This week we had a tough decision to make.
If we decided one way….people would applaud us and cheer.
If we decided another way….people would think we were being foolish.
We were pretty certain in our hearts what the decision should be.
And then we read this verse….
15 Listen! The Lord, the Eternal, the Holy One of Israel says,
Eternal One: In returning and rest, you will be saved.
In quietness and trust you will find strength.But you refused.
16 You couldn’t sit still;
instead, you said, “No! We will ride out of here on horseback.
Fast horses will give us an edge in battle.”
But those who pursue you will be faster still.
17 When one person threatens, a thousand will panic and flee.
When five terrorize you, all will run pell-mell,
Until you are as conspicuous as a single flag standing high on a hill.
18 Meanwhile, the Eternal One yearns to give you grace and boundless compassion;
that’s why He waits.
For the Eternal is a God of justice.
Those inclined toward Him, waiting for His help, will find happiness.
Isaiah 30: 15-18
It confirmed in our spirits what we should do.
Or for that matter…shouldn’t do.
We could very easily have solved a lot of problems with one decision.
Or could we?
It’s pretty obvious that this scripture is about an army of men involved in a battle.
One could say we are involved in a battle too. Certainly not one that involves horses and fighting.
But, I am pretty certain there is a battle in the heavenlies.
Here’s what my heart knows.
Even if it doesn’t make sense in the eyes of the people around me, I need to trust God, and his timing.
These verses are pretty clear, when we go our own way, we collect a whole new set of problems.
The problems I already have are great enough. I certainly don’t need to make even greater new ones.
Sure…God will certainly allow me to trudge or fly ahead. He won’t intercept my moves.
Instead he will wait for me to return to him….to trust him.
If I go my own way, I’ll miss his grace and compassion.
If I wait for him, I’ll find happiness.
In the midst of circumstances we need to step back.
Are our decisions short-sighted and based solely on what we see?
Or are we God-sighted…making decisions based on scripture and Godly principles and bathed in prayer?
That decision we had to make?
It was confirmed….we made the right decision.
You see in the end, we decided trusting God trumped what appeared to be the expedient thing.
God in his goodness didn’t make us wonder and doubt.
Now, I wish that I could tell you that that is the end of the story.
No…we are in the midst of the story. There is no resolution. We’re still living in limbo. And things really are not good.
Even so…we will trust… and in the trusting…find our strength.
We will trust in a God of justice who yearns to give us grace and boundless compassion.
Waiting on him will be worth it.
Lots of things in life don’t make sense. Don’t I know.
Each day is filled with choices.
What will you do when you have a tough decision to make?
Today is Joy Day!
The day when we take time to look back over our past week and count the gifts and blessings from the week. I’m reminded that some gifts aren’t exactly pleasant. Yet, in all things we are to give thanks.
Please join me in counting just ‘seven’ from the past week.
I’ll start…
God, I’m grateful:
- for being able take some long walks this week, in spite of the bitter cold and strong winds.
- to live in a warm house.
- for the confirmation we received from you, God.
- for your word that gives us life and teaches us how to live.
- for the sun coming up earlier and the new energy that comes at that hour.
- for the incredible challenges you placed before us this week.
- that you are our hope when all things appear quite hopeless.
Now it’s YOUR turn!!
Join me in counting ‘seven.’
Scroll down to the comment section…Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts….and list your ‘seven.’
I dare you!
Want even more joy? Take the Joy Dare here.
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I appreciate you and your sweet comments make my day.
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Sharing at these extraordinary spots:
#TellHisStory + PlayDates with God + The Dedicated House + The View from Right There + We Are THAT Family + Imparting Grace + Renewed Daily + My Freshly Brewed Life
Thank you for this spiritual lesson. Very precious to me. Clear and strong!
I am gratefull this week for my marriage. We are married for 23 years <3 God is so good. Our marriage knew mountains and valleys. Also very dark days, but at this time we see each other as God's gift. Amazing grace.
It’s all God, Jedidja, praise HIS Name!
I rejoice with you at God’s blessing on your marriage. God is so good!
May your week be filled with JOY!
What I’m grateful for:
1. My grandchildren’s laughter
2. God’s provision during uncertain times
3. Grateful for His word
4. My husband
5. A good cup of coffee
6. Relationship with my daughters
7. New spring blooms
Kim, I rejoice with you at God’s goodness and blessing in your life.
