Are you challenged with an immovable mountain of difficult people or situations? Do you need God to move a mountain in your life? God is in the mountain-moving business... discover with me the part we play in seeing those mountains move.


This past week was a bit challenging.

I could psychoanalyze it.

Or I could choose to look at the people and events through God’s eyes.

To be honest… the former is much easier than the later.

You see I need to lay my pride down to do that.  I need to let go of my righteous indignation.  I need to let God’s word and the Holy Spirit open my eyes not only to the situation… but to my heart.

And more than anything I need to let God transform my heart.


Scripture photo image of Psalm 51:10,12 = Create a clean heart in me O God :: Are you challenged with an immovable mountain of difficult people or situations? Do you need God to move a mountain in your life? God is in the mountain-moving business... discover with me the part we play in seeing those mountains move.


Create a clean heart in me, O God,
and renew a faithful spirit within me.
and provide me with a spirit of willing obedience.

Psalm 51:10, 12


We all have difficult people and challenging events in our lives.  Yes?

Right now, someone or something undoubtedly jumps into your thinking.

Hold that thought… but don’t go meandering down the road with it.  That’s dangerous.

Instead… take that thought captive.

Remember that God loves you and the individuals involved in your situation more than you can imagine.

Remember that God is not only our redeemer, but he is our restorer and rebuilder.

He takes the junk and unlovable people in our lives and transforms them into beauty.

I’m not suggesting that it’s immediate and everything is hunky dory.

Instead, I’m suggesting that God will help us see people and events through his eyes and not ours.

He will give us compassion, love, patience, and perseverance… when we give it all up to him.  

If we hold on to it… chew on it… work it out in our heads… create different solutions… whatever… we are in dangerous territory.

It’s not good for us… and even more… we prevent God from moving.

If you need God to move a mountain… you absolutely must get out of the way.


Need God to Move a Mountain He's ready and waiting.


We have a piano, and like any piano it’s a bear to move.  Whenever we move it around the house, we get out some very thin boards so that it will roll easily and not make lines on the wood floors.  My job is to pay attention to the movement of the piano and move the boards so my husband can keep the piano rolling.  At the same time I need to stay out of the way or I will immediately halt the process. This process works well for us.  But, I have to do my part correctly so Tim can keep the piano moving towards its new location.

I have an important part in the process… laying the boards down at the appropriate times. If I exercise my own agenda…  the piano doesn’t move…. the floor gets marred… and our marital harmony is greatly diminished.

Just like it takes teamwork to move the piano… God won’t move that mountain in your life unless you work with him. Stand in his way and nothing happens. Work with him. Lay down your pride, trust him, and be open to his love, direction, and discipline and you can expect to see God do something amazing…. beyond anything you can ask or imagine.


Are you challenged with an immovable mountain of difficult people or situations? Do you need God to move a mountain in your life? God is in the mountain-moving business... discover with me the part we play in seeing those mountains move.


Who or what is your mountain?

Trust God to move it.  In his time and in his way.

Be ready to be hands-on or hands-off… but let him call the plays. He may or may not want you to be a part of the mountain-moving experience. Don’t get in front of him. Wait for him to work. And above all… keep your eyes and ears attuned to him through his word.  And give thanks.  

I’m facing a couple of mountains right now.  This week I’m going to let God transform my heart so he can move those mountains.

How about you?

What are your mountains?

God’s in the mountain-moving business.  He’s ready and waiting to move yours.



It's JoyDay!  Join us as we count our blessings in community.  When you do... your joy meter will soar.  Come on... I dare you!


It’s JoyDay!

I’m so glad you’re here to join me for JoyDay!  Taking time to share the good things God has done in our lives…  the good and the not-so-good… is one of the highlights of my week.

Will you join with me in counting ‘seven’ from the past week?

I’ll start!

Thank you God for…

  1. being my mountain mover
  2. for loving the difficult people in my life
  3. showing me how badly I need a heart transformation
  4. friends who pray
  5. wind and waves and beautiful shades of blue
  6. precious hours with my husband
  7. your faithfulness

Now it’s your turn!

Please join me by tapping in your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below. I dare you!

Thank you for stopping by and taking time to leave your sweet thoughts.

May your week overflow with unimaginable Joy! Signature - AnExtraordinaryDay.netReceive FREE inspiration like this in your inbox!
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  1. Debbi Saunders says

    Thank You Dear Lord:
    1. for Helping me see the difficult people in my life through your loving eyes…
    2. for a great day at school!
    3. for your peace and calm after a rough emotional and anxious night!!
    4. for using me as an instrument to serve you and your people…
    5. for the Miracle that you have performed in my Life that has touched so many people, not just me…
    6. for protecting me throughout this critical event in my life!
    7. for helping me move the Mountains that I am facing in my life at this time and your faithfulness!
    8. for Diane’s timely post on God Moving Mountains!!! I needed to hear these things today…

    • Debbi… God has really been doing some amazing things in your life! And I look forward to seeing him finish moving one mountain in particular. I praise him for his loving care through it all and celebrate with you his wonderful grace and mercy!

      May his favor be yours in abundance in this new week. [hugs]

  2. Carolyn says

    Dear Diane, such a great devotion! I had never really thought of how, if we expect God to move a mtn, we have to get out of the way! Thank you so much for listening to His Spirit & then sharing what you heard Him say! Praying for your mountains to be moved!

    • Oh Carolyn… this learning to follow Jesus… oh my! It’s a continual process and it seems there’s an “ah-ha” moment around every corner. Life is never boring is it? Thanks for your prayers. This week we’re facing a mountain that’s impossibly large… for me… not for God. I’m trying to stay right where God wants me… but I haven’t seen the mountain budge yet and we need it to move, yesterday. I know God’s timing is perfect. I guess he’s trying to take our trust of him to a whole new level. 😉 Thanks for stopping by and sharing… I always love having you here… too bad we can’t chat over a cup of tea. 😉 BTW… I’m into Bengal Spice right now. 🙂


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