What do you do when you are going through a rough patch?
Do you go to bed and curl up in the fetal position?
Or…do you carry on praising God as if you’re having the best of days?
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Okay…I confess…
I might not do the first. But, this week has been extremely difficult and I surely haven’t done the second, either.
I’m not suggesting that you must do the second. But, it seems that Paul thought that we needed to have joy-filled hearts. All. The. Time.
Except for the fact that Paul was in shipwrecks, in prison, in chains, stoned, and in a host of other not-so-fun events, I’d think he took the having a good attitude business a little too far. At least this week it’s seemed pretty unattainable.
Look at what Paul says…
Always be joyful in the Lord! I’ll say it again: Be joyful! Philippians 4:4 GW
It’s interesting, The Message, Peterson paraphrased Paul’s words this way...
Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Philippians 4:4
Every week I tell myself and you that God it totally trustworthy. Because he is.
I remind us that he can do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. I believe it.
I remind us that God loves us with an everlasting love.
You might even remember me telling you that all God’s promises are YES! in Christ Jesus.
And those are just a few of the things I write for you….and me. (Because I need the reminder, too!)
Yet, this week, I wondered why God was so silent.
Why everyone was so silent.
You surely have noticed that I’ve been silent. The blog has been quiet. And I haven’t been writing replies to your grace-filled comments (Though I read each one carefully.). I’m sorry for the last one. Please forgive me.
How often do you hear that God comes in and saves the day at the last minute, the eleventh hour, or just in time?
He also tests us and lets the eleventh hour come and go and go and go and go and go. I know.
And we wait. Anticipating. Expectant. Weary.
What are we to do when it seems that there is nowhere to turn and nothing is going as we hope and pray?
Be joyful in the Lord. Always.
It was a little easier today once the birds’ nests I’m making for Easter dinner were finished.
Sinking my teeth into delicious leftovers (not having to cook!!) for supper helped.
And later…when a very tired girl went tramping through the hills and meadows with her guy on a hunt and came home with an armload of pussy willows…there was joy. And happiness, too.
Little things. Each one.
They are gifts from the Giver of every perfect gift.
Why are we still waiting? I don’t ask that question.
Instead…I circle (Have you read The Circle Maker
* by Mark Batterson?). And pray. And pray more.
And wait. And give thanks for homemade birds nests, leftovers, and pussy willows.
* An Extraordinary Day is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
Today is Joy Day!
You have no idea how grateful I am to have you come here and join me in counting gifts/blessings/whatever you want to call them. There’s something wonderful about looking back over the past week and acknowledging the good things God has done and counting just ‘seven’ of them. We’re supposed to give thanks in/for all things. That includes things like my not-so-good week, too.
Will you join me in counting just ‘seven’ from the past week.
I’ll start…
God, I am grateful for…
- a hard, hard week.
- springtime and warmer temps and seeing the newness of spring. (If it were still winter…it would be too much.)
- making us wait. And wait. And wait.
- preserving my husband from a reckless driver as he walked alongside the road.
- “the found” in nature to make “something” from.
- pussy willows. And not just a few.
- a wee cat who wakes us up at 3:40 and 4:30 and 5:50 AM and sleeps peacefully by my side as I write, now.
Now it’s YOUR turn!!
Join me in counting ‘seven.’
Scroll down to the comment section…Share Your Extraordinary Thoughts….and list your ‘seven.’
I dare you!
Thank you for stopping by today.
I appreciate you and your sweet comments make my day.
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1. Fine conversations with my husband
2. Together walked, we did it (I can only walk 30 minutes because of hip inflammation)
3. Ralph (10) who ten times a day says: Mom, you’re so sweet. I love you mom.
4. Internet
5. Thankful for physiotherapy
6. Caramel Coffee
7 God’s patience 🙂
Thank you for this beautiful blog, Diane. A world of recognition. I am delighted with the spiritual lesson in it
Rest my friend. We can live , at least temporarily, with fewer blog posts if that helps you rest and revive.
One can not give fully from empty hands
1. A table and enough chairs we can sit around it for meals as a family.
2. That table being outdoors so my husband and I can also enjoy the outdoors and each other’s company.
3. Finally having a teacup! (We are a rough-and-tumble family and things like teacups don’t usually last long around us, so I’ve not bothered getting one before now.)
