What is it that you’ve been ruminating about?
What are you carrying in the back of your mind all the time?
What are you wringing your hands over?
Most of us get caught up in worrying or fretting at some time.
It takes a millisecond for a thought to take off and then… there you are… chewing on it like a dog on an old bone.
It’s all consuming and about as useful as that old bone.
I try to not worry about things, but then I get that pain, or that email, or my husband says something, and then… if I’m not mindful of things I can jump right on the worry train. Ugh.
If you have a tendency to worry or fret, you need a plan.
A plan to help you kick worry to the curb.
Try this…
When you find yourself worrying or fretting… remember these Ps.
- Pray.
- Pull out God’s promises.
- Place your faith in God.
- Put your worries down and trust HIM.
Here are NINE scripture verses to help you put your worry in its place…
- Jesus said,“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me. John 14:1
- Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
- “Look at the birds in the air. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it. Matthew 6:26-27
- “And why do you worry about clothes?… But I tell you that even Solomon with his riches was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. God clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today but tomorrow is thrown into the fire. So you can be even more sure that God will clothe you. Don’t have so little faith! Matthew 6:28, 30
- Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well. Matthew 6:33
- I always remember that the Lord is with me. He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me. Psalm 16:8
- Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. Do what you learned and received from me, what I told you, and what you saw me do. And the God who gives peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9
- We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
- I went to the Lord for help, and he listened. He saved me from all that I fear. If you look to him for help, he will put a smile on your face. You will have no need to be ashamed. As a poor, helpless man I prayed to the Lord, and he heard me. He saved me from all my troubles. Psalm 34:4-6
Pick one of these scriptures and memorize it and recite it to yourself so that you don’t give in to the temptation to worry.
I created an 8 1/2 x 11 printable of these Bible verses for you to download and keep at hand. Laminate it if you like, hang it on the fridge, the bathroom mirror or wherever you will benefit from this reminder to trust God and not worry. Get the Overcome Worry Bible Verse Printable HERE.
When you find yourself starting down the worrying path…
STOP and Work Your Plan
- Pray.
- Pull out God’s promises.
- Place your faith in God.
- Put your worries down and trust HIM.
The more we practice this… the harder it will be to succumb to the temptation to worry or fret.
What is it that you’ve been ruminating about?
What are you carrying in the back of your mind all the time?
What are you wringing your hands over?
What are you going to do when you find yourself starting to worry or fret?
It’s JoyDay!
And time to get our joy meters soaring!
Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful. This simple exercise of counting and giving thanks together in this space is something we do each week to reset our compasses and put our eyes back on the Lord.
I’ll start…
Thank you, God…
- for inviting us to trust You for all things.
- for giving us a plan and a reason to NOT worry.
- for the beautiful flowers at my little grocery store.
- and more pretty yellow flowers at the farmers’ market.
- for quiet days at home and the new direction you’re giving me.
- a beautiful morning and getting to spend it with Tim and YOU.
- being my healer.
Now…it’s YOUR turn!
List your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below. You’ll be glad you did.
Thank you for stopping by and taking time to leave your sweet thoughts.
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Happy Joy Day!
Well you have done it again. How do you know? So often you just hit the nail on the head as if you are writing to me personally. God does work in mysterious ways.
I worry…I pray…I cry…and I make my plans. That might always be the order of things but that is always the list.
Lately things around here are…well…worrisome. My dads health, husbands health, kids moving away, constant money issues. But things are also wonderful if I look at them the other way round.
Lord I thank you for,
1. My dad is back in hospital But he is alive!
2. Husband has health problems But he is stable. Yes he has really bad moments, days and weeks but also he also has good moments, days and weeks.
3. Son and wife and their 2 little ones are moving to Texas. But that means we raised our son to be strong enough to do what needs to be done for his family.
4. Same son and wife just announced baby number 3 is on the way! ?
This is wonderful news of course but it also is a little sad that they will be so far away.
(That means we have 2 new little ones joining our growing little family.)
5. J. came over yesterday with a very grand and unexpected gift.
6. S. had a safe trip.
7. Rain today? Really? Well that does always make things smell so fresh and I get a day off from watering.
Thank you Diane! I always look forward to reading your posts and I’m never disappointed.
You are truly a blessing to my heart ?
Blessings to you!
Isn’t God amazing?! I love how he works and times things perfectly. It’s such a privilege that he can even use me. 😉
Minnie, I’m so sorry that there are so many hard things going on right now in your life. You are such a wonderful example of trusting God through every situation. You inspire me as you choose to see the sunny side of life and stand in faith and expectancy. Praying God’s healing in your dad and husband’s bodies… for grace and comfort in the transition of your son and his family’s move… and for strength and stamina in your days. May your week be filled with JOY and unexpected God moments. xoxo
I read this but got so sleepy. I realized I never wrote to you! This is a post I enjoyed. I love lantana. I always say I’m going to put some in my front yard too because it blooms so well in our heat. No deadheading and just blooms non stop until frost. I have some that comes back year after year in large low pots behind our pool and they tumble and climb and make for viewing pleasure.
Yes I can worry or I forget to pray for someone and feel sad. I can’t remember if I worry. I think I do. But these verses are good for my condition of crying so hard several times a day.
Yes God is so good. And sooo powerful.
Like Minnie, there’s always something to bring sorrow to my heart—if you knew our situations you’d feel sad—but nothing changes. I feel bad for my husband. We have to stick together.
Help us Lord to be witnesses for You Lord.
Seven blessings
1. It’s cooler
2. My grandsons want to talk to me. I miss them
3. My uncle came home from the hospital please heal him Lord
4. Help
5. Food to eat. Clothes to wear. Water to drink
6. My cousin is coming home from the hospital soon. Praise You Lord
7. Watermelon that was really sweet. I crave it every summer
Have a nice weekend. Heal Diane.
My local library has a HUGE pot of flowers near the entry and these photos are all of the flowers in that pot. I had lantana years ago in a container and enjoyed the colors so much. Like you… I need to plan to plant more next year. They are so beautiful. Plus, my aunt lived in the town of Lantana for a number of years… such a good memory.
I am so sorry for this path that you are walking with Curt, Gwen. But, I am so thankful that you both have the Lord and each other and keep each other encouraged. BIG HUGS!!
So nice to be back!!!😘
Thank you, God for…
1. An almighty God like you who stays by my side and believes in me.
2. A comfortable, warm home in which to stay sheltered.
3. A dear children who take care of our needs when we are unable to do so.
4. Dr. Fucci (sp?) without whose help we would be utterly lost during this horrific pandemic.
5. Guy Beliveau, my precious husband, who takes care of almost my every need. I try hard to do my fair share, God, but Guy does more. Bless him.
6. My doctors who talk with me on the phone now instead of face to face.
7. The folks who deliver our groceries to us! They keep going and I believe they are very brave and tireless!
So many things for which to be grateful! As always… I LOVE your heart, Lucy! {hugs}
Dear Diane:
Thank you so much for all your encouraging words! I know every day is a challenge to keep focused on what God says and not the lies of the enemy. As I woke to snow this morning I was reminded of the song What can make white as snow nothing but the blood of Jesus! And it came up in my memories in Facebook. God is so Good, He has a Plan and Purpose in all of this. Each day I tell myself it’s 1 day closer to the end. God bless you my friend ❤ long distant hugs!
Aren’t you glad we know the whole story, Babette? It really does help us trust HIM and live with calm and joyful hearts!
Praying for you, now, that you will be strong and brave and may your heart overflow with hope and joy! {{hugs}}