Welcome to Day 18 of 31 Extraordinary Days to Be… Or…simply: Be…
Together, we will learn to Be… to live fully and beautifully in our “skin”
and in our homes and beyond. If you missed The Introduction or you’d like
to follow the entire series, you can find each post listed here.
When you think about being strong, what is the first thing that crosses your mind?
Physical strength?
Mental strength?
Emotional strength?
Spiritual strength?
Something else?
All those are important. Really important.
All of those areas need to be supported by a healthy body.
Learning how to better care for our bodies requires constant learning.
And then…there is the discipline to carry it out.
I confess to being really disciplined at different times in my life. Right now as I live in the “inbetween” my reserves for having a highly disciplined diet and exercise program are not quite where they should be. But, I know what I need to do and my philosophy remains the same.
Nutrition has been a hobby of mine for years.
One thing I strongly believe….the food pyramid is wrong and will only make us fat and unhealthy.
The other thing I believe is that the traditional whole foods diet of our great grandparents is way superior to the modern diet.
I’ve found it beneficial to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid as much processed food as possible, especially items with sucralose (Splenda) and bad fats.
Availability and my checkbook affect my ultimate decisions, but my first choices would be: locally grown….pastured eggs, grass-fed meats, wild caught fish, raw dairy products, non GMO anything…from the feed for the chickens to the grains I eat, fresh organic or heirloom vegetables and fruits. Plus, healthy fats like coconut and EVOO and ghee.
I also believe that our diets bring us healing and make us healthy or sick.
Choosing a whole and unprocessed foods diet is a big change for many of us. There is less convenience initially and we must think more about every aspect of our food selection. But, the pay-off is big.
If we eat well, we should be physically stronger, mentally sharper, and emotionally more balanced.
Here are a few websites that I have come to appreciate. They are a wealth of helpful information.
- http://deliciouslyorganic.net/
- http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/
- http://nourishedkitchen.com/
- http://www.westonaprice.org/
If you choose to explore their sites, you’ll find links to many other helpful sites.
You may be farther along on this journey than me. Or possibly today I have gotten you to think a little bit more about what you eat.
Regardless I want to challenge you to come along with me to build a lean mean fighting machine. Okay…how about a healthy body, mind, and spirit? Are you in?
Day 18 Challenge: Are you happy with your current health? Do you have a strong body or do you frequently get colds, headaches, and other ailments? What gets in your way to live or eat well? What do you plan to do about it?
To our health….
I hope you’ll consider visiting each day during this #31Day series.
All the posts in the series will be added to this page each day of October.
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What a wonderful adventure this will be as we journey together to Be…
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Since high school and my dermatologist having me on a strict diet ( chocolate, cheese, fatty foods, salt, whole milk) were thought to contribute to acne I learned early on how to live with restrictions. In college after taking nutrition, I have always eaten like I was raised. Fresh fruits and vegetables daily, fresh meat grazing, lots of salads and veggies with no restrictions on my fruit intake. My Dad lived to be 90 and Mom is nearly 96. As a Mom I chopped cabbage, celery, zucchini, spinach , and other veggies small and would brown with meat to add to soups, stews, spaghetti and tacos. Pumpkin and squash cooked I’d add to meatloaf and everyone raved. So we all ate healthy including kale too as well as all fruits. It won’t guarantee a life of no disease. Nor of perfect health. But avoiding processed foods from our diets made me feel like I was doing the right thing. I’ve found many vegetables frozen that have no extra ingredients. This allows me to try cooking a little so I don’t have to chop and dice everything. How grateful I am for this!
I applaud you, Gwen. I bet you’re a wonderful cook. 🙂
There are no guarantees…but eating well does help us to feel better for sure.
Totally agree with local, organic, no added hormones or RBST, less meat, grass fed. Sometimes budget does not allow but that should be the goal. When I eat less grain and far more veggies, fruit, and protein, I can feel a difference from the inside within 2 days.
Today the budget might not allow it….but doing what we can gets us on the road to where we want to be.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts today, Linda. Glad you feel better w/o the grain. I know exactly what you mean.
I haven’t been as disciplined about eating the right foods either. We do try to eat healthy: fruits, veggies and I always try to incorporate whole grains as well. I know avoiding processed foods is essential for a healthy body, so we do our best to eliminate them. Sometimes we fall short, but I agree with you my intentions to eat healthy remain the same. We are what we eat and eating the right foods provide so much energy as well as providing more protection from illness. I have had good luck in the past following the Mediterranean diet, so I use that as my guideline. Thanks for the information and your helpful links!
I think it’s like everything Diane….we can always improve and get better at it. The good thing is that we’re on the right road. 🙂
Here’s to healthy and happy eating!!
Thanks for the links! I need to eat better and get healthy. Your photos are always so beautiful!
Thanks Barbie! I love to take and share photos and I’m thrilled that you enjoy them. [hugs]
What awesome photos of the pond. Those trees are ready to burst glorious colours any day now! What a great place to just cop a squat and BE!
Gotta confess, I do NOT have a love affair with food. He-who-does-the-cooking drools watching the food channel. LOL. I’d zap cauliflower in the microwave and call it good to go. Notsomuch with the foodie-in-the-house. I just got around to educating him on Amana Beef (corn fed, Iowa raised…awesome) LOL…there goes the food bill! I am gluten free, which has pushed the envelope on what’s allowed and what’s not. I’ve felt much better since the change in diet…thank goodness I adore my veggies!
It surely was a good place to be. And the weather was incredible!!
I must make a confession. Though you may already be wise to it. All the food I share on the blog…someone else prepares it. I think the only he recipe original to me is my banana bread and Far East Celery dish. The others my friends have made and generously shared the recipe and allowed me to photo their delicious food. 😉 I like to eat good food and I dislike most food at restaurants…so I’m a snob. 😉 But, when it comes to my cooking…it’s very limited. I eat quality food…it’s just prepared very simply.
Glad the GF option made you feel better. Yay for veggies!!
Do you like stuffing? I made the recipe for stuffed squash from Deliciously Organic. It was made with riced cauliflower rather than bread. I think you’d like it. I may make it again and share it on the blog. In the meantime…pop over there. It’s easy to make. The hardest part is cutting those squash in half. Let me know if you’ve heard of a squash chainsaw ’cause I need one. 😉
Dear Diane,
I really like the picture of the pond w/the floating autumn leaves too! It should be framed & placed where one can contemplate it before turning off the lamp at night. The water was obviously quite calm & the whole scene exudes tranquility. Thanks for sharing.
It was truly tranquil, Carolyn. I wish you could have been there to enjoy it with me. Magical might be the word. Maybe I should make a sized printable available.
Beautiful, Thanks for sharing you thought. xoGinger
Thank you Ginger. 🙂
Blessings, my friend!!