Does it seem crazy to think that we can have the same joy as Jesus?
It does… but Jesus told us we will be as joyful as he is.
Not could be. We will be.
I have told you this so that you will be as joyful as I am,
and your joy will be complete. ~ Jesus
I don’t know about you… but I really would like to live a life of joy.
What do you think it would look like to live a life of joy?
Maybe we should start with the definition…
For one it might be to be happy all the time, singing, humming, wearing a smile continuously.
For another it might be a deep soul centered contentment and pleasure.
What does joy look like for you? Or what do you want it to be?
Maybe the bigger question is…
What is the source of our joy?
If we can have the same joy as Jesus… where will we get it?
From Jesus. Maybe that seems obvious since he is the source of all joy.
So, how will we get this joy?
If we want to live in joy we need to live in Christ.
The only way I know to do that is to read the Bible so I can be filled up with him and to spend time in quiet alone with him… letting him do the talking.
I’m sure you’ve known friends or couples who seem to be very much alike. Sure, we can find their differences, but it’s their commonalities that we notice. They laugh at the same things, they love to eat the same foods, they love to do the same things, and they can often speak for each other. Or… how about a dad and his boy? We have a friend whose son walks just like him. His mannerisms are the same. His is a complete imitation of his dad. A Mini-Me.
As followers of Christ was are to be little Christs.
Imitators of Christ.
Mini-Me’s of Christ.
Are you a Christ imitator?
Do you soak in his every word, his every move?
Do you attempt to get to know him in every way possible?
Have you ever watched another couple newly dating?
They want to spend all their time together. They want to learn everything they can about the other one. They just cannot get enough of each other.
Often after that same couple gets married… life consumes them and they seem to cease being students of each other. I know that isn’t true of every relationship… but it is of many. Complacency takes over.
Where are you in your relationship with Jesus?
Are you still hanging on to his every word? Or has life consumed you and it’s become easy to be complacent?
There’s no judgement here. I believe that if each of us is honest our relationship with Jesus ebbs and flows to varying degrees. And like most relationships, we get out of it what we put into it.
However, this relationship should be more full and complete than any earthly relationship. Jesus’ desire for us is to have the same joy he has and that it be the fullest possible joy.
I have told you these things so that you can have the same joy I have
and so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy.
He desires it so much for us that he gave us a blueprint for experiencing joy his way.
I have loved you, just as my Father has loved me. So remain faithful to my love for you.
If you obey me, I will keep loving you, just as my Father keeps loving me,
because I have obeyed him.
The JOY Blueprint…
- Love Jesus
- Remain faithful to Jesus’ love for you.
- Obey him.
And the result will be JOY!
This faithfulness that Jesus wants from us is something that is vibrant and alive.
He’s not suggesting we abstain from all interaction with the world in order to prove our faithfulness.
Instead, he’s looking for a faithfulness similar to that a golden lab has to his owner.
Notice how a faithful pooch will be engaged in his surroundings, but continually looking up or back at his master/mistress, ready for a command? Fido wants more than anything to please. He is completely attuned to his owner.
That’s what Jesus wants from us.
He wants us to be so in tune with him that our obedience will be a natural outflow.
All of this is based on love… love the Father has for the Son, the love the Son has for the Father, the love that the Son has for you and me, and the love that we have for the Son.
Jesus wants us to obey him because it’s good for us. Plus, our obedience glorifies him.
Do you want a full and complete joy that’s just like the joy that Jesus has?
Me too!
The wonderful thing is… we not only can have it.
We will have it, providing…
- We love Jesus with all our heart
- Live as Mini-Christs… fully faithful to him.
- And follow him in complete obedience.
These are the 3 steps to having joy like Jesus.
Because joy comes from the relationship we have with Christ it’s not 3 simple steps and we’re done. Instead it’s three steps of living and moving toward Jesus and gaining more joy and more joy along the journey. There’s joy in intimately knowing the source of our joy. And it’s so worth the effort. Just like any relationship… the more we put into it the more beautiful it is and the more we are blessed because of it, too.
Go for JOY!
Get to know Jesus in all his fullness and be filled with JOY!!
Which step of the joy journey are you on?
Which is the hardest? Which is the most joyful?
It’s JoyDay!
We just talked about how our joy comes from Jesus. Our joy also becomes fuller and richer when we live a life of gratitude. That’s why we take time each week on JoyDay! to count our blessings, and even the not-so-good stuff, from the past week and give thanks.
Won’t you join me in counting just seven?
I’ll start…
Thank you God for:
- springtime and the blooming beauties of trees and flowers all around me… all nature proclaims your glories
- an amazing walk filled with unexpected wildflower sightings
- an opportunity to learn and grow on a professional level
- making plans with a good friend
- a paycheck and being able to have an expensive car repair scheduled
- for your continued love, grace, and strength
- this amazing love you have for me and the way you speak it into my heart
It’s your turn!
Scroll down and leave your ‘seven’ in the comment area below.
If you haven’t done this before… I dare you! Do it and watch your JoyMeter soar!!
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P.S. One of our readers has a big need and so I’m making a big request. Please check out this post and give. Every little bit will help. And thank you for being the hands of Jesus by participating.
Hi Diane…I love the way you write. Beautiful. I have panic disorder and am on oxygen so I don’t get out as much as I like. I get very anxious when I leave the house but my faith sees me through when I do! God is always with me!
Thank you God for
For my wonderful son who visits each week
Giving me the strength to get through each day
Providing the financial stability so I could pay for my car repair
For getting me safely to my Brother’s house
For the beautiful weather we are having
For my good health this week
For having the support of my friends this week
Debbie… you are so kind to say that. Thank you!
Rejoicing with you in God’s goodness and your ‘seven.’ Have a blessed week!
Thank you Diane and I hope you have a blessed week as well!
I agree with Debbie!
I am so Grateful to the Lord
1. For My Son and a wonderful Mother’s Day….
2. For the Huge unexpected Blessings of Healing in family relationships, of two of my Dear Friends!!!I cried tears of JOY for both today!!!
3. for people who share their stories of trials and triumphs to give hope and encouragement to others!
4. a much needed unexpected financial blessing for my Son this week!
5. an appointment on May 27th to settle the financial part of my case! taking that as an encouragement from God that all IS well and the bank will not appeal!
6. for giving me a couple of little blessings of appreciation Friday when I was feeling very unappreciated!!
7. a bumper sticker message on the back of a church van on Friday! ” All things are Possible with God”!!!!
Thank you sweet friend for joyfully celebrating God’s goodness and grace in your life here. I am so excited about the 27th!! Rejoicing in all that God has done and will continue to do, in and through you, and for you.
Praying you and your week are truly extraordinary in every way, Debbi! {hugs}