4. The ability to not feel guilty when I rest when I need to.
5. Online inspiration in my inbox.
6. A great day out with my family.
7. My oldest boy (17) making pizza for supper (so old Mom could put her feet up)!
It’s tough sometimes, this ‘trust’ and ‘believe deal. I can get squirrely and angry and confused and impatient. And then someone says something or posts something or does something that shoves me back on the path. And then I falter again…so thank you for being one of my messengers. I don’t do the ‘wait’ well. And I still need to grow in that ‘expectations’ department. I can hear the ‘where’s MINE’ creepong in at times. It truly is a stuggle to stay humble and obedient and hopeful when I falter in the trus deal. *sigh* Being human is TOUGH! Oh, but everyday there’s reasons to make joyful noises!
–We had an amazing thunderstorm that washed away the winter ‘yuck’, literally and figuratively.
–I got to be present for two people who humbly were able, through the grace of G-d, pick up 25 and 34 years of sobriety. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
–Looking out at the ‘grunge-free’patio…worth the effort with the power washer!
–I can DO things, physically DO things to be of help this spring…thank you G-d!
–Other people ask to talk to me about their ‘stuff’, it’s amazing that I would be asked.
–I stopped the car to get a full soul from an amazing sunset.
–Power tools!! Haha…I love using them and they make me happy.
Oh Diane, I am sorry you have been having such a difficult time. Don’t get too down on yourself…we humans are just going to feel discouraged at times. But you always turn to God for strength and he lifts you back up again…that is the important thing. I will continue to pray about your situation.
I too was pretty silent this week as I prepared for a craft show last Saturday. I”m thankful that is behind me! I guess that’s my first thanks 🙂 Also:
* for low sales, but lots of compliments and for learning a lot at my first craft show in years
* for my daughter getting a summer position working for the professor she did research under at college
* for the songbirds returning to our neck of the woods
* for warmer days
* for the wonderful friends I have
* the start of the greening of the grass here
Have a blessed week my friend. Hugs, Deborah
Thank you for this post.
Here are seven things I am grateful for:
1. My sweet six month napping in my arms as I write this
2. A wonderful husband who went out of his way to help me with a project I have.
3. My baby girl is doing better in the church nursery!
4. We are going to visit our family next week for Easter.
5. Beautiful weather for our Easter egg hunt today.
6. Coffee heehee 🙂
7. My husband gets a full week off for Easter (he’s a teacher)
Thank you Lord for all your good gifts! Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoice!
Oh Diane, I am so sorry that you had such a challenging week! But I still continue to pray for you and Tim daily!! My week has been similar in the “waiting room” department! But each day he gives me the strength to continue to do things in around and around my Home, despite still not knowing what the outcome will be!!But he has not been silent! In the last 10 days I have received this scriptural message: “This is the Day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it”. at least 15 or 16 times from so many different and unusual places! Many multiple times in one day! I find that when this happens, he is really trying to get my attention and I listened! So, I am so grateful for:
1. That the Lord “spoke” to me through this scripture!
2. That I received the lowest Light Bill that I have ever had $68.00!
3. That I had my taxes prepared and though I thought I would have to pay for the first time! I did not! and even received a small refund!!
4. I received 2 Beautiful, Heartfelt Easter Cards and a just Miss you card this week….
5. A fun day at Gatorland on our First Grade field trip…..
6. The joy I get from my 3 little rescue kittens…
7. For Beautiul Sunny weather all week….
8. An for this Easter week and extra! I am so grateful that our Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed so much and died so that we would be free of sin and be able through him to have a personal relationship with God the Father and have everlasting Life.
I have had such strange medical oddities and I feel decline and such weakness that it’s been hard to accomplish much. I’m too tired and weak. And my language and memory now seem to get mixed up. I’m not scared but I wonder who will care for me? But the future is not here is it? Just the present.
1. I cried for I must have lots of sin and stubble to be burned to get me pure gold. I wept for I don’t think I communicate well anymore.