May your week be filled with extraordinary God moments!
Dear Diane, I can almost feel your pain as you choose to wait on the Lord for His perfect will & timing. Our son & his family are in a similar situation. They gave away nearly everything & began raising funds to go abroad as missionaries. Unfortunately, they were unable to do so in the allotted amount of time. After a few deadlines passed, they are still waiting to know & understand what God has in their future. As parents, our hearts ache for them. And yet we know the Heavenly Father cares about them ever so much more than we could ever even begin to imagine! And so we wait…again…some more…trying to give guidance but most of all, just reassuring them that God is Who He says He is.
1. Growing up in a Christian home.
2. A mother who took me to Sunday school.
3. A father who accepted Jesus when I was 7.
4. Bible-believing churches.
5. The Family of God
6. My husband who was also raisied in a Christian home!
7. Knowing God’s plans for us are good!
Carolyn, thank you for those words. I know we are not alone in this and that many others may have even greater challenges. I’m so sorry to learn that your son and his family did not make their deadlines. These things are so hard to understand. And yet, God doesn’t want us to waste our thinking on that, does he? I can only imagine how helpless you must feel as well. How blessed they are to have you be their prayerful, loving, encouragers.
Thank you for sharing your ‘seven.’ God is so good. And all his plans for us are too!
May your week be filled with joy-filled moments. [hugs]
I am grateful to God for:
l. For Godly parents who taught by example.
2.Grateful that my Son and Nephew have wonderful new attitudes about life!
3.the healing of a little hurt/misunderstanding with a friend.
4.the wonderful women that I work with every day.
5.grateful for a Positive, Christian, energetic, exciting, work environment! This wasn’t always the case!
6. for continued good health after a miracle healing for the husband of a wonderful blogger that I follow.
7. For Sundays, Charles Stanley, Joel Osteen, spiritual blog posts from several blogs I follow and Joy Day!!!! I get up Sunday morning excited to hear from the Lord through these wonderful, Godly people!!
Debbi, my sweet friend…the joys of these wonderful graces warm my heart, too. Truly God is holding you close and loving you deeply.
May your new week be filled with joyful moments and a deep sense of his presence. [hugs]
any way to send private message to you? maybe you could email me….
but tell me yours so I will open it or put your name in subject line so I will know!
love ya!
Glenda Kremer
Glenda…I sent you a separate e-mail and I’m removing your e-mail from your comment here for your privacy.
What exquisite photography! I can see your weather is quite different than ours in the lower South – spring like temperatures and 75 degrees today! I would love to experience snow like you do though. Your inspiration is probably even more beautiful than your photography! Trusting God when things don’t make sense and waiting for confirmation are definitely challenging at times. I needed to hear this wonderful encouragement today. We truly do find our strength by being quiet before the Lord and trusting Him instead of the many voices around us! Take care. Loved this post.
Mary Lise…that is just the nicest thing for you to say. I love taking photos…but always lack a little in the confidence department. Thank you!
You have 75 degrees today?! Wow! We had 4-6 inches of fresh snow. 😉 I think your weather is perfect….wouldn’t it be wonderful to have those temps for most of the year? Okay…I do like the coolness of fall and spring too. 😉
God is so good to use this spot on the web. I am so grateful that my challenges have not being wasted. However HE used it to bless and encourage you…that is such a God thing. He amazes me.
And thank YOU, Mary Lise for blessing me today!
I read your joy day responses. And I’m going to be serious but you said, ” wouldn’t it be wonderful to have those temps (75 degrees) most of the year?” And I shivered!!! I am not warm until its about 95. Swimming? When its 105. Well 100. The pool finally warms. I was chilled with freezing hands. Our temp? 60. So is it relevant??
I too like your photos but spring flowers are going away and summer ones soon are the rage. And you still have snow !
