Have you ever read a passage of scripture that intrigued you and you wanted to know more?

This week I came across this verse…

“May the beloved of the Lord dwell in security by Him,
Who shields him all the day,
And he dwells between His shoulders.” 

Deuteronomy 33:12

Can you guess which sentence jumped out at me?

It was… “And he dwells between His shoulders.”


Beautiful Devotional Meditation about God's Incredible Blessing for YOU


This scripture was part of a blessing that Moses gave to the twelve tribes of Israel prior to his death and this verse specifically was a blessing for Benjamin and his tribe.

I know that all the blessings and promises God made to the 12 tribes are still true for Christ followers, today, and so I wanted to better understand this scripture. If you really want to understand this in an in-depth kind of way, this is not your spot.  I don’t have time for any in-depth research right now. However, I did look up this scripture in a few different translations. (Thank you Bible Gateway for your easy parallel versions.)  And I also read a few brief commentary excerpts.

What does it mean that he dwells between His shoulders?

The New English Translation was phrased this way… and the Lord places him on his chest.

And the NIrV version…  The one the Lord loves rests in his arms.

Between ALL the different translations and commentary I read, I have come to the conclusion that the picture of what God is offering in this amazing blessing is that He will carry Benjamin (you and me if we are His followers) just like a daddy carries his child.

Picture in your mind, a time when you were a small child, remember how your father (or mother, or another caregiver) would pick you up and seat you on his arm, chest to chest and face to face. That is your position with God, should you choose it.

Most of us are like strong willed children.  We want our own way.  We think we know what’s best for us.  And we love our independence.

When we live like that we are challenging the relationship we have with God.  We miss the intimacy that he offers to us.  Essentially we are like the young child who chooses to wiggle free from their daddy’s arms to run off and do their own thing.

Did God carry Benjamin all the time?  Of course not.  And He doesn’t want to carry us all the time either.  If he did, our spiritual legs would atrophy and we wouldn’t be able to stand.

Though God desires for us to stand… our strength comes from Him.  Everything we have and everything we are comes from Him.  We are never alone. He is ALWAYS with us.

As humans we have limitations.  We have physical, emotional, and mental limitations.  When we rest in God… when we lean on Him… when we allow Him to provide us with all that we need and allow Him to carry us we will live limitless lives.

Are you weary, loaded down, and overwhelmed? Allow your Abba Father to pick you up.

Whatever you do each day, do it with God.  Walk with Him, not independently.  Don’t get ahead of God.  Allow the Holy Spirit to infuse you… body, soul, and mind. Allow the Lord to strengthen you for each and every task of your day.

And at the end of the day.  Rest.


Encouraging Scripture Verse on Resting in God's Arms from Deuteronomy 33:12

 “Let the one the Lord loves rest safely in him.
    The Lord guards him all day long.
    The one the Lord loves rests in his arms.”

Deuteronomy 33:12


It's JoyDay! on the blog

It’s JoyDay!

And time to get our joy meters soaring!

Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful.  This simple exercise of counting and giving thanks together in this space is something we do each week to reset our compasses and put our eyes back on the Lord.

I’ll start…

Thank you, God for…

  1. You Lord for this wonderful picture of your intimate love and involvement in our lives that you have given us through your word.
  2. hard days.
  3. good friends.
  4. my little blogging community. Such a treasure to have these spiritual sisters in my life.
  5. the community of prayer and how you answer us when we call out to you.
  6. a delightful package that arrived by FedEx yesterday.
  7. my hard working and so supportive husband.

Now…it’s YOUR turn!

List your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below.  You’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts.

May your week overflow with unimaginable Joy! Signature - AnExtraordinaryDay.netReceive FREE inspiration like this in your inbox!
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If you found this post helpful….please pass it on to your friends.


  1. Debbi Saunders says

    Thank You God…..
    1. for the Holy Spirit that lives within us that guides, comforts, corrects and intercedes for us…
    2. for the times this week when I felt your comforting presence and peace… I treasure them.
    3. for the challenges and trials that strengthen my trust and faith in you…
    4. for safe travels back to Texas for my brother…
    5. for Spiritual growth in my Son…
    6. for resolving some misunderstandings and hurt feelings…
    7. for a work community that is able to share their faith…. supporting, praying for and encouraging each other..

    • I love your heart of gratitude, Debbi. You encourage me greatly when you share.
      May your week overflow with God’s goodness and grace.

  2. Gwen says

    Joy Day!!! And it no longer says this is from another blogger!!!
    1. Word of God I can read…study…share…sing…
    2. I look forward to this post each week. I like the image of my abba Father. It is so good to be reminded of Him this way. My God whom I love
    3. Praying for my husband and an urgent call from a dr to come in today regarding tests done last week. At first I grew weary and complained but then my husband shared about socialized medicine in Canada. A co worker had a child that was referred to an ear specialist. It is now a YEAR later!!! The referral just came through. I stopped and thanked the Lord for all the wide medical care my hubby has needed and has received. Lord heal him. Thank you for doctors on top of their patient’s needs
    4. Phones to stay in touch
    5. Pretty flowering bushes outside my door
    6. Peace today
    7. New paint for a wall to try out

    • Oh, Gwen, I am so glad that is no longer an issue!! It was so weird.

      I do hope that urgent call ends up being very positive for Curt. He has been through so much. What a testimony he is of James 1:2-4.
      May your day be filled with God’s peace and joy. {{hugs}}

  3. Gwen says

    PS. Thank you for the cloud photos!

Please Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts!


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