If in the midst of the summer heat you could use a little inspiration... our hot summer weekly link party is the place to cool off and get your creative juices charged up again.  Don't miss the place for creativity, crafts, DIY makeovers, recipes, home decor and more!

It’s just been another normal hot summer week… trying hard not to melt.
I got to go to the beach, twice!
One of my favorite things in all the world to do is walk the shoreline, stand at water’s edge and
let the waves wash over my toes and erode the sand on which I’m standing while I sink in to the
softness that somehow erases the cares of the world, and finally lie on the sand with my
eyes closed and listen to the sounds of the wind and water.  Aaaaah! 

How was YOUR week?

It’s so good to have you join us this week for another hot summer weekly link party!
I’m so excited to see your latest creative great ideas.
And I know our non-blogging friends can’t wait to be inspired.

 It’s time for Project Inspire{d}!

Project Inspired Link Party goes live every Monday night at 8 Eastern.

Project Inspired Monday Night Hostess Banner

 Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline ~ Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday
Stephanie from The Silly Pearl ~ Diane from An Extraordinary Day

Thanks for choosing to party with us!

In between those moments at the beach
I shared some extraordinary goodness on the blog…

A re-cap of the past week's posts at AnExtraordinaryDay.net

Do you hesitate to ask God for things

Do you hesitate to ask God for things? :: JoyDay!


Fun & Easy Customized Decorator Pencil Tutorial

Fun and Easy Customized Decorator Pencil Tutorial

Plus…Project Inspire{d} Link Party Features:

14 Must Have Salad Recipes for Summer from Project Inspire{d}

14 Must Have Summer Salad Recipes

On Sunday I attended at picnic where I needed to bring a dish to share. The broccoli salads
shared by Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom and Sweep Tight both looked so good
I couldn’t decide which to make so I took something from both and made up my own,
which was a huge hit!  If you need a new salad recipe… don’t miss these!

Stop back during the week for more extraordinary goodness.

Be sure to head over to see
what my co-hostesses have been doing…

Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline
Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday
Stephanie Chan from The Silly Pearl

Party Guidelines

Posting to our party means you are giving us the right to post your project and photos
and promote via social media. Links will be pinned to our Party Board throughout
the week and may be seen here: ♥Project Inspire{d} Party Pins♥

Blogging friends… thank you so much for taking the time to stop by,
link up your Great Ideas, link back, and leave your warm words.

Non-blogging readers… this party is for you, too!! Click on the little thumbnail links
at the bottom of the post and enjoy a plethora of Great Ideas!

We’d love for you to include the Project Inspire{d} button code, somewhere on your blog
and link back to this post so others can join in on the inspiration.

Project Inspire{d} Link Party
You’ll make my day when you follow An Extraordinary Day at one or more of the following spots…

The Blog :: Facebook :: Pinterest :: Twitter :: Instagram :: Google +

Subscribe to An Extraordinary Day and don’t miss a single post or party!
If you enjoyed this post….please pass it on to your friends.
Click any of the sharing buttons at the bottom.

Wishing you... An Extraordinary Day!


  1. Hello beautiful! I’m thrilled to be a part of your party. I hope you get a chance to stop by our party that starts on tonight at 7 pm. We would love to party with you twice! Lou Lou Girls

  2. Thank you Diane for Project Inspired 129. We’ve had 3 months of hot weather (hotter and earlier than usual) and finally 2 rain days. Back to hot weather again. Not the usual pattern for coastal BC.

  3. Jenna says

    Thanks for your continued inspirations Diane, and for hosting a fabulous weekly party!

  4. The beach? Yay! You must live pretty close to go twice in one week. I am a beach girl too and I love both oceans and lakes. Thank you for another week of fun Diane. Keep staying cool and be blessed.

    • Yes… the closest I’ve been in 20 years!!
      I grew up just 3 miles from one of the most stunning public beaches in the country… so I am thrilled to enjoy this special time. 🙂
      Thanks for joining us again Patti! And it’s been so fun seeing you featured all over blogland! Way to go girl!!!

  5. Thank you so much for hosting!

    • It’s a treat to have you party with us this week Karianne!
      Hope your week is off to an extraordinary start! [hugs]

  6. Thanks for hosting!


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