Do you remember seeing a movie where the butler walked into a room holding a silver platter upon which there was a slip of paper for someone in the room?
At that moment when the butler offered the note and the recipient took the paper, everyone else seemed to pause.
Trying to fain disinterest, others in the room were keenly interested to learn what was on the paper and how the individual would respond.
The slip of paper required a response.
Each day we are presented with all numerous things that require our response.
We could call them silver platter opportunities.
- How do you respond when a thunderstorm arrives on that ONE day you have planned as a special family day?
- How do you respond when a friend drops by with some awesome gooey goodness?
- How do you respond when you get the answer you’ve been hoping for?
- How do you respond when you receive unexpected bad news?
What makes it a silver platter opportunity is that we are presented in a moment with an opportunity to respond.
We need to respond well to those opportunities.
Not out of emotion, but thoughtfully respond.
How we respond will make our Joy Meters rise or fall.
Some time ago, I was given a silver platter opportunity.
We get them every day, multiple times a day.
Sometimes they are seemingly insignificant like my sandals and other times they are life-changing.
We were running a few errands and I commented to my husband that he was walking too fast, there was something going on with my sandals and they were slowing me down. Upon examination, I discovered the soles of my sandals were disintegrating with every step I took. It was as if their usefulness had come to an end at that very moment. The leather instep and uppers looked almost as good as the day I purchased them, twelve years prior. They still had that nice stylish sort of edgy look I loved. But the man-made material that had once provided the foundation and cushioning for all on top was vanishing with every step.
After I got home I took them off and threw them away.
I was sad. New sandals were not in my budget right then and my wardrobe would take a hit. Phooey.
That was a silver platter opportunity.
I could choose to be unhappy and grumbly… or I could choose joy.
That time… I chose joy. I don’t always make the right choice.
In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul gives guidelines for living a godly life. He writes,
“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:19b-20
When we choose joy… our joy comes through our attitude of gratitude.
Mindfully I made the right response to the silver platter opportunity (this time)…
- Thank you, Lord, for showing me those cute sandals at TJ for such a great price!
- Thank you that they went so well with so many outfits and looked great for 12 years!
- Thank you that I was wearing them around town and not on a trip, when I only bring sneakers for my second pair of shoes!
- Thank you that you have already made a way for me to replace them in your perfect timing!
What was your silver platter opportunity today? Yesterday?
How did you respond? Are you pleased with your response?
If not, the great thing is… you can change your response.
Granted you can’t hit the replay button, but you can choose to give thanks even if it seems like it’s the craziest of things to do.
One thing I’m discovering is that my joy has little to do with my circumstances.
I know that I can choose joy. But, sometimes I allow my circumstances to set my Joy Meter.
When my sandals started to disintegrate I had a silver platter opportunity… and in a moment I had the opportunity to choose joy or not.
I don’t know what your silver platter opportunities are. But as you reflect on them, you can take any of the opportunities you missed in choosing joy… and right now, choose joy.
Choosing joy requires very little of us.
It’s an attitude. Though we may be struggling with what was on the silver platter, we don’t need to let it bring us down. We don’t want to give that situation or person power. We want to live in grace and gratitude… through the good and not-so-good. It may not be easy… but being purposely mindful of our choices and choosing well will always help us live in joy.
Gratitude is both free and priceless.
It requires minimal effort and the rewards of being grateful infuse our lives on multiple levels. Personally, we gain contentment, relationally, we gain peace, and most of all, whatever the burden is, once we say thanks, it is released. Most likely you will walk into the next day with that situation… but you don’t have to carry it alone. When we choose to give thanks for it, we are giving the control and the outcome over to God who loves us and always does what’s best for us. It becomes his burden, not ours.
And the ultimate outcome… JOY!
Want JOY?
I bet you know how to get it.
It’s JoyDay!
And time to get our joy meters soaring!
Please join me in thinking back over the past week and counting seven things for which you are thankful. Why not make your joy meter soar off the charts! The simple exercise of counting and giving thanks together in this space will help you reset your life compass and put your eyes back on the Lord.
I’ll start…
Thank you, God for…
- the internet and the wealth of information available when I’m researching for answers.
- Your magnificent creation being reborn all around me in the flowering and leafing trees.
- short walks accomplished!
- gorgeous peach and yellow tulips and ranunculus from my local grocery store.
- helping me on this process towards healing. Thank you for ultimately being my healer.
- Your love beyond measure.
- being ALL we need.
Now…it’s YOUR turn!
List your ‘seven’ in the ‘share your extraordinary thoughts’ section below.
You’