This evening we sat at a red traffic light. My husband is usually a very patient man, but tonight, he was very tired and commented several times as we sat under the heavy gray skies about how the light was slow, that the timing must be off, and then finally, it turned green. I, the typically impatient one, wasn’t bothered by the length of time the light remained red.
Remember, I said Tim was tired. He is usually quite busy on the weekends with his work and we also volunteer at church… so we don’t have much time together. I had some errands to do and he offered to come with me. There is no doubt he would have preferred to stay home… but being with me was a higher value. And me… the impatient one… I was patient because I was with the one I love while accomplishing things on my to-do list.
Believe me, I need to be more patient. You know how it’s said that if you’re praying for patience you’ll receive more challenges to help you improve. I never pray for more… it’s already enough of a struggle for me.
Maybe that’s why this verse jumped off the page when I read it today….
God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. Then all of you together will praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Did you see it?
God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful.
It’s not me.
It’s not you.
Of course, we have to be willing to let Him work in our lives. But, it takes all the pressure off us.
I need to say that this is a fresh discovery for me… so I can’t speak from vast experience. What I can say, is that we never have to doubt God and His word. If it’s in the Bible we can trust it to be true. I’m going to receive this promise from God.
Paul, the writer of the book of Romans, goes on to say that he prays God will help us live at peace with each other as we follow Christ. There’s expectation that God WILL do that. It’s not a maybe… it’s not a hopeful thought… it’s a belief that as followers we will receive God’s help to help us live at peace with each other.
That means God will help us to be patient and cheerful. AND… as brothers and sisters in God’s family, we will praise Him because He has done this great thing of making us patient and helping us live lovingly and cheerfully together in this world.
God doesn’t expect us to become loving and patient out of our sheer will. He expects us to trust Him to help us.
Instead of praying for patience… I need to ask God to help me exercise patience with others and situations. I won’t be praying, make me more patient… instead, I’ll be praying for God’s loving assistance in situations to help me choose wisely and then exercise the patience He has already given me.
God’s already provided all the patience we need for every situation. We just need to exercise it… and more… we need to live and move and breathe each day in HIS power and strength… not ours.
How about you?
Does this change how you look at your patience or lack of patience?
What will you do this week to adjust your thinking?
It’s JoyDay!
And time to get our joy meters soaring!
Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful. This simple exercise of counting and giving thanks together in this space is something we do each week to reset our compasses and put our eyes back on the Lord.
I’ll start…
Thank you, God for…
- showing me that You’ve already given me all the patience I need for every situation.
- Your Word and how it’s alive and applicable to every aspect of daily life.
- giving my friend safe travels in the midst of bad weather and new job opportunities, too.
- our small group and the really good night sleep I get following.
- inspiring me today with creativity.
- grapefruit. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed it so much as I have this winter. YUM!
- Your amazing love and care and provision each week. I am so very grateful.
Now…it’s YOUR turn!
List your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below. You’ll be glad you did.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts.
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Joy Day
1. I too had not read this verse in isolation to focus on this application toward patience and God providing it. Thank you for guiding me to this passage
2. Joy that my friend’s dad has finally made his passage to heaven–and we feel peace
3. Joy in having a nearly lifelong connection with someone to pray for each other during difficult times
4. What sounded awful and a huge problem were not that at all!!
5. I’m thankful for my parents and grandparents who were wonderful Christian examples for me
6. The daffodils opening and how delightful they are!!! To behold around my house
7. My room is done Alleluia!
Thank You God…..
1. for enlightenment on “patience” through Diane’s post today,and how to exercise it my life…..
2. for walking before and paving the way through some difficult situations this week…
3. for Your infinite patience with me…
4. for Your faithful provision…
5. for the spiritual growing pains that I am experiencing…
6. for the hope that You are making a way where I see none….
7. for an exquisitely beautiful sunny day!!!
1. You sharing God’s word about patience. I feel better already 🙂
2. Friends helping me and praying for me because I have an upcoming PET scan
3. The fact that I’m asking you to pray for me that the spots on my lungs are negative and not cancer and knowing that you will!
4. Beautiful sunshine most of the time here lately.
5. My supportive son who I love so much
6. My faith in God that he has this under control and that he will take care of me
7. The little blessings that I receive every day from God and I am so thankful for them!
Debbie… I’m praying peace over you right now… that God would guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus from worry or fear… and for beautiful perfect lungs. Keep me posted sweet lady. God’s got you in the palm of His loving hand. {{hugs}}
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Diane! God bless you 🙂
P.S. Thank you for praying for me Diane!!!
1. I am happy and grateful for the well-being of my family and friends.
2. I am happy and grateful for my loving husband of 40 years.
3. I am thankful that my brother came back home safe and well after traveling.
4. I am thankful that my children and grandchildren are safe and well in all situations.
5. I am thankful for kind and thoughtful neighbors.
6. I am thankful to God for my good health.
7. I am thankful to know that God dwells in me.
Thanks for visiting Sandra and taking time to share your “seven,” too!
May your week overflow with God’s goodness and JOY!