On this day officially proclaimed as the day to gather together to give thanks to our Great and Holy God…
Let us do just that.
Let us join with the Psalmist here…
Thank God! He deserves your thanks.
His love never quits.
Thank the God of all gods,
His love never quits.
Thank the Lord of all lords.
His love never quits.
Thank the miracle-working God,
His love never quits.
The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
His love never quits.
The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations,
His love never quits.
The God who filled the skies with light,
His love never quits.
The sun to watch over the day,
His love never quits.
Moon and stars as guardians of the night,
His love never quits.
Psalm 136:1-9 The Message
Thank you God that you not only created all that we know, but that you love us with an everlasting love.
Thank you for your daily provision, for good health, and for the knowledge that though we may not yet see it, you have already made a way.
You are amazing, God.
Will you join me in giving thanks today?
Please leave your words of gratitude in the “Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts” section below.
May you and yours have a most blessed and joy-filled Thanksgiving!
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¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Happy Thanksgiving! ¤
Thank you, Madge!!! It was a good time away. Hope yours was too!
I will sum up what I am thankful for in one word “EVERYTHING”! Everything that he HAS done, IS doing and WILL due in my life! For Family Friends, health, job, home!
I’ve got a big grin on my face now!! He HAS done amazing things….and will continue to do so too!! Can’t wait to see how it works it all out! [hugs]
I began to get technical in the difference of gratitude and thanksgiving which then ties to praise in the Christian faith…and the articles research showed that gratitude even if all around is going hard improves health, improves mood, helps a person figure out complex solutions to work problems quicker and more efficiently…. People slept better…and I thought….well research shows meditation is beneficial to the heart, blood pressure, mood, well being and the Bible says, Meditate on My Word day and night. Now the research says, keep thanking in all times as it helps in every area of life. Hmmm…in all things give thanks (Give thanks by prayer and supplication)
And so I am convinced I’m going back to my chair routine of a thanking journal where daily I wrote five blessings. Every day. Through those dark days when I could not move nor walk…and then at 3pm every single day He opened the sunshine–every day that December–to the brightest sunlight ever and I would sleep, knowing God was with me and silly me, I wasn’t forgotten!!! So in my darkest days? He gave me that bright light to remind me, Oh Gwen I’m here…even if you can’t see me because of clouds of hard times. So to remind you, I’ll give you this ball of fire every day just to comfort you. And it comforted me. I slept.
I could go on and on how God uses even like tonight Curt had written our Pharmacy down on our thankful list chalkboard and their names. And we run into one of them and she needed prayer and comfort and care and encouragement so I never go out, but at ten pm we stopped at Walgreens as Curt said, How mighty is God to orchestrate this…and right there in the aisle of the store we listened, wrapped arms to form a circle, I boldly went before our Lord for the desperate help needed….and as we closed, and my injury required me to move on…Curt and I both thanked The Lord for leading us to be thankful and this that opened the door to talking and then her heart could open.
I’m so thankful for you Diane, I pray for your situation…and you are praying for mine. God opens doors in miraculous ways with hearts of praise not fists of anger bitterness.
Thanks for sharing your two stories! Wow! They are such examples of how tenderly God loves us and how he blesses us for being faithful. It blessed me so much to read them too.
Isn’t it interesting to see that science/research is just proving the truth of God’s word. 🙂 Love it!!
[hugs] to you my friend!
What powerful moments Gwen shared. (Thank you for that, Gwen)
After all the fuss and commotion, I’m up and walking–sometimes bitty steps without the aid of the crutch.
There’s warmth and food and love in this home–how graced am I.
There are people in my life, well placed by my Maker, that remind just how important the ‘little things’ in life truly are.
I hope that ThanksGiving was HUGE — wherever your feet were. ((( Diane )))