2. I’m not well or normal but this must be ok
3. I see flowers
4. When I am weak then He is strong
5. The JOY of The Lord is my strength. I do not have to muster up this joy. He will give me strength not by His might but by His Joy
6. In the deepest darkest sorrow can a song be sung in my heart? Can I meditate on Psalm 23 as getting up on the table for more tests is the scariest thing. Not a test. And I close my head and meditate on Psalm 23 and my heart calms right away and I feel I’m there as Jesus is with me anointing my head with oil, still waters , green pastures…comfort and security from a His rod and staff, a feast with enemies around, surely and goodness are following me all the days of my life And I shall dwell in the House of The Lord forever! Meditating on Gods word is so helpful
7. I almost fell over head so weird as I tried to be up to do something. I guess this too is Gods will. I am worse
Hope yor week is easier and still full of joy! Linda
1. Tylenol for late afternoon headaches this week
2. those beautuful yellow flowers my Mary, ganddaughter loves to pick (daffodils)
3. Fun trustworthy teenaged daughters
4. sleep
5. a supportive husband
6. hammocks and sunshine
7. books
I am strengthened by those women who know my struggle but don’t ask me to explain it. It takes such energy to speak it, and strength for the journey is lost each time. So sweet…silence. Yours is respected
1.being physically able to travel with my husband in a car to help our daughter and son in law after seven years of waiting 2.babysitting our grandchildren during job interviews 3.our son’s broken wrist being easy to set 4.my mom visiting our puppy and keeping him company 5.my mom making dinner for our son 6.manageable pain most days 7.seeing a yellow jacket bumble bee for the first time
Diane I have noticed you’ve been quieter than usual. You and me both. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t write a spectacular Sunday post. Not that it wasn’t spectacular, but I thought it inappropriate when we are in the middle of our situation.
Could I share countless ways God has shown Himself to us these last three weeks? Absolutely! But, how can I do it without airing our family laundry? I will not embarrass family members by broadcasting our private lives, but we are in mourning.
I read all of your posts, but it was impossible to list 7 things last Sunday (and maybe this week, too. We’ll see…). There is always something to be thankful for, but sometimes the mental energy to list 7 is just not there. It is easier to pray for you and your husband than to comment. A quiet prayer does more good, I think, when our own encouragement bank is empty. I grieve over your situation (and ours), but we both know that joy comes in the morning. He will get us through until the morning. He will give us joy. So, we wait. We’re only 3 weeks in for what most say will be a long, long road. But, I’m a sprinter, Lord! Only He can get me through this. And, He has proven completely faithful these 3 weeks.
Yet (my word for 2014), He has given and will give us good things to His honor, glory and praise! He blesses our obedience in tough circumstances. I pray He blesses you in amazing ways this week! Here are my 7. I’m thankful for and rejoicing over:
1. The perfect partner God chose for me to travel His journey with through my adult life.
2. Encouraging and praying friends who humble us with their love for our family.
3. God revealing Himself in many ways each day, letting us know He is with us in it.
4. Priscilla Shirer for her Bible studies that have under-girded me the past few months, preparing me for this thing I didn’t know would hit us.
5. God’s relevant and active words to me each and every morning!
6. The energy and new mental clarity that God grants me in spite of little sleep.
7. A specific task (or 2 or 3) that God gives us each day that keeps us working towards His perfect will for our family members and family as a whole.
My daily cry, in spite of all the devil throws at us, “I CHOOSE CHRIST!”
Hi, Sweet Diane,
1. God’s protection when fires broke out near our lake home. Only burned a little brush among our trees.
2. A wonderful son-in-law who helped us out at our fix-me-up lake house. Now I can open the sliding door w/o hurting myself!
3. A husband whose work ethic never quits–he envisions a new little area there for picnicking.
4. Help from our 16-yr-old grandson again, who went w/us to work & play.
5. Lots of crappie spawning–our son-in-law & grandson fished to their hearts’ content! In between projects. So we had a yummy fish fry! and some left over.
6. Strength to cook, clean & encourage their efforts.
7. Time to paint a flea market lazy Susan…w/a sailboat theme. Fun! God is good to share His creativity w/us!
1. thankful for beautiful week spent in Arkansas with 97 year old Dad
2. so thankful dad is doing so well after having lost Mom in January after 72 years of marriage!
3. thankful for sister-in-love Barb and brother-in-love Tim who had us stay with them while in Arkansas
4.thankful for time with Colin and Paige while in Ark.
5. thankful for time spent with 4 grandsons in Kansas when we left Ark. while parents were gone.
6. thankful daughter Kristi and her hubby Paul enjoyed celebrating their 25th in Punta Cana while we watched their boys
7. thankful to come home to new grand daughter born 12 days early–first girl after 5 great grandsons!