After being bombarded all week with tragic photos everywhere,
I want to give you….
a picture of hope.
To give you words of truth.
Words of hope.
A friend told me about this video. I don’t usually watch videos…I prefer to read. If you’re like me, humor me, please watch the video just because I ask you to. It’s eye-opening.
Did tear up as you watched the video? If you’re like me, maybe you’ve been running a recording in your head that really isn’t true. Let’s change that, my extraordinary friend. Say this with me, “I am beautiful.” Notice the corners of your mouth turn up as you say it? Repeat it again. Speak truth to yourself. It will change the way you think. Your countenance will change and you will be even more beautiful because of it. I’d love to hear how the video affected you. Please share your thoughts below.
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Catch up on all that’s Extraordinary…
this week at An Extraordinary Day:
It’s been an another Extraordinary week on the blog.
This week’s Joy Day! post was about how God renews my hope and joy as I see spring burst into bloom. The table in the sun room got a bit of a sunny transformation for spring too. It was a fun to do….hope you enjoy it.
Whew! This continues to be a time of transition for me. Learning how to make the most of my blogging tasks and work a new job. I have a few unfinished posts I’m working on I think you will enjoy. I did spend time adding advertisements on the blog. I hope you don’t mind. I will try to be very tasteful about this. But frankly, if there is money to be made for you simply popping by, then I’m going to receive the blessing to help pay necessary living expenses like gas and groceries.
The other day, I couldn’t believe how springtime perfect the morning was! It was a great excuse to take my ‘new-to-me’ camera out for a stroll. And boy did we have fun capturing the beauty of the day! I’m not sure…but I think I popped off 300 photos. Next to download them and get a few to share with you. That brings me to this question: How do you feel about my nature photos? If I kept the usual Joy Day! posts, and once or twice a week add decor/craft/homemaking posts, would you mind if I filled in the rest with pretty photos? This is an important question and I really need your input. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
This week I finalized some details for my upcoming blog anniversary. You don’t want to miss it. I am excited to have a VIP guest helping me celebrate my special day….April 29. And…there are wonderful GIVEAWAYS in store all week too. I know I just said it, but…you don’t want to miss it!!
Humbled and blessed.
Thank you to the following lovely places for featuring An Extraordinary Day this week:
i Heart Nap Time ~ Nap Time Creations ~ Twigg Studios
Nifty Thrifty Things ~ Create with Joy ~ The Dedicated House
Cozy Little House ~ Today’s Creative Blog ~ Denise in Bloom
Cupcakes & Crinoline ~ Elizabeth & Co. ~ Timewashed
My Repurposed Life ~ Our Home Away From Home ~ One More Time to Celebrate
Please take a minute to stop by these extraordinary blogs for even more inspiration.
And last…but certainly not least… You are the best!! I have the most extraordinary readers! Thank you for leaving your sweet and encouraging comments. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for helping spread the joy here with your friends too. I appreciate you more than you know. May you be blessed by the picture of hope, too.
To receive bits of inspiration like this in your inbox or reader, subscribe now.
Let’s chat! “Like” An Extraordinary Day ~ A Place of Joy & Inspiration Facebook.
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I would have watched video but saw nothing to click on to see! I clicked on several things but no video!
Glenda…thank you so much for being willing to watch the video. Take your cursor and hover around the center of the video photo. A big red arrow should appear…then click on it. That should work! Blessings!
Two things: 1. The video was encouraging because it shows that the things we worry about our appearance generally are not such a big deal to others. So maybe they don’t have to be such a big deal to me either! And 2. I love your photos and wouldn’t tire of looking at them 🙂
Wasn’t that interesting how the gals worried about things someone doesn’t see…or if they do…it doesn’t matter. Maybe we should concern ourselves with how we ‘act’ more than our appearance. Hmmm.
Aww…thanks for loving my photos, Jan. That means so much! [hugs]
I saw this video the other day and I was SO touched by it!! I totally teared up!! 🙂 I love that you shared it too! I think it is something that every woman needs to see to help us all change how harsh we are with ourselves. Regarding your nature photos, I love them and think they will be a wonderful addition!! Of course, watch your blog numbers after a while and I guess that will tell the “real tale” but I love them and I know you love them, so I say “go for it”! I am excited that you are adding ads too! Your posts are always so encouraging to me I love the idea that me stopping by to view them helps you too!! A win-win!! Hugs, Jennifer 😀
You have been so amazingly encouraging Jennifer. 🙂 I can’t thank you enough!!
