Day 11


Today I got up from the table in the breakfast nook and noticed a small famed graphic that usually sits on the generous chair rail there.  We had been eating out on the sun porch since Spring and except for dusting the chair rail, once in a while, I hardly noticed the picture there.  Isn’t that just the way it is?  We stop noticing things sometimes, even things we think are important or beautiful.  It’s sad, really. {31 Extraordinary Days} Day 11 {Think about such things} Fall Vignette on a Garden Bench


I’m sure you’re wondering about the picture that I once again noticed.  It originally was from one of my favorite calendar artists, Ellen Stouffer.  Are you familiar with her?  Every year I would purchase one of her scripture calendars. Maybe two.  Always a big one, and if I didn’t dilly-dally and got to the store before it was too late, I’d get a small one as well.  One day I was going through my collection of old calendars.  (Don’t you save your old ones?)  I was looking for something to put on the wall in my studio, in my previous home, when I came across a lovely floral design with this verse:

whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.  Philippians 4:8 NIV


It was just what I needed.  You see at that time my husband had not yet found another position.  It had been more than a year, and we were getting pretty anxious.  The verse wasn’t one that was new to me.  But, it was the daily visual reminder I needed to not let my mind go places it shouldn’t.  Instead I would choose to “think about such things.”


So how about you?

Are you in a tough patch right now?   Do you struggle with a critical spirit…with yourself, or maybe towards family members or coworkers?  Do you struggle with comparison?   Are suffering with health issues?   Are there relationships that burden your heart?  Maybe there is another issue?  Maybe for the first time in a long time life is good for you?  Wherever you are on life’s path I think you will find that meditating on this verse will help.  | Day 11 {31 Extraordinary Days} Think about such Things | Philippians 4:8


I discovered that when my mind started going in a direction that was not good for me, this verse would pop into my head.  Of course, I needed to intentionally choose to change my thinking, right then.  But if I did, my countenance would change and seemingly the world would look just a wee bit brighter.


What about you?

Do you know this verse?

Do you use it to help you put your mind on the right track?

Or…is this verse new to you?

Do you think it would be helpful?



The New American Standard Bible translation says, “dwell on these things” rather than “think about such things.”  I like dwell.  For me, dwell means to inhabit or live in it.  I love the idea that I could someday get to the point where I don’t need the reminder of this verse to “change” my thinking.  But, that my mind would all the time, every day, dwell on that which is right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy.  That would be extraordinary!

Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary!


Living an extraordinary life is living life to the full.  When we allow our minds to run over and over on something that irritates or troubles us, we aren’t living life to the full.   Instead those thoughts strangle us and steal our joy.

I choose to “think on such things.”  I choose joy.   What about you?





Will you join me each day in October for… | 31 Extraordinary Days | October 2012

This is the 11th post in a series, 31 Extraordinary Days.  Click here to see a list of all the posts, updated daily.  If you would like to receive these bits of inspiration in your email inbox, subscribe now.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts . This verse has been popping up a lot in my life in the last couple of years. God has been working hard to change my thinking. At the moment this is the theme verse for our GEMS (Girls Everywhere meeting the Savior) group at church. Think right and win the fight! I have also made a few posts on my blog with this verse in mind last year.
    If you have a minute I’d love for you to stop by. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    • Diane says

      Hi Janita! I am familiar with GEMS…what a great theme verse for the girls. Our minds are the battlefield. If we so need to keep our thoughts in the Light.
      May your day be extraordinary!

  2. Sandy says

    I think that is just what I need to memorize for the next week of spending time with family that will be sure to have some conflict, frustrations and internal grumbling on my part. thank you

    • Diane says

      Oh Sandy, I’m happy you found this helpful. I hope you are pleasantly surprised by how well the time went when you look back on it. Blessings…


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