Joy Day!


 A day to say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!”


Wolf Creek Falls at Letchworth State Park, NY State


Shout with joy to God, all the earth!

          Sing the glory of his name;

          make his praise glorious!

Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!”

Psalm 66:1-3a



The Bible tells us that God created us in his image.


What we see when we look in the mirror.  Fruits of the Spirit.


Have you ever attempted to explain that concept to a child?   The best way I know to do that is to stand her in front of a mirror and ask her to tell me what she sees.  Inevitably she’ll say…”I see me.”

That reflection we see in the mirror is our image.  It’s not a duplicate of me or you.  (Wouldn’t that be weird?)  Instead we are seeing our appearance, what others see when they look at us.

If God created us in his image.  Then our image, our appearance is to be like his.  Not physical characateristics.  Instead it is his character.  The ability to love.  The ability to receive love.  The ability to know.   To create.  To speak words of affirmation.

When you or I do something well…we love to hear the applause.  If you’re like me, you’re probably not expecting an auditorium of people to stand up, clap their hands, and yell, ” Bravo!”  But, I’m pretty sure that you like to have someone, just one, tell you they liked what you did.  Yes?


Rainbow at the Middle Falls, Letchworth State Park, New York State


Since we’re created in the image of God.  Then it seems to me that he, too, likes to hear words of truth.  Words of gratitude.  Words of love, affirmation.  Psalm 66:3a says it clearly.  Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!”  And really.  Everything he does is awesome!

Let’s do it together.

Let’s “Shout with joy to God.”

Let’s “Sing the glory of his name.”

Let’s “make his praise glorious!”

Let’s say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!”

Join me now in Joyfully recounting just a few of HIS Awesome Deeds from this past week!

  • The back porch I prayed for filled with flowers and chairs and conversation.
  • The blessing of friends and overnight stays.
  • The coolness of air conditioning in my house.
  • Freedom…living in the United States…God’s Grace.
  • Amazingly delicious unexpected lunch and new friends.
  • 44 new friends (FB likes) in 24 hours – Wow!
  • Inspiration and creativity released from within.

It’s ALL from God.

“How awesome are your deeds!”


It’s your turn.  Please share (Shout with Joy!)  ONE THING in the comment section below from your week.  Seven if you can.  We all will be doubly blessed when you do.


It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written a Joy Day post.  After an exhausting month-long project at church, a serious bout with poison ivy, recuperating from long days and little sleep, catching up on an out of control house, and the blessing of house guests….I’m finally back on schedule.  Summer can be like that.  Thanks for your patience with me.   {hugs}


Count it all JOY my friend!




Take the Joy Dare at: One Thousand Gifts.   Or find ONE THING to be thankful for each day and write it down.  Then, come back next week and share your joys here.

 Linking up to Multitudes on Mondays|A Holy Experience + Faith-Filled Friday|Beholding Glory + WomenLivingWell


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  1. Hi,
    What a joyful blog and post. You have lifted my spirits just in reading this.
    You wrote: “But, I’m pretty sure that you like to have someone, just one, tell you they liked what you did. Yes?”
    I like what you did.
    May you continue to write for Him.
    Many blessings,

    • Diane says

      Jan, your words blessed me. Last evening after I hit publish I went for a walk with my husband. I told him that I didn’t do what I usually deem necessary and that is answer a few questions to see if my post stacks up to my goals. One goal is that readers will feel joy (God’s joy)…and I didn’t think it was so. I’m sure you know where that came from. So, know, your words were like honey. Thank you!!!!
      May you have An Extraordinary Day!

  2. I had never heard made in the image of God described this way. Amen to your comments.

    • Diane says

      Thank you Charlotte! Your words encourage me.
      Wishing you a blessed day!

  3. Definitely agree with the “Thank God for air-conditioning” today!

    • Diane says

      When the humidity gets up there is makes all the difference, doesn’t it Esther Joy?

  4. Not sure that my comment went through, so I’ll try again! I guess the thing I would agree would be the blessing you mentioned above – thanking God for air conditioning on such hot days like today!

    • Diane says

      For some reason your comment went into my spam folder. :-/
      I join you in gratitude for the luxury we have of air conditioning. Thankfully tonight the temperature is dropping down. Yay!
      Hope your day is cool and Extraordinary!

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