Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life, Psalm 23:6a
Have you ever thought about God, in His goodness and love, pursuing you… every day?!
Maybe you learned the 23rd Psalm… even memorized it as… Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
That’s the way I memorized it as a small child.
And then I read that the literal meaning of that verse is not, follow… but pursue.
When I think of pursuing something or someone I think of a cop car, bar strobe flashing, flying down the road at a high speed… in pursuit of an offender.
This is a very active position… it’s pedal to the metal, as the old saying goes.
This week my husband worked one day. And it was the only day in a month. His work simply dried up and we have no idea when the next job will come. At the same time, my very part-time job also nearly came to a stand-still.
Each day we walk in faith, trusting, believing, leaning hard on God. When we can’t see ahead… it requires every ounce of faith we have.
That’s when we need some encouragement.
So when I discovered this verse….
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life, Psalm 23:6a
…. my heart was encouraged.
Realizing that God is pursuing me… every. single. day. with His never ending love and goodness… it strengthens me to press on.
God is NOT passive.
He has allowed these circumstances to come into my life for my benefit and His glory. And through each and every hurdle His love and goodness pursues me. Even if I tried to get away from Him… I could not. He is relentless. Relentless in His love… goodness… mercy… and kindness.
I’m reminded of the chorus from the song we sing in church….
Your love never fails, never gives up
Never runs out on me*
We never have to ever worry that God’s love and mercy for us will ever cease.
His love and mercy are not like a stream trickling in the woods but like the mighty Niagara, that continuously rushes, rolls, and gushes with increasing power. He continually finds new ways to bless us with His goodness… day after day… forever.
It’s in HIM that we find our rest and all our needs met.
And that faith we need… He provides that too.
Here’s the song that reminds us that His love never fails….
I hope you were encouraged in the journey today. I was.
Remember through the ups and downs of the week….
The ONE who loves you pursues you with His goodness.
It’s JoyDay!
And time to get our joy meters soaring!
Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful. This simple exercise of counting and giving thanks is something we do each week to reset our compasses and put our eyes back on the Lord.
I’ll start…
Thank you, God…
- that your goodness and mercy never quit.
- for my friends who are weaving their way across the country with a stop at our home.
- for the flit of hummingbirds at our dollar feeder.
- for glitter and Mod Podge and 30 stems of amazing flowers.
- for blessing my friends with an amazing graduation party.
- for knowing that you will make a way.
- for a renewed hope this week… keep us strong as we wait on you.
Now…it’s YOUR turn!
List your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below. You’ll be glad you did.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts.
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*Publishing: (c) 2010 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Christajoy Music (BMI) (Admin. by Bethel Music
Publishing) / Mercy Vineyard Publishing (ASCAP)
Writing: Brian Johnson, Christa Black Gifford and Jeremy Riddle
Glitter. I love that. I’m going to be happy about that too! :O)
It’s so good to “see” you LuAnn!
This was my first glitter project. I’ve used it on greeting cards I’ve made… but that’s all until now. Watch for it here in a couple of days.
Hope you’re doing well. May you be surprised by God’s goodness this week. [hugs]
Thank You God for …..
1. For an absolutely perfect, beautiful lst day of Summer And all that it held! I enjoyed it so!
2. For a wonderful gathering of very old Friends that have worked together over 25 years at a retirement luncheon…
3. For a successful surgery for a Dear Friend who is now Cancer Free!!!!
4. For a beautiful day spent with another great friend, browsing a new, to us, vintage/repurposed /antique mall! so much fun and a delicious lunch at one of our Favorite BBQ places!!
5. that I was called and given an appt with my Principal for Tues. about possible full time employment for the new school year…
6. that I was invited to attend Church services with my neighbor today….
7. for your endless Love and mercies!!
8. Diane’s Powerful, encouraging Message today full of renewed Hope!!! for both of us!
Debbi… I am so happy for this wonderful summer you are enjoying… just a time of rest and restoration. How fun to enjoy so many special days with your treasured friends. I’ll be praying for your meeting on Tuesday. God has you in the palm of His hand…. I can’t wait to see His goodness… in store for you in your new school year.
May your new week overflow with JOY for all God has in store for you! [[hugs]]
I love the thought of God pursuing me each and every day. God’s love never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, God…
1. Getting to celebrate the beginning of a young couples life together.
2. Time catching up with a sweet friend.
3. Godly friend who keeps me focused on Jesus.
4. A clean art room!
5. My niece passing her state exam for nursing.
6. A beautiful, not too hot Summer evening to sit and enjoy outside with my sweet husband.
7. Getting the hay cut and baled and stored in the barn!
I’m pretty sure we have no cue of how incredible, pure, and vast God’s love is for us… and we continually have more to know and experience. 🙂 It’s incredible.
Thank you, Cecilia for joining in our community tonight and for taking the time to share your seven. I rejoice with you at God’s goodness in your life this past week. May you know His goodness this week in new and fresh ways. {hugs} Have a blessed week!
What a journey…and God opens your eyes to truth after truth. I pray. For a home for you. Jobs. Doors opening. So I must not grow weary in my prayers for you. God has a plan for good not evil.
I don’t feel good tonight Diane. I was trying to put up a but of forth stuff. Cumulative head pushing out. Tears. Thought I’d get better. No dr understands. Case not settled but my brain not able to understand all that. Curt hurts all over.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. ???
Others have it much worse
Gwen… you’re prayers are appreciated. For both of us… trusting that God is most at work in our praises. He is our rock and our salvation… He is our refuge and our strength. Hiding in Him is the very spot He wants us. So… today… hide in Him… rest in His safe place…
Praying for you and your brain and Curt’s healing. Let’s stand together… arms locked… eyes focused on the ONE who loves us wildly.
Keep your hands open this week my friend… [[hugs]]