I’ve been thinking about this amazing thing God did….
sending his own son into the world in human form.

And what did humanity do?
Reject the God of the universe.


AnExtraordinaryDay.net | Scripture art Winter snow scene close up of a creek and evergreen


I’m glad this true story didn’t end there.


You.  Me.  God’s invited us into his family.

We just need to believe in Jesus.


God must love us more than we can ever imagine!



This Christmas….


…In Jesus

…God who became a babe, and then died and paid the price for every wrong thing we have done, and lives again so we can be in his children, forever.


Rejoicing in God’s best Christmas gift!


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  1. I’m a believer! Rejoicing in our Savior’s birth! Merry Christmas.

    • Diane says

      Thank you Barbie!
      May your Christmas be filled with peace and joy!

  2. Mel says

    🙂 Beautiful photo…… I’ll now bask in the warmth of that HUGE love.

    Happy Christmas to you and yours, Diane.

    • Diane says

      Oh Mel…thank you!!!
      Yes…soak it all in!!!!
      May you sense God’s overwhelming love, peace, and joy at Christmas…and in the New Year!

  3. Magnificent!!! I hope you all have a wonderful, warm and very Merry Christmas!!! Hugs, Jennifer

    • Diane says

      Oh Jennifer, you bless me!!!! 😀
      Celebrating Jesus….it will surely be everything you hope and more!!

  4. Shelby Bankston says

    My first Christmas alone since my husband passed. Jesus is so near to me. I try talking to Him instead of myself. It Works! Pray for me. I miss him! Jesus is the reason we have Christmas, which I have enjoyed since I was a little girl. Now I am an old woman of 80 years.

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