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Do you have a thankful heart?
Have you ever noticed that some people seem to be so blessed regardless of their circumstances?
The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies;
but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and,
as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find,
in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
Henry Ward Beecher
Isn’t this a great quote?
One other thing I’ve noticed…those with a thankful heart are good at blessing others.
Somehow I missed it! November 13 was World Kindness Day.
We don’t need an official day to extend kindness and bless others.
Right where you are….
- shoot someone an email or text….
- get up and do something….
- have fun blessing the next person you see with a little kindness.
- Use the sharing buttons on the side or below and share this post/printable and let them know how thankful you are for them.
Be thankful…Be kind…Be Extraordinary!
I’d be delighted if you’d share all this extraordinariness with your friends.
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Sharing with these Extraordinary places:
In the Studio + Jumping Tandem + A Bowl Full of Lemons + Elizabeth & Co. + Carolyn’s Homework + Memories by the Mile + Someday Crafts + Fine Craft Guild + Rose Chintz Cottage + From My Front Porch to Yours + A Delightsome Life + No Minimalist Here
i was thrilled for you when i saw Poofing the Pillows Blog and she was telling others about this wonderful blog chock full of kindness and encouragement called “An Extraordinary Day”! oh my, is God noticing the good work you do or what?! so happy for you Diane.
Oh Suzi! It is such a blessing. And YES….God is sooooo Good!!!
Thanks for rejoicing with me!
Lovely quote and photo. You really DO those well.
I’m not so sure I’m one of those who exudes gratitude/thankfulness. I like to whine too much…LOL But I do think that thankfulness helps me have a broader perspective when ‘stuff’ happens. I mean, if we’re only looking at one bit of the film, how can we really ‘rate it’? I guess I think I need the perspective of the WHOLE picture, know what I mean?
I AM a graced woman…and horribly thankful for the gifts I’ve been graced with.
And HA. I had World Kindness Day marked on my calendar! 😉 We had a bit of a ‘contest’ on random acts of kindness at the worksite–wayyyyyyyyy fun!
Thinkin’ we need to do that one again!
Well of course you would know about World Kindness Day and would have organized a ‘contest’ to boot. 🙂 This is your kind of day…hands down!!! Good on you!!! I’m a little bit envious of you and the way you do your random acts, etc.
It’s a good thing you’re a whiner! LOL!
Great quote and photo! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank YOU Jen! I do wish more people would join in the fun.
Hope your weekend is extraordinary!
So inspiring, Diane! Yes, I have a thankful heart! and I see that you do too!
Yay!! May your day overflow with JOY because of your thankful heart, June! [hugs]
This was gorgeous!! I really loved the photo and the words. Thank you.
Thank you so much Joanne!!
Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!
Found you again. Seemed to have lost track of you lately. I would love you to link this wonderful picture to Sunday Stillness.
Hi Janis! I took a little time away from linking….I’ll pop over.