Hope your weekend is everything you hope it will be. [hugs]
Beautiful video and post. The video really makes you think about how critical we are of ourselves when no one else is even noticing. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Cindy! I agree…it really does make us evaluate this whole thing. The messages in our minds and the messages we are sending our children and teens.
I love that youtube clip. We watched it in MOPS this week and it was very touching. Such a good reminder to us all to appreciate that we have been “fearfully and wonderfully” made.
I like your reference to our being ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made. What a difference in our culture if we would actually celebrate what God has said “is good.” Thank you Audra for coming by and leaving your thoughtful remarks!
Wishing you an extraordinary weekend!
Thank you for the hope-filled picture and scripture. That video seriously choked me up too. Amazing. What a great, encouraging post!
I’m blessed that you were blessed Jodi!
Wishing you an extraordinary new week!
I watched the video. Wow, huh? Really makes you think. As for your blog, I love the pics! I’ve saved a bunch to my computer to use as wall paper, even if they say your blog name on them! Beautiful and meaningful. So anything you do is good with me! You’d be hard pressed to get rid of me at this point! Dona
Awwww Dona…you are so sweet! Thank you for your warm and encouraging words!! 🙂
Diane, thank you for sharing that awesome video. It IS eye-opening! I see such beauty in women – ALL women. We are too critical of ourselves. Ten or so years ago, a former neighbor said to me, “All women are beautiful. You are beautiful. I am beautiful. We all are creatures of true beauty.” It shocked me when she said it.There she sat, all young, skinny, and cute. There I sat, older, fluffier, and not so cute, in my view. I’d never heard a woman say that of others before. Could she really be including me in her words? How encouraging her statement, because as I considered her words, I realized it is true. God created us beautiful. And, inner beauty makes the outer beauty truly shine more brilliantly. I only discovered your blog this week, and I loved it immediately. I see your beauty in the things you write, the life you live, all of it. Now that I think of it, just as in the video, we don’t need to look at someone’s face to see their beauty – just like the artist. So many layers here…:-) We should all meet for coffee over this one!!!
Oh Kim….your words touched my heart. I’m so glad we ‘met.’ Thank you for taking the time to pop by and share your heart. [hugs]
First time stopping by here and I’m glad I did. The video bought tears to my eyes. Often, we are our worst enemy and critic. I plan to share it with my daughters.
I’m so glad you ‘happened’ by Dina. 🙂 I hope that your daughters will learn from the video. Wouldn’t it have been good if we had learned that lesson when we were younger? Hope your week is Extraordinary! 🙂
I hope the adventures you’re beginning are fruitful and fun! Yes, I know some ‘work’ is required–but web logs are (in my not so humble opinion) suppose to be FUN. I so hope that HERE will remain a place where your heart speaks, where your joy is shared, and where your love of life and the people and things in it are celebrated. If other things transpire during that, I’m all for it. Mostly, I wish for you to hold on to the very things that gave birth to this wee place in cyberspace–that spoke and speaks to all that you ARE.
If that’s a pretty spot in your sun room or a tutorial or a snapshot of the kitty hogging the chair..LOL It’s your bitty place–you get to decide. I appreciate the asking–(just more about the YOU that you are!) but truly–and I celebrate for you, the gifts that have happened for you here. But it’s about YOU and what YOU’RE content with, what speaks to YOU.
See the above video. LOL
You’re gorgeous through and through–and your web log is a celebration of life and creation (pun intended). And people have joined you here because of that, know what I mean? You just exude…..LOVE. That’s all there is to it. And you help others feel special, cared about and important. In a world where folks might ‘bother’ with a “LIKE!!”, you bother with answering each person, with personally reaching towards and blessing them with great joys.
See the above video!! LOL
And yes, it made me weepy. I know I don’t see myself as ‘physically beautiful’–and I know the world views me entirely different from how I view myself. They see me TODAY, in the moment. I see me through the years. Not in a devaluing sense–it’s taken everything to bring me to HERE and HERE is an awesome place! Funny how, after watching the video, I contemplated whether I ought to be at LEAST using some mascara during my days. LOLOL As if that’s the answer. I know it’s not. It’s as simple as the surrender of a belief that’s been lurking for a lifetime. I KNOW I’m beautiful to my Maker. Through and through. I can’t see human beings being THAT gracious any time soon. *laughing* Yes, more for me to work on! 😉
(Sheeeeshhh…..I’ve written a novel!!!! I’ve warned you before that I’m ‘wordy’!! LOL)
Haha! You have indeed written a novel. A very loving and encouraging one, too! Mel…you are the biggest blessing to me here. I think you are beautiful, through and through. Whatever God has brought you through to this point, He certainly has made you into a delightful, thoughtful, caring, thinking, loving, joyful lady.
