Did you make a New Year’s resolution?
I am certain that there are many people who not only made New Year’s resolutions for 2015… but have broken one or more already.
Fear of failure is one of the chief reasons that so many people don’t make resolutions at the start of the New Year.
As the year came to a close, I decided I needed to do something for the New Year that did not include the typical Word for the Year or resolutions. I ruminated on this for some time, feeling resistant to set anything down in pen or type. My resistance was undoubtedly mixed with fear of failure and living in limbo and feeling so out of control. (As I type in these words, I realize that if we’re honest with ourselves, none of us are ever in control of our lives. Not really.)
Every morning a devotional from John Piper pops up in my inbox. I enjoy his devotionals because, for the most part, they really make me think. The other day, the devotional was led by this verse from Hebrews:
Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.
Hebrews 10:24 (RSV)
He used that verse as He talked about what our aim in life should be and how we need to lead lives of purpose. That verse stayed with me. And then last night at bedtime my husband read the final devotional of the year from my favorite devo, Streams in the Desert.* The thoughts were totally unrelated, yet I was impressed to take another look at the verse from Hebrews… in another version.
Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.
Hebrews 10:24 (NCV)
I realized this is something I can put before myself for the year.
It’s a goal, it’s a purpose, it’s a lifestyle.
In order to keep this verse before me, I’ve created this 8×10 printable. Feel free to download it for yourself as well.
This is really a life goal.
To follow it, we can change the world.
All of us need something to do when we get up in the morning beyond the tasks of the day. Something that gives our lives purpose. I don’t think we are to simply drift through the day. I’m reminded of the verse from Jeremiah… For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
When I started the blog, one of my purposes for the blog was to help you live life fully and beautifully.
I think it’s easy to get so caught up in life… that we quit living. Often our goal is to just get through the day. I want life to be more than just getting through a day. I want to live fully, deeply, richly, with everything I have. I want to live life on purpose. I want to touch others in such a way that my words and actions make a difference.
To do this will be a lifestyle change.
An intentional and purposeful one. I will need to put this verse before me daily and often during the day. I’ll need to make adjustments to my thinking. I’ll need to realign things… from how I plan my day to how I interact with everyone. As a kind, but self-centered soul, this will not come easy to me.
Living in the in between, I have allowed myself to take life as it comes. Believe me… that is NOT living. In doing so, I have quit living on so many levels. It’s like putting the real me on a shelf. It goes against the very fiber of my being. And yet… that’s exactly what I have done this past year. It might have seemed wise. It might even have seemed easier. I simply chose to do to get through the day. Arrgh! Right about now, I could get out that proverbial baseball bat and start whacking myself. But, I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to forgive the past and get on track with this fresh slate of a New Year.
How about you?
- Are you making resolutions, goals, etc., for the New Year?
- Are you choosing to live life fully and beautifully?
Many years ago I watched the movie, Dead Poets Society.*
It moved me. I talked about it for a long time. And the often remembered phrase from the movie, Carpe Diem stuck with me. The concept of seizing the day struck a cord with me. However, unlike the short-sightedness of the phrase, for me, seizing the day really is to suck the marrow from the day, living it fully, with my eye on the future. We are eternal creatures. What we do and say and who we are has eternal consequences. Sometimes we live too much in the moment without regard to the eternal. I guess I’m on a journey to live in the moment fully in the context of the greater, fuller, reality we have yet to see.
Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.
Download this free 8×10 Printable HERE.
This verse will be my compass for the year.
And like every navigational device that requires settings in order to work properly, God will be my north star. It is in him that I live and move. I’ll us my compass to purposefully orient my thoughts, words, and actions, so that when the year comes to a close I can look back and see that I really did make a difference. And see the result of being malleable and open to God using me and working in and through me for his honor and his glory.
(I played around with this image in various colors. If you prefer something different
than the first two, click on the image to download your favorite 8×10.)
If you’d like to join me in this journey… using the same verse or another, let me know.
I’ve never started a Facebook group for such a purpose, but if it sounds like something you would be interested in, I just might put one together.
Did you make a resolution for the New Year?
What are you doing to make 2015 a life-changing year?
Wishing you a happy, joyful, & blessed New Year!
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I think this is a wonderful verse and a good goal!!
Thanks for your wonderful encouragement Pinky!
Hope your New Year is blessed in every way! 🙂
Awesome! My one word this year is content. I know there will be heartache along the way, and the exercising of lots of faith muscle, but I truly want to end up content at the end of this year.
Barbie… I have no doubt that you will look back a year from now and will see incredible growth. You’ve gone through so many challenges the past few years… I think this is the paper and ribbon on a package that you’ve already bought. Maybe you can make this your present to God. Can’t you see his joy and delight as you find your full contentment in him? I look forward to seeing what God will do with your obedient heart. [[hugs]]
Boy….I’m glad to hear you won’t be picking up that bat and whacking yourself with it. I’d suggesy that you might be a tad hard on yourself and that you might want to get some person you trust to be honest with you to give you some feedback. But, as a person who constantly inventories herself, I look at the defect of character as just that….a defect. It’s never about my worth and value and it’s always about discovering more of what gets in the way of my usefulness to G-d and others. I’ll hope your inventory is done from that same place.
That being said, your verse from Hebrews is my ambition, my true ambition….not for these next few weeks but every day, each day, however many days I’m allowed. And boy don’t I know that I don’t have, nor have I ever had ‘control’. Doesn’t stop me from acting like I have it some moments. LOL. I generally get a gentle reminder. I live one day at a time, try to remain present in the moment, and try hard to not get too far ahead of myself. G-d has plans and chuckles when I make mine, yaknow! But I agree with being ever aware of how we’re spending our time on the planet…and I can spend my time talking…..or doing.
My goal….to remain open.
Sounds simple, eh? Open to others suggestions, open to new ways of doing things, open to new service work, open to different opinions (sounding more complicated yet? LOL)…open to hearing Him when He speaks….open to loving more fully and deeply….open to letting what matters LOOK like it matters….eeek!! I mighta bit off a hefty chunk!!
Haha!! Yah! That is a chunk Mel!!! A giganatuous chunk! 🙂 But… you are an ambitious gal for sure!!!
It’s interesting you say that Hebrews is your true ambition. I think you’re living it out pretty well. I’m pretty sure you make God smile most days. 🙂 Thanks for your words of encouragement. It’s your gift and I love being the recipient. Big hugs and wishes for a truly rich and blessed New Year.
So love this Diane! Off to share on FB!
Pamela… you made my day!! Thanks for your wonderful encouragement! {{{{hugs}}}}
Diane, I just want you to know that the words you’ve said in all your previous posts HAVE done exactly what your hoping to live in your daily life–I believe I can speak freely and say that your blog has perpetuated us all to look more closely at our own lives and strive to be better people. One person CAN shine a bright light in this world oft times clothed in darkness. For your gentleness of spirit and kindness of heart, I thank you from the bottom of mine. My wishes for a very blessed New Year!
Bobbi… you are so kind. Maybe that’s why this resonated with me. I guess God’s been breathing this into my spirit without my even realizing it. I praise him that he has used me and this space in such a wonderful way. Bless you, my friend! And thank you for being a part of this wonderful community. [[hugs]]
Hi, Diane. What you replied is so true–none of us really know exactly how our words and deeds affect the lives of others, but I always pray that by keeping God close I will do no harm. I have gained much from your blog–truly important things that help me in my walk with God, and allow me to look beyond the everyday stresses to more important issues. My deepest thanks for caring enough to share your faith with me. Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Oh Bobbi… thank you again. I am so grateful that God has used the blog to strengthen your faith. Big hugs!!