I have a special reminder for you today.


Yes!  YOU!


I have a special reminder for you today Verses about God's Love for You


If you’re feeling unworthy, comparing yourself to someone else, or are feeling rejected today, know… you are loved.

If today, you’re on top of your game, you’re shining brightly, and you’re a wonderful blessing to everyone you see… you are loved.

You are loved by your Creator… the God of the Universe and he says… “you are mine.”

Now, this is what the Lord says…

“Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you.
I call you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1


When you feel unloved Bible verses about God's love for you | Farmhouse style vignette with Queen Anne's Lace


Sometimes we feel unloved, unlovable, and unlovely.

Guess what?

Feelings lie.  You can never, ever trust your feelings. 

BUT… there is ONE thing you can trust… actually ONE whom you can trust… God.  He loves you with an everlasting love.

He doesn’t regard your sister, your neighbor, or THAT girl any better or more lovable than you….

 Is he not the One who…  
shows no partiality to princes
    and does not favor the rich over the poor,
Job 34:19

In fact, God loves you so much he calls you daughter. His OWN treasured daughter.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1 


There's nothing better than knowing how much God loves and values you | Beautiful bouquet of fresh picked Queen Ann'es Lace


So those thoughts you’ve been having where you second guess yourself and feel inadequate, unimportant, and overlooked.  Stop thinking those thoughts right now!  They are lies.  Lies meant to paralyze you… lies meant to stop you from becoming all that God created you to be.

Jesus wants you to let go of all those negative thoughts and lies… he wants you to put it all down… he wants you to sit down and allow his peace and joy to wash over you… he wants you to rest and soak in his love.

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
John 15:9

I know those words and messages that play and replay in your head…

I know what it’s like, even as an adult, to never measure up, to never please your mom.

I know what it’s like to strive and keep striving to be good enough.

Never again do you need to concern yourself with not measuring up, or not being worthy, or trying too hard, or whatever it is that keeps pulling you down.

Read the words of this scripture… maybe over and over… and cement in your mind just how loved and valuable you are to God.  And then… stand tall… smile big… and walk with the confidence of the much-loved daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords!

But now, God’s Message…

“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.

    I’ve called your name. You’re mine.

When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.

    When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.

When you’re between a rock and a hard place,

    it won’t be a dead end—

Because I am God, your personal God,

    The Holy of Israel, your Savior.

I paid a huge price for you:

    all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!

That’s how much you mean to me!

    That’s how much I love you!

I’d sell off the whole world to get you back,

    trade the creation just for you.

Isaiah 43:1-4


God says...  I’ve called your name. You’re mine. - Bible verse about God's love for YOU


How much do you mean to God?

How much does he love you?

 `God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.
John 3:16

Sometimes it’s good to personalize a verse to get the full intent of the meaning…

God loved _me_ so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, _I_ who believe in him will not lose _my_ life, but will live for ever.  (Or you can insert your name in those blanks too.)

Never for a minute ever doubt how valuable you are.  You were bought with a great price and adopted into God’s forever family. God’s love for you never ends.

Now… go through the rest of your day knowing you are loved beyond imagination.  

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Don't let lies steal your value - Learn how very much God loves you with this inspirational posts and Bible verses on God's love.


When you know how much God loves you nothing can bring you down - JOYDAY!


It’s JoyDay!


And time to get our joy meters soaring!

Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful.  This simple exercise of counting and giving thanks together in this space is something we do each week to reset our compasses and put our eyes back on the Lord.

I’ll start…

Thank you, God…

  1. for Your incredible, amazing love for me.
  2. for the long hard, much-needed rain we had yesterday.
  3. for my loving, caring husband who puts my needs before his.
  4. for a grocery store that carries such amazing home-grown flowers. 
  5. that You made it possible for me and my dear friend to work together again.
  6. that You are faithful, loving, kind, and always with me.
  7. that You are my loving faithful Father.

Now…it’s YOUR turn!

List your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below.  You’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts.May your week overflow with unimaginable Joy! Signature - AnExtraordinaryDay.netReceive FREE inspiration like this in your inbox!
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  1. Minnie says

    Happy Sunday to you,
    My 7 this week are….
    1. Not only my children but my daughters in law. My sons have good wives, my grandchildren have good mommas and my husband and I have good daughters.
    2. My husband i and I are still IN LOVE as well as still love.
    3. Color. Our Lord could have made everything in black and white but didn’t.
    4. Laughter. He did not have to give us humor but he did.
    5. Things to laugh at. Babies and dogs always seem to know how to make us laugh.
    6. The silence of snow. It is awesome.
    7. Butterfly’s. So pretty dancing in my garden.
    Blessings to you!

    • Judy says

      Dear Diane.. All I can say is .. You spoke to my heart and soul! You may never know how very much your message meant to me.. But, God does! Bless your heart for who you are.. And ALL that you do! Love you, Judy

      • How does God do that?! I am humbled that he used me to speak into your heart, my friend. Know you are so loved, by HIM and me. Have a blessed week! xoxo

    • Thank you, sweet friend! <3
      Minnie, you bless me with the ‘seven’ you share. What a happy thankful heart you have. 🙂
      May your week be filled with JOY and blessing! {hugs}

  2. Babette Baker says

    Thank you Diane for sharing these verses to remind me who I am in Christ!
    The seven things I am thankful for this week are:
    1. God helping me to exercise some each day.
    2. For the beauty all around, I was walking my dog and thought it really is so pretty here and I can see rabbits, and geese and othe woodland creatures here.
    3. For a job, it may not be my favorite but Thank God I have one.
    4. For a nice weekend I spent some time with my daughter in law shopping and having lunch.
    5. For God’s constant protection and provision.
    6. For my family.
    7. For my church.

  3. Gwen says

    Today this hits home! Me. The always confident one. Has felt rejected as an adult. Today’s sermon was on getting ready for heaven. It’s intentional how I must set my mind –and I realized then I needed to thank God for life from Him. It may not be the season for me to be a part of this or that but I am loved by God. And you write on reinforcing that same concept. Stop Take hold of those foolish non-Biblical stray thoughts/feelings. Stand on Truth of Goss Word.
    1. The moon going down
    2. Day of rest
    3. The faucet is in
    4. Hymns to sing
    5. Laughter
    6. Warmth of the sun
    7. Safety

  4. Debbi Saunders says

    Thank You God…..
    1. for Peace and healing for Jean, though not here on earth as we had hoped, but in her Eternal Home with You….
    2. for all my Dear Faithful Friends and Prayer Partners….
    3. for my new position at School….
    4. for your protection and unfailing provision for all my needs…
    5. for my garden, a work in progress, with all the critters, birds, bees and Butterflies that make it such a colorful, restful sanctuary……
    6. for the personal and spiritual growth this summer through the purging process and letting go….
    7. for the much need rain this summer making everything lush and green…..

Please Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts!


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