Mel, I have no intention of changing the blog. But, advertising will appear on the sidebar as I am approved. I have enjoyed taking photos so much and really don’t want to overwhelm you with them if you are feeling that it’s too much. I would rather, people say it’s too much than just leave. This morning the Joy Day! post went up and 3 people unsubscribed almost immediately. I lost about 15 people when I did the Easter subway art printable. I know I cannot be all things to all people. I can only be true to myself, and yet, I do want to make this a beautiful place to visit, be inspired, and be refreshed. Much has been learned in this past year and I have only touched the tip of the iceberg, I’m sure. This blog has been my oasis and I wish it to be one for others too.
Thank you for tapping out the kindest things today. You made my heart swell. 🙂 May it be returned to you…pressed down and overflowing.
mmm … that video’s been popping up here and there in recent days … I’ll be checking it out, my friend. Thanks for the heads up!
Linda, I’m thinking that it can’t pop up too many times. I hope it blesses you. 😉
Beautiful scripture!
The Psalmist always says it so well. 🙂
May your heart be filled with God’s Hope, Patrice!
Very moving…we’re so hard on ourselves!!! I did not want to watch the video…but I felt compelled. I am reminded that not only does the world see us as far more beautiful than we think ourselves, but God sees us as so fearfully and wonderfully made.
I’m so glad you watched it Elise. 😉 If my friend had not told me I needed to watch it I never would have.
May you see yourself with new eyes…God’s eyes. You are a beautiful creation and treasure of His.
Beautiful picture and such an inspirational message. Thank you for sharing such a fabulous post! Krista @ A Handful of Everything
Your words just warmed my heart Krista! Thank you!
Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!
That was awesome Diane. I wish you had Twitter – I was going to tweet this. I do think I will put this video on Facebook.
Thanks so much for sharing this. It is so true. Smile and your face will show the inner beauty of God.
I’m so glad you like it Janis! 🙂
I am not on Twitter…but I have sharing links to Twitter at the side of the post and at the bottom in the band of sharing buttons.
I love the dove beauty sketches. It’s about time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts…they are truly joyful.
I vote for at least one epic joy post and one homemaking/decor post each week, with your photo sharing filling in. Words having weight, and a pictures (sometimes) being worth a thousand of them… (= I’m assuming your photo posts wouldn’t require as much writing effort as your joy and homemaking posts. Lynaea @
I agree…it was time….and I’m so glad that it was put together. I just hope women who need to hear the message, do. 🙂
Thanks for weighing in on the photo thing, Lynaea. I really appreciate it. You are so kind and encouraging. Thanks for blessing me in a most extraordinary way.
Wishing you a weekend overflowing with JOY!
I just smiled all the way through that video!! And especially at the end, because I see (saw) that I am exactly like each of those women, calling attention to my faults and what I see as faults, but in reality, they aren’t. I usually see myself as large, not pretty at all…but each and every one of us IS beautiful. Regardless of crow’s feet or moles or double chins!! Thank you so much for sharing that video (and I hope a lot of your readers see it). It will make my day much easier to remember that it’s not what I think I see, but what others see that is real.
Blessings to you!
Oh Doni, I am so blessed that you were encouraged to see the beautiful you in the video. God’s handiwork is awesome…that’s you girlie!!
May your day overflow with JOY!
So uplifting! Thanks for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
Hope to see you again today. 🙂
Thanks Lisa Lynn!
I have already popped by this morning!
Hope your day is Extraordinary!
I watched the Dove video and cried. I’ve had body image issues for most of my life. I want to see what my husband and the Heavenly Father see in me.
And I want you to see your beauty too, Rona! Lord, open Rona’s eyes to see this gorgeous woman you have created and fill her heart with joy today. In Jesus Name, amen. [hugs]
Yes! Perfect – we are surrounded by beauty and my heart goes out to all who have been affected by the devastating events of the past few days – there’s no comfort that can compare to God’s,
You are so right…there’s no comfort like HIS.
Blessings, my friend!