Philippians 2:8 - Good Friday Scripture Art  | He humbled Himself


The One who spoke this world we know into existence….

He humbled Himself,
    obedient to death—
    a merciless death on the cross!
Philippians 2:8 The Voice

…for you…and me.

This perfect One…

took that which was ours….every ugly sin and wrong thing we have ever done.

So we wouldn’t have to experience the punishment we deserve.


It’s Friday….


Jesus’ followers did not know, as they watched him die this cruel death on the cross at the hands of the Roman soldiers, that this was not the end.

Sure…he told them they would see him again.  But that just didn’t make any sense.  Then.

We know the whole story….and we know that the best is yet to come!!

Thank God that he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  
1 Corinthians 15:57 GW


…but Sunday’s coming!!!


And for this we can say it’s Good Friday!

May you know and remember this amazing love poured out for you at the cross.


Humbly grateful,


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  1. Debbi Saunders says

    Humbly Grateful am I also Diane <3 !!

  2. Gail says

    I never can fully understand the depth of God’s love for us. Part of Hishumbleness was leaving perfect Heaven to live on Earth among us (I know people, we’re not all that nice sometimes, rather imperfect).
    Thanks for today’s lesson on the “good” in Good Friday.

    Christ has risen. Christ has risen, indeed.

  3. Gwen says

    I had forgotten this verse. It is soo good for today. I’ve been saddened and humbled and then Joyfilled because of Gods love of the gift of JESUS. Thank you for this perfect post.


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