …and I love your silver too.

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

    • Diane says

      What sweet words of encouragement, Linda. 🙂 Thank you so very much!! [hugs]

  14. Hi Diane,
    This is a beautiful post and I appreciate you sharing it at the Open House party. I am a new follower through Google Reader.

    • Diane says

      You are so kind to say that Sherry. 🙂 What a blessing to know that you would consider following me. Thank you!

  15. Falen Tames says

    Love that verse! I bet the silver looked stunning when you were finished. 🙂 I’m popping over from the Expand Your Blog Link Up and am following you on Facebook. Great to meet you Diane!


    • Diane says

      What a blessing you are Falen! Thank you for your kind words.
      Wishing you an Extraordinary day!

  16. Rosey says

    I love your message here, and the sound of those pancakes too! 🙂

    I’m visiting today from Thursday’s Favorite Things. 🙂

    • Diane says

      Oh those pancakes were yummmy. Hmmmm. Wish you could have joined us at the table, Rosey! 🙂

  17. Doni says

    Those truly are beautiful, and to see the beauty in a pile of tarnished items is sometimes not easy…
    Just like looking at a sinful rebellious soul is hard to look at. God sees us at our worst and yet, he must want the silver to shine, so he carefully rubs us to remove our tarnish. Ow…it sometimes hurts. But oh the beauty afterwards! Lovely post! And thank you so much for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!

    • Diane says

      Oh Doni…thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful perspective.

  18. What a fabulous post. Love the thought and the reminder God brought to you through the work you had awaiting in that pile of tarnished silver.

    • Diane says

      Thank you Liz for your thoughtful encouragement. 🙂 Gotta love how God works!
      May your weekend be extraordinary!

  19. This is a great reminder to seek and find God even in polishing silver! Have a great weekend!

    • Diane says

      Now to polish the silver…. ;-/ It’s still waiting on me.
      Thank DeDe!!

  20. Wow, you have an eye for beauty. I would never have thought a pile of silver pieces could make such a beautiful photo. I think you also have a true appreciation for the beauty in life. It is a wonderful thing to look for the good in what God has made. I found you on Friendship Friday.


    • Diane says

      You are so sweet to say that Betty!
      I have been training my eyes to see beauty. It feels that doing so is almost a form of worship to our magnificent and loving Creator.
      Thanks for taking the time to come by and leave your thoughts. 🙂

  21. I lovely reminder. Thanks. I loved this.

    • Diane says

      Thank you Mrs. Chrissy for leaving your warm and encouraging words.
      May your weekend be Extraordinary!

  22. I, too, need to look at the world with new eyes. It’s easy to take God’s beauty for granted, isn’t it? While I wait anxiously for Spring I want to appreciate and find beauty in the winter. Your collage is beautiful and I love the quote.

  23. Kathy says

    Gorgeous photos and beautiful thoughts – love that you took the time to share both with Home and Garden Thursday,

    • Diane says

      You are so kind, Kathy. I’m enjoying your lovely blog. It’s always a pleasure to link…I just hope I link appropriate posts.


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    A Pile of Tarnished Silver and Its Greater Meaning :: The Week at a Glance 3/09 – An Extraordinary Day

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