When was the last time you said to God, “I can’t get enough of you!”

For most of us the thought never crosses our minds.

We may wake up and thank God that we’re alive, but do we bless him every time we take a breath?

Probably not.

I can't get enough of God #psalm63 at AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Those of you who follow An Extraordinary Day on Facebook are familiar with my nightly sweet dreams post where I share a gorgeous bedroom photo and some inspirational words.  I’m amazed at how many people will mention they look forward to it each night.

I have to confess, putting up the lovely sleeping room photos is easy.  Daily having something of substance that encourages or inspires, doesn’t come quite so easily.  That being the case, one evening I prayed, “Lord, which psalm would you like me to use tonight?”  Psalm 63 came to my mind immediately.

When I’m working on a blog or Facebook post I find it quick and easy to enter an “address” into the Bible Gateway search engine so that I can copy and paste a verse.   After sharing two verses for my evening and morning post I felt compelled to leave the scripture up as an open tab on my laptop.  During the week I kept coming back to the verses and sensed that I needed to share with you a big chunk of chapter 63 here for Joy Day!


Let’s read it now…

God—you’re my God!
    I can’t get enough of you!
I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God,
    traveling across dry and weary deserts.

2-4 So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,
    drinking in your strength and glory.
In your generous love I am really living at last!
    My lips brim praises like fountains.
I bless you every time I take a breath;
    My arms wave like banners of praise to you.

5-8 I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy;
    I smack my lips. It’s time to shout praises!
If I’m sleepless at midnight,
    I spend the hours in grateful reflection.
Because you’ve always stood up for me,
    I’m free to run and play.
I hold on to you for dear life,
    and you hold me steady as a post.

Psalm 63:1-8 (The Message)


I don’t know about you….but the following words just about jumped off the page when I read them:

God—you’re my God!
    I can’t get enough of you!


God, I can't get enough of you! Psalm 63 #ScriptureQuote by AnExtraordinaryDay.net


Are you up for a challenge?

What if every day we awoke and said these words to God?

How would our day be different?

The first thing that comes to mind, is that by doing so, we establish for our day that we are NOT God and God is our God.  Most of us…like it or not…are the center of our universe.  We would hope to say God is….but more likely….we are.

The second thing that comes to mind is that not only are we starting our day with God, but we’re hungry for him, we want to know him more, we want him to guide our every thought and action, we want to treat others the way he would treat them, we want to be so filled up with him that his goodness oozes out of us like beads of perspiration.

Verses 2 to 6 are evidence of what it is to live as if we can’t get enough of God.  

We need to ask ourselves if we have that kind of crazy wild love for God.

What’s the answer? Yes?  No?  If no, why not?

In our heart of hearts….it’s what we want….but self gets in the way.  Yes?


Because you’ve always stood up for me,

    I’m free to run and play.

I’m free!

Those of us who live in North America, are pretty much free, within the constraints of the law, to go and do as we please.   But do we really feel free?

Most likely we don’t.  Most of us carry around some degree of fear.  I’m not talking about healthy fear that keeps us from sticking our fingers in the fire or walking the edge of a precipice.

I was just about to start down the road of the fears we keep…but instead…I’ll just ask, “What are your fears?”

God stands up to…. every bully we face, to every “you’re not good, smart, pretty enough” thought that crosses our minds, to every health or economic issue….and that’s just for starters.

God wants us to be free.  Free to be the unique individuals he’s created us to be.  Free to love him with abandon – I can’t get enough of you God!  Free to serve him and humanity without regard to self.  Free to rejoice in every big and little thing that makes our hearts sing.  Free to love….every. one.   Free to let our spirits soar and thus run and play, figuratively and naturally.


God you are my God #ScriptureQuote at AnExtraordinaryDay.net


What is your heart response to these thoughts penned by David?

Do you want to make these words of his…

God—you’re my God!
    I can’t get enough of you!

your passion and drive for the day?

Now might be a good time for each of us to evaluate where we are on our faith walk.  What’s the next big, or little step you can take that will help you move towards being able to say, God—you’re my God!  I can’t get enough of you!

