A song. A psalm of David.
1 My heart, O God, is steadfast;
I will sing and make music with all my soul.
2 Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn.
3 I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
4 For great is your love, higher than the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth.Psalm 108:1-5 NIV
Speak these verses out loud.
When I did….
God became bigger.
I became smaller.
He became mighty and glorious.
My faith grew.
Do you sing and made music with your soul?
Have you awakened the dawn recently?
Have you praised God for who he is and for his faithfulness?
Let’s sing his praise and tell of his great love!
Let’s open our eyes to see his glories.
Today is Joy Day!
I’ve been hearing that some of you look forward to Joy Day! all week long. There really is something about taking time to count our blessings from the week, to say thanks for the good and the not so good. And doing it together.
Will you join with me in counting ‘seven’ from the past week?
I’ll start!
I’m grateful to God for…
- Hosting brunch for friends at my home….just what I needed.
- Cool sleeping weather.
- Sharing an extra chocolaty, extra malty, malt. Mmmm.
- Knowing God will redeem the loss of AdSense.
- The delightful surprise of the visit of far-away friends.
- The nourishment of HIS Word.
- A long phone chat with my dear friend.
Now it your turn! Please join me by tapping in your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below.
Have you noticed? Something amazing happens when we ‘write out’ our thanks. I guarantee your Joy meter will rise. And during the week…you’ll be more keenly aware of the joy makers in your week. Want even more joy? Take the Joy Dare here.
Thank you for stopping by today. I appreciate you and your sweet comments make my day.
May your heart overflow with the joy HE generously pours into our lives. And may you be filled with JOY!
Making music with my soul,
I’d be delighted if you’d share the extraordinary goodness here with your friends
by clicking any of the sharing buttons at the below.
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1 actually finally getting sleep even if only the last 2 days of the week
2 cooler weather for working in
3 payday!!
4 spending time with my youngest grandchild even if it was a short visit!
5 spending a few minutes with my older teenage grandchildren
6 spending a few minutes with my son, daughter and daughter-in-law in all our busy lives
7 remembering God is bigger than everything in this earth!
Thanks for taking time to share your ‘seven,’ Mae! 🙂
So much goodness from a loving God in one week. 🙂 I especially like #7. We all need to do that frequently each day…especially me. 😉
May your week overflow with JOY!!
Amen! i receive overflowing Joy for my and your week in Jesus’ Name!
thanks Diane 🙂
1. Having sewing work come in when I’m out of money!
2. Celebrating our dear friends becoming citizens!
3. Seeing old friends at that celebration.
4. Knowing God’s will, not ours, will be done in regards to the outcome of who owns our church building!
5. Having the BEST grandkids in the world (I’m sure some of you would argue this, but yours are best in YOUR world)!
6. Getting word that my brother is getting stronger everyday!
7. Getting ready for church…….the best day of the week! Joy Day!
Thanks for all you do, Diane! Dona
Happy Joy Day! Donna!
What an exciting and joy-filled week for you. 🙂
I happy to hear your brother is improving daily! Yay God!!
Thanks for popping by to share your ‘seven.’
May your new week overflow with HIS JOY!!
Have been thinking of you this week and praying that God helps you as you pack! I know the unknown is hard to deal with even when we know God has a plan, our inpatience and wanting to be in control causes all of us to be distracted, procratinate, be frustrated!!!!!Hang in there the answer is just around the corner and a new adventure is about to begin!!!
1. Rain…not having to water because God provided for the lawn and plants.
2. Cooler evenings, making sleep so much better.
3. I have accomplished some decluttering that was much needed at the office and at home.
4. My cousin-in-law’s sister is no longer in pain w/cancer and has went home to be with the Lord!!!
5. Timm and I were able to garage sale this weekend, the first for the summer, nice to have that time together and
a few good bargains as well!!!!
6. My daughter had several dates w/a nice, gentleman…she went thru an awful/painful divorce and she hasn’t dated
anyone for two years. Nice to see her getting on with her life……an answered prayer!
7. I found some Nora Roberts books at the garage sale, and time to begin reading one today in between laun., etc.
Thanks for letting me share my BLESSINGS/JOYS!!!!!!!
Oh my friend, I am so grateful for your prayers. I’m certain that is why I accomplished so much late yesterday and before church today. Thank you!!
What a week of blessings!! My condolences at the home-going of your relative. It’s always difficult…even when we know the end of the story. [hugs]
Enjoy your time in the books. What a great way to relax…even in between. 😉
May your new week be filled with blessings wherever you look.
Since becoming a part of Joy Day, I do find myself realizing daily all I have to be thankful for … I took much for granted before reading your Joy Day post and for that, I am thankful!
1. It’s been a busy and productive week …
2, I feel less chaos …
3. I have had some time to work on several projects that have been pushed aside …
4. I’ve finished some projects that I started …
5.. I picked up some craft supplies I’ve wanted since, well, forever …
6. I am in good health …
7. I am learning patience with many things …
Thanks again for your Joy Day post ~ I truly look forward to it each week! Judi
Yay for JOY!!! It’s amazing how God works in such simple ways to bless us and give us peace.
Thank you for sharing your ‘seven,’ Judi!
I rejoice with you in your wonderful week and look forward to seeing your projects.
May your week be filled up with JOY!
Joy Day!
I have prayed for a place, a miracle for you and your husband. Lately I’ve been thinking of the song, “I will sing with my last breath, I will sing with the angels…” And I think, Am I singing or griping or worrying right now? I’ve said I shall sing with my last breath so I must be growing ever c
Loser to The Lord daily to be doing that for none of us know that appointed time. And so I did say the Psalm. I sang it twice (got my husband up from a nap, worried!! I guess I’ve lost my voice!!) so Joy today
1. My circumstances have not changed but my heart has today
2. I have lots of lantana blooming all over. So eye catching
3. No, spray painted old outdoor pillows do not look good! So I learn a lesson!!
4. Had a delicious meal given
5. Got a funny story
6. Leaned on God alone in my hour of great need for there was no other and He helped me
7. Had a kind customer rep when 23 items did not arrive as their computer stated
It truly is a day of joy!
Singing to the Lord….oh how you blessed HIM….and then He returned the blessing to you. 🙂
Flowers and heart change and DIY fails and yummy meals and knowing that God sustained you and met you in your time of need….Praise HIS Name!!
Thanks for your prayers, Gwen.
I so look forward to your posts each day!!! They are so encouraging and uplifting!
l. That I was restored to a full time, 12 month postion at school with all benefits.( After 25 hrs. a wk for last 2 years). Answered prayer!
2.My son and that he has a good job.
3.All the Christian women that the Lord has put in my life…friends, co-workers and blogging friends!
4.Greatful for this computer that enables me to visit all of your blogs and allows me to write my own.
5.Pinterest that sparks my creativity….
6.For my home!
7.For my health!
Debbi…that is just the nicest thing you could say! [hugs]
I rejoice with you….especially for number one….what a wonderful answer to prayer! God has done some amazing things in your life. 🙂
May your week overflow with HIS joy!!!
Ya know…it’s now Wednesday evening, midway through the week and I seem to have an issue with getting things to post, in a number of places. That was just about enough to convince myself to ‘let go’ and just post NEXT week…
JUST about enough…cuz I could certainly grab the moment and feel justified in passing on sharing my seven. I also know that attitude of gratitude makes a world of difference…..so…..
* a sunny day at the river
* warring hummingbirds
* a perceptive and proactive partner in crime
* controversy that pushes me into growing
* the people around me that really can get me to ‘check myself’
* apples on the tree
* possessing common sense