It’s just a few days after Thanksgiving.
Are you still in the moments of gratitude?
Or have you jumped on the busy bus?
I’m not sure why, but I am in a bit of a reflective mood today…savoring the moment….steering clear of busyness.
Sometime ago I walked around a small lake. I was enthralled with the lighting and snapped this photo. It has not been altered in any way. I love the ethereal clouds and the way they reflect on the water along with the bursts of the sun. And, I remember the peace and tranquility I felt, as I wandered the path along the water’s edge with a friend.
Life was more than tumultuous at that time. There was no reason to have that sense of peace. Except Jesus told us that he would give us peace.
“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27 GNT
Do you need that peace?
For me, that peace doesn’t come in busyness. Hours and days crammed to overflowing don’t permit me to have times of solitude or mediation. In fact, my mind at those times is so consumed in the doing, there is no time for being.
Peace comes in the pauses…
- The moments when we recognize our dependence on our loving God.
- The minutes when we give thanks for things simple….and maybe unpleasant.
- The hours when we can be ourselves and who we were created to be.
- The days when we rest in his everlasting love.
The peace that Jesus left us with is different. Peace of mind….regardless.
Do you know it?
Have you experienced it?
Jesus goes on to tell us we shouldn’t worry or be upset. Do you know why he said that? Worrying undermines our peace. It slowly and surely erodes the foundation of peace until it collapses. We crumble in. Our strength leaves. Our attitudes sour. Our perspective becomes shallow and gray.
The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6-7….
Don’t worry over anything whatever; tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer, and the peace of God which transcends human understanding, will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus. J.B. Phillips New Testament
Know what else comes with this kind of peace? Joy. It’s not something we can create. It comes from living fully and intentionally in God’s power and in his strength. It comes from those pauses and spending time listening and talking to him. It comes from choosing to have a heart of gratitude.
And that, my friend, is why we set apart this time each week to count our blessings.
Will you join me in counting just seven from the many of the past week? I’ll start….
I’m thankful for:
- God’s peace today.
- the partnership in marriage.
- another piece of good news about my computer.
- being able to set a pretty Thanksgiving table.
- distant friends coming for Thanksgiving.
- several good nights’ sleep.
- the charm of my a small town.
Now…it’s your turn! Join in community and leave your seven under “Please Share Your Thoughts” below. I read and respond to every one.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts ….
and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.*
*Colossians 3:15, J.B. Phillips New Testament
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I love this, “peace comes in pauses”. Today I am pausing to breathe in His peace today.
Toady, I am thankful for:
My car that has been fixed.
My heater.
Crockpot meals.
God’s loving embrace.
Hot coffee.
The laughter of my children.
Thank you for sharing your seven, Barbie! I pray that this week you’ll have plenty of pauses. {hugs}
I’ve been doing the thankful thing each day on FB. so here are my 7 just now—thankful
that the Lord rescued me over 30 years ago from dark pit I was living in and bringing me into the light of Jesus
for 45 years of marriage to Allen
for 3 great kids, son,in-love and one to be Mar. 2, daughter -in-love , 4 grandson and 5th due Christmas Day
to celebrate my mom’s 79th birthday with her today
for our awesome small group of 11 couples from church
for our retirement
for our church
that the Lord rescued me over 30 years ago from dark pit I was living in and bringing me into the light of Jesus
Glenda, you are so blessed! How exciting to be looking forward to new babies to love and hold. God is so good. I praise him for rescuing you, too.
Oh my gosh…what a gorgeous photo. It reminded me of the moment that I had last week as I walked the dam in solitude. It was a moment I sorely needed–and I was gifted with gems on the water AND a soaring eagle. Amazing……
Joy day! I like this–I’m a creature of habit. Which is why I so appreciate your sharing that busy-ness can just plain get in the way! It does for me too. We all need to pause for peace, methinks..
Which is why Joy Day is a good thing!
My seven things for which I am extremely grateful for:
….the structure and discipline passed on to me by the WPIML (wise person in my life).
….the easy holiday that gave me the gift of quiet time.
….the 8′ inflatable penguin in our yard that makes me laugh.
….the phone call from a 3 year old to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving–she ‘gobbled’ at me. *laughing*
….the walk along the bank of the river that helped me just BE.
….the unconditional love I get every day, without fail.
Thank you for giving us a place to focus on the goodness that could, all too easily, be lost in the noise of ‘doing’.
And thank you Mel for taking time to join in this process of becoming more.
I too, laughed when I read your little one “gobbled” at you. In fact, I’m still smiling.
May your week be filled to overflowing with joy and peace.
Amen. I can appreciate where you were when you took this picture…”Life was more than tumultuous at that time. There was no reason to have that sense of peace. Except Jesus told us that he would give us peace.” Lately, I’ve found more peace in my times of struggle that I ever could have imagined. I thank God daily for Grace, and that in the midst of my personal storms, I can hide myself in Him. It’s quiet and peaceful there. My seven?
I’m thankful for…
1. Grace
2. the relationship I have with my mom (my heroine, friend, role model)
3. my beloved husband, and that our love keeps getting stronger
4. my upcoming 20th wedding anniversary
5. our beautiful daughter
6. our son
7. a community of friends and family that loves and encourages me
8. that I found your blog at the Wellspring today…
Peace and God’s good to you.
Maybe in the midst we are more open to receiving His peace? I’m so glad that you have been enveloped in it through those times.
Welcome Chelle! And thank you for joining in and sharing your blessed seven.
May your week be filled with God’s extraordinary peace.
What a beautiful picture to hold on to as the days grow hectic. Thank you for this little respite of peace and beauty.
All because of Grace. 😀
Wow breathtaking picture! And a great post. What a good reminder to remember to Pause and find Peace in God. I too often forget this.
What a moment is was!! Thank you for your kind words Allison.
May the peace that passes understanding by yours in abundance this Christmas season.
oh I did a thankful post today too!
It’s great to have a heart of gratitude!
Hope your weekend is extraordinary!
I really love this post and the reminder for us to be thankful not just daily but each little moment!
Thank you Kelly. 😀 That reminder is for me as much as anyone. I have a past history of living in the fast lane. But, I’m learning.
May you experience His peace today and through the Christmas season.
wishing you peace. thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.xo
Wonderful post. Today I’m thankful for:
The gift of salvation through Christ Jesus
My awesome husband
Oh Lauren….the best stuff of life!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to come by and share your seven.
May your season of Advent be truly extraordinary!
Diane – what a coincidence that we would both do a post on gratitude and feeling God’s presence in our lives during this busy holiday time! 🙂 (take a peek at my post this week) I have found that as each year passes, I crave my solitude and my quiet time with God, and feel the need to escape the hustle, bustle and chaos of daily life. I am grateful for being a stay-at-home wife and every day I can spend here; a November with more sunshine than normal, my sweet furbaby Maizie Grace who is always by my side, my feeble and determined attempt to run at least 4x/week, my loving husband of 28 years, my parents who continue to love and spoil me even though my mother is battling Alzheimer’s, and best of all – knowing that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. ♥ Bless you, Diane! May all your Christmas wishes and prayers come true.
xoxo laurie
I’m thinking that it is no coincidence, Laurie. Isn’t that really what He desires for us? Surely He’s placed it on our hearts. 😀
Thank you for taking the time to share your sweet seven.
May your season of Advent be one of extraordinary blessing….giving and receiving.