Jesus last words from the cross, "It is finished!" from John 19:30 ::


Jesus’ last words from the cross….

After Jesus had taken the vinegar, he said, “It is finished!”
Then he bowed his head and died.  John 19:30

If you would like to read a true account of Jesus’ last day on earth, click here.

I am humbled that Jesus would endure such torture for me.
The love that he and the Father have for you and me is beyond imagination.
You might pause with me now, remember, and give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice.

It’s Friday…..

but Sunday’s coming!!  


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  1. Mel says

    A very somber moment–and a very horrific ordeal for a man who loved so well.
    I struggle watching scenes like this, but I think I should.
    And I’m amazed at his mission being ever present, the love that he put into his works.

    (((( you ))))

    • Diane says

      The Love. It is beyond comprehension.
      My heart is filled with gratitude for what he has done.
      Joy to you my friend.

  2. Beautiful reminder, Diane! And what we often forget, is that Jesus had a choice, and He chose death for us. And that He chose it while knowing what was coming. That piece always gets me.

    • Diane says

      We have only a glimpse of his amazing love.

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