Hello, friends! Thanks for coming by!
We had the most beautiful fall weekend. My latest post will give you a glimpse of how we enjoyed it. I hope you had a lovely weekend creating memories, and enjoying the fleeting beauties of the season.
As we approach the “season” of gratitude, I thought I’d share this great gratitude quote I ran across….
When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. –Gilbert K. Chesterton
Great words to live by. Yes?
If you missed stopping by this past week
I shared some extraordinary goodness on the blog…
Delight in Discovery on this Perfect Fall Day | JoyDay!
12 Ideas to Transition Your Home Decor for Fall
I also want to encourage you to stop and visit my blogging friends who have joined me for this fabulous blog hop!
Pop by The Crafting Nook to see the latest!
And now… on with the party!
Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline ~ Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday
Stephanie from The Silly Pearl ~ Diane from An Extraordinary Day
Party Guidelines
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- Link backs are loved and appreciated.
- Please do not add posts to promote giveaways, link parties, or shops…. we love seeing what you create… yup… YOU alone!
- Visit and comment on at least 2 other links in the party – share the link party love!
- The party starts Monday night at 8 p.m. ET and ends Thursday mornings at 8 a.m. ET.
- By entering a link, you’re giving us permission to feature an image on our blogs and social media accounts. Proper credit and links back will always be given.
Non-blogging readers… this party is for you, too!! Click on the little thumbnail links
at the bottom of the post and enjoy a plethora of Great Ideas!
We’d love for you to include the Project Inspire{d} button code, somewhere on your blog
and link back to this post so others can be inspired too!
Wow! What an amazing roundup of Fall inspired links today. You are going to have a hard time choosing. As always, thank you for this party and all the inspiration.
Blessings to you my friend,
Ha! It’s always hard!! So many talented lovelies like yourself make it really tough!
Sending love your way! {hugs}