I heard the whisper of God this past week.
Why else would I have had the huge urge to completely clean out a storage room? Especially as I could close the door and no one would see the room, it was a perfect storage area. Monday night I had no idea why I wanted an empty room. But, I was a woman on a mission. It seemed that since that storage room was next to the laundry room (that’s another upcoming story), that it would be the best place to put the clothes drying rack. Before the urge to empty the room, it had been called the “Christmas Room” as it was filled with all things Christmas, though it was also a repository for packing boxes stuffed with paper that needed to be folded and stored in the attic. The room was packed with cardboard boxes.
You’re wondering…
“And what does this have to do with hearing a whisper from God?”
Wednesday afternoon I was doing laundry. I was home alone with the cats and it was storming. Taylor our big, fluffy, gold and white “Sylvester” was cowering at the top of the basement steps. He does not like a storm. And a storm we had. There was hail, lighting, high winds, and lots of rain.
I was glad to be in the basement where the loud claps of thunder were muffled. As I was tossing the matelasse coverlet into the dryer, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed water moving on the floor behind me. Water?! What? Where? It was coming under the wall. I turned on the light in the now mostly empty room to see a lake of water rising from the corner. It seemed that the sump pump was not working.
Quickly I grabbed towels from a nearby basket, and more still warm from the dryer that I had just folded, and started laying them down to create a dam wherever there was a stream of water. Next I ran upstairs, grabbed the phone to call my husband and another armload of towels. I ran back down and threw those on the floor and went upstairs again to call a plumber. Fortunately they answered quickly, but only to tell me that all their men were out. I explained my situation and he said he would see what he could do. I grabbed more towels and tried to restrict the flow of water as best I could. About 10 minutes later my doorbell rang. It was a plumber.
The monsoon relented. Within an hour a new sump pump was installed, and I was getting a handle on the water. Some boxes in the hallway and kitchen had gotten a little wet as did a few other things, but this was not a disaster. This section of the basement is tiled, so no carpet was involved.
The room that was flooded was the former “Christmas Room.” Can you imagine how disastrous this would have been? That wet floor had been covered with boxes! I don’t recall hearing a voice saying, “Diane, clean out the “Christmas Room,” a flood is coming.” But I certainly had an urgency to do it and not put it off. And that must have been a whisper, or a prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever heard the whisper of God?
There is one thing of which I am certain. When we know we should do something, whether it’s to phone someone, or take on a particular task, we need to act. Can you imagine my predicament if I had put off clearing out that room? Perish that thought!!!!
So here we are another week and another Joy Day! One more time I am so very grateful for God’s protection. As the storm bore down on us with ferocity that afternoon, I prayed. I asked for protection. No God didn’t stop the water from coming down. No he didn’t cause the ceased pump motor to work. But, he did whisper to me to clear the room a few days earlier. His protection actually came before my prayer request. And I am so grateful.
Have you heard God’s whisper?
Has the Holy Spirit prompted you to action?
Maybe he’s whispering now.
I love this word picture Jesus uses in the Bible as he describes himself as the gatekeeper and we, his sheep:
“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” John 10:3-5 New International Version
Do you want to hear the whisper of God? Last summer my husband and I read Bill Hybel’s book, The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond. It’s an easy read as Bill is a great storyteller. I highly recommend it. He will help you learn how to recognize God’s voice and attune your ear to hearing his whisper.
I’d love to hear a time when you heard God’s whisper.
Please “Share Your Thoughts” below.
Joy Day! is the day we celebrate blessings from the past week together.
I’ll start with just seven of the many:
- Clean and empty basement room.
- Two calls from long distance friends makes my heart glad.
- Loving, thoughtful husband.
- A family of Tufted Titmice dancing and singing in the tree.
- Plumber at my door in 10 minutes!
- Ceiling hangers, provided by dad so many years ago.
- Fresh local peaches.
Will you join me in counting blessings, too?
Please share just ONE in the comment section below from your week.
Seven if you can.
Take the Joy Dare at: One Thousand Gifts. Or find ONE THING to be thankful for each day and write it down. Then, come back next week and share your joys here.
Linking to Multitudes on Mondays | A Holy Experience + Titus2sDay | TimeWarpWife + Playdates with God | the wellspring + DebbieDoos Newbie Party
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I love this post! Thank you for sharing your heart. We serve such an awesome God!
Thanks Karianne! We sure do!!
Hope your day is Extraordinary!
Some days the nudge is not even noticeable, as with a father’s imperceptible nod of encouragement, we move because it just feels right. Other times the Spirit seems to shout, “Duck!” and we dive for cover wondering what caused us to do that. It is nice to know that our Father loves us enough to get our attention whatever it takes.
I am grateful for a wife who listens.
And I am grateful for an encouraging husband. 😀
He whispers words of love, sends words of encouragement, and yes at times promptings. Celebrating the fact I do hear His voice. Thank you for the beautiful post. It made me smile!
Maybe the best whispers are those words of love.
And that makes ME smile.
Wishing you an Extraordinary and grace-filled day.
I just love how God shows us He cares about even the little things in our lives. Somtimes we expect the whisper of God to be something profound like with Moses and the burning bush and yet other times God just wants to save us the agony of cleaning up wet boxes. What amazing love!
He has so many ways of demonstrating his love for us. And I’m sooo grateful for this particular demonstration. 😀
Thanks for stopping by Jessica! Hope your day is Extraordinary!
What an awesome post, and an awesome God we serve! It is amazing how He speaks to us. So glad I found your blog. Your newest follower from the newbie party. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words, Kathy! He truly is awesome!
Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!!
My ministry is encouragement and more times than I could count I’ll hear that breathy whisper–someone needs encouragement. And then…those time I don’t readily obey and I find out the pain in another’s life God was wanting to share it–to give, to encourage, to pray. I’m learning to respond immediately.
What a wonderful ministry Pamela! We are doubly blessed when we respond to HIS whispers. Thank you for being an encourager.
Wishing you a joy-filled day!
So beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing with the newbie party. Always enjoy my visits here.
I’m the one who feels blessed, Debbie! I love your “place.” And thank you for taking the time to come by “my place” and give a word of encouragement.
Hope your day is Extraordinary!!
I have a perfect example. Last week my husband & I drive seperate to Sun. morning church. He was finishing up his sermon and my 5 were extra excited that morning. So we headed to Walmart to get a couple things before church so he could be alone to finish his preperations. On the way out of WalMart I felt exptremely thirsty. I sent my daughter back in for a bottle of water. I never buy bottled water. I took a couple of drinks and thew the bottle in my purse. Right before the morning message my husband looks at me and says “My throat is so dry, I wish I had a bottle of water.” I grinned so big, reached in my purse and handed him one. Isn’t that just like the Lord! He allowed me to be my husband’s helpmete that morning because when he gave me a physical thirst and prompted me to get water at the store I did it.
I love it!!! Isn’t God good Jacqui? His love and care and gentleness – simply amazing. How wonderful it was that you were able to bless your husband because of his nudge!! Thanks for sharing your sweet story. And thank you for stopping by!
Hope your week is Extraordinary!
Loved this. What a great reminder that He is speaking- we just need to be listening (and be willing to follow!)
Oh Natasha, that just might be the hardest of all…being willing to follow.
May your ear and heart be attuned to HIM today!
God bless!