1. A friend visiting
2. Nice chat with my. Mom
3. Kids growing up
4. Grandson is growin g up! So fun
5?. Answers to prayers
O6. Bible verses for every situation
7 help with a difficult situation that may still have to be dealt with again
8 I’m very thank filled for the variety of this blog. I’ve been praying for you all.
I’m cold so I need to cover up. It sounds silly but part of a TBI. My temp control is off. Fingers blue and cold. Nose cold. I shiver under covers. A heater higher does not help. An electric blanket blisters my skin. Strange
Your spring is almost over and we still see snow! Wow! Hmmm….even though I’m still taking snowy photos…maybe I need to save them for NEXT winter! 😉
Blessings upon blessings! Gwen…these blessings help lift you above your blue fingers and cold nose. God is so good that way. I sense the joy in your heart as I read your words. And I have to say…Gwen…I melt into a messy puddle if the temp hits 95. So…I guess there is an upside….you’ll always be looking as cool as a cucumber. 😉 Seriously…I am so sorry for these intense challenges. My heart hurts for you as I pray.
May you sense his presence and may your heart be filled with unexplainable joy…all week long. [hugs]
Oh Diane, I am sorry for your troubles. Some things are truly out of our control and having faith and trusting is all that we can do. We are in a tough decision spot too right now, regarding my mom and a nursing home. You get the picture. We pray every night for guidance, but you are right, despite the situation there are many things to be grateful for, not the least of which is that my mom is still with us and I can still hug her and hold her. I think that fact alone could almost count as seven! You are in my thoughts.
And PS~ I absolutely love your goodnight messages and pretty bedroom pictures on Facebook. I don’t always comment, but I do so look forward to seeing them and reading your words as they pass by! I hope you’ll keep them coming!
Kim…the longer I live the more I realize that each of us has significant challenges some time in our lifetimes. And I think the closer we walk with the Lord the more difficult they can be. (Doesn’t this seem like it should be the opposite?) Several years ago, we faced a nursing home issue with my mom. A course of events…of her choosing…put her in the hospital with a transfer to a nursing home for her few final days. I feel for you. Having your mom to physically love on is truly a blessing. Make the most of your time together…though I’m sure you do. 🙂
Thanks for your encouraging words about the G’night thoughts on FB.
Big hugs to you Kim….May you sense God’s presence and guidance in extraordinary ways this week.
Thank you for your encouraging post. Reading it reminds me of a time 2 years ago when we were faced with the tough decision of trying to add another child to our family. We so wanted a third child, but my first 2 pregnancies had been very difficult, with serious complications that greatly hurt my health and the health of my babies. They were both born early and sick, and the second time was worse than the first. There was no cure for my problem, and specialists gave me a 50/50 chance of repeating the same problems with any pregnancy I had. After much prayer and searching the Scripture, it was clear to us that God is pro-children, and that while He made no promise of a healthy baby, He does promise to be with us when we step out in faith. To not act within God’s will purely out of fear of the worst outcome is not what He calls us to as followers of Christ. I am never to make a fear-based decision. I am to trust Him in spite of my fear and follow Him where He is calling. We opened ourselves up to having a third, and I ended up experiencing my first healthy, full-term pregnancy and healthy, full-term baby boy. He is almost two now and the perfect completion to our family. I am so thankful we chose God over fear. And even if things had not turned out “right,” it still would have been the right decision to follow God over our doubts.
Melanie…thank you so much for sharing your journey and the faith required to follow God. I rejoice with you in the blessing of a healthy pregnancy and baby boy! Yay God! Yay YOU for your obedience and faith. And yes…even “if” God is always faithful.
Thanks for taking the time to share your story, Melanie! 🙂
May you and your family be blessed beyond imagination!
Visiting you this morning from the Dedicated House and what a special treat it is!
I just finished a beautiful Bible Study on the life of Gideon, between the study and reading your spiritual lesson this morning -provides me with knowledge of continued patience and perfect timing on the part of our Heavenly Father.
These are daily challenges for me – must remind myself that God’s timing is perfect and mine isn’t!
My 7-
Thankful for God’s love,blessings and guidance
Thankful that God has my back covered 24/7
Thankful for my wonderful Parents and my upbringing in the Lord
Thankful for my husband, children and friends
Thankful for meeting new friends
Thankful for my health
Thankful for my home
So nice to meet you!
Jemma…thank YOU for popping by and for taking the time to share your kind and encouraging words. 🙂
I agree! God’s time is pure perfection! Mine….no-so-much. :-/
I love your heart of gratitude Jemma! Thank you for sharing your ‘seven.’
May your week be filled with joy-filled God moments!
What a challenge. Oh, but clearly a decision that got validated rather quickly–that’s always a breath of fresh air for me, that ability to then rest in the decision and not second guess myself. Those quick validations are nice.
I’ll continue to pray and be grateful for how well G-d’s taken care of the both of you.
OH my gosh–lovely photos of familiar surroundings. LOL I oughta look for the beauty in the snow I’m snarling at, huh? 😉
My seven:
* I’m working on that gratitude for a week off of work to ‘take care of Mel’. And I’m actually finding some.
* I got to be present for a gal who celebrated 8 years of sobriety — talk about witnessing G-d’s handiwork.
* I’ve gotten to several meetings this week and G-d’s made sure I’ve heard the message over and over again.
* I’ve had a number of opportunities to be of service to G-d and others…….and that’s one of my greatest joys.
* People care about me and want to make sure I’m ‘okay’.
* And I’m grateful for being late and getting your message within this Joy Day exactly when I was suppose to receive it.
*sending prayers and hugs to the both of you*
You’ll be interested to know that a few days ago we received another validation. I think the second-guessing should be over. 😉 You can pray that we are again able to pick up something “in the mean time.”
If the snow isn’t good for anything besides feeding the ground…at least it provided photo ops. If we want to brave the sub zero temps!! LOL
Your joy surely comes in blessing others. May you discover this week the joy that comes from just being Mel. 😉
Timing…it’s all HIS….love it!!
Praying and trusting for HIS best for you.
I hope you continue to find peace in your heart with the decisions you are making. I like your strength in the Lord. This is a great post to start off lent. A reminder of Christ’s love for us and how we should be devoted to him.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words, Robyn. God is faithful to do amazingly more than we can ask or imagine….we just need to trust him to do it.
May your week overflow with JOY!
Thanks for sharing your struggle and your decision process♪ I am in transition leaving my job to be available for my kids and grandson. Looking forward to new challenges and applying my faith daily in new ways. All the best! and may the Holy Spirit be a guide in all your endeavors!
Oh Laurie…congratulations on this new stage in your life. May you blossom and bloom in new and extraordinary ways!!
Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
Yes, Diane, those are the decisions that really test us, aren’t they. Thanks for these thoughts and gentle images.
Yes, Gail…they do….more than we want. 😉
Thanks for stopping by and for your encouraging remarks!
May your weekend be blessed.
Powerful post and gorgeous photography ~ You seemed to have made the right decision for you ~ Life is a series of ups, downs and somewhere in between as I see it ~ Trust ~ xxx
artmusedog and carol
Thank you Carol….
I think you hit it…trust is what it is all about.
Thanks for popping over and for leaving your warm thoughts.
Hope your weekend is extraordinary!
You are very wise, Diane. And, I know you are right where God wants you to be. I pray for his blessings and presence in your every day, my friend. Your husband, too.
Kim…sometimes I don’t feel very wise…like today.
I appreciate your encouragement Kim. 🙂
Beautiful post! I just found your blog via Imparting Grace! Look forward to looking around 🙂 Having a song of thanksgiving is something I want to strive for daily, throughout my day! Thx for the reminder…
Thankful for my precious children and the joy they bring. (and for my dear family too!)
Thankful for a faithful, Godly husband who is my everything.
Thankful for a warm home on this cold night…. and for a safe country!
Thankful for a church that loves my soul and for the unity in it.
Thankful for people I’ve “met” through blogs, who encourage me!
Kendra…you are joy…thank you for popping over and leaving your sweet words. 🙂
I love your ‘seven’ and your thankful heart. We DO have so much for which to be thankful!
May your weekend be filled with joy!!
Saying a prayer for you tonight, that the Lord will make your journey clear and bring peace.
Today, I am praising Him for:
1. Quiet times of rest.
2. Beautiful friends who agree to guest post while I rest.
3. My hard working husband.
4. Our growing Children’s Ministries!
5. My son’s new job!
6. God’s gentle leading hand.
7. A stack of new books to read.
My friend…your prayer is powerful…thank you!! 🙂
I rejoice with you at God’s goodness in your life. He is lovingly caring for you.
May your week be filled with unexpected JOY moments! [hugs]
Diane, how true! Lovely post! Thank you for sharing! You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to the Showcase so you can check out your feature. Hope to see you again tomorrow at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
Kathryn, thank you so much for your sweet words and for the lovely feature.
What a wonderful blessing!