What’s stopping you from taking that step?


Joy Day! Lilypad

Today is Joy Day!

Let’s be able to say with the psalmist…

In your generous love I am really living at last!?

One of the best ways to really live is to be grateful.

I can guarantee that your heart will sing for joy when you join me in looking back over the past week and counting ‘seven.’  Count both the good and the not-so-good.  

I’ll start…

Thank you, God, for…

  1. the joy in preparing food and that it tastes so good.
  2. hard, hard, days.
  3. heart talks with my friend each night.
  4. grace extended.
  5. upcoming visits from far away friends.
  6. a delayed YES answer to my prayer.
  7. your faithful love and care.

Now it’s YOUR turn!!

Join me in counting ‘seven.’
Scroll down to the comment section…and list your ‘seven.’
I dare you!

Today’s scripture text was full.  There is far more than I have space or time to unpack right now.  If in your reading it…something jumped out at you….please share what it was.  I would be delighted and blessed to continue this study and “hear” your insights.


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  1. Debbi Saunders says

    Having a friend that you can have a heart talk with every night is priceless!!! I am so glad that you have that in your life at this time….
    Thank you God:
    1. For another gorgeous day! I have enjoyed every minute of it!
    2. All you promises! I hold tight to them !! they comfort me….
    3. a great first week of School!
    4.that with you All things are possible!!
    5. that my Son has recovered from a virus with high fever this last week!
    6. for the work that you are doing in my brother and his son…
    7.that I was able to make a co-workers day a little brighter on her wedding anniversary…

  2. Mel says

    Yaknow, I was just listening to some music that was about “can’t get enough of you”. I don’t know where I rank in the fear dept. Pretty sure I have more than I need right now….so if someone needs some– LOL. Oughta consider letting the Big Guy have ’em, huh?
    I’ve been reserving my drive time for some conversations with Him, which has been a great experience. Go figure. Less stressed, less witchy. More tolerant and loving….
    Sooo….yup. I’m more apt to be the center of my universe than G-d. Bad habit. *sigh* I admire the resilience you have. I doubt I could have weathered the stprm you’ve had to weather..
    –coming here and doimg THIS.
    –the swallow tails in my garden.
    —getting to work with another.
    –talking, REALLY talking with my sponsor.
    –my JOY board at work.
    — dressing up someone else’s work space
    –your photos…WOW
    –photos of the Bug visiting the sister and Disney.

  3. Rheasia Fraser says

    Thank you God for :

    1.My son celebrating his 4th birthday and getting to spend time with his father.
    2.Showing me who my true friends are, and being able to forgive those who have turn their backs on me.
    3.For the ability to worship and experience your grace.
    4. For your word when I feel alone
    5.For my church and my pastor and his family
    6.For providing food for me so that I never go hungry.
    7.For the health and strength of my family.

  4. Arrin says

    1. Thank you Lord for A.A.
    2. Thank you Lord for removing fear and anxiety.
    3. Thank you Lord for listening to me when I think you aren’t.
    4. Thank you Lord for an amazing son.
    5. Thank you Lord for being my foundation of life.
    6. Thank you Lord for my friends and fellowship amongst.
    7. Thank you Lord for an amazing day today.

  5. Steve P. says

    Going through a divorce right now after 24 years of marriage and God has been by my side throughout the entire process showing me a promise of wonderful things to come in life and keeping me positive to the core.
    1. Lord thank you for the renewed relationship with my daughters and son.
    2. Thank you for room #427 (Between me and God)
    3. Thank you for the funds to continue to pay my bills and still provide for your kingdom and my children.
    4. Thank you for Endanu!
    5. Thank you for Deuteronomy 8!!
    6. Thank you for my daily devotional with you.
    7. Thank you for the motivation to continue moving forward!
    8. Thank you for your promise of a better life!!

    • Steve, my heart hurts for you to have to walk this difficult journey, yet I rejoice with you that God is your constant companion and you have so much for which to be grateful. Praying you continue to lean in on HIM and experience all the fullness He has for you as your move forward in His grace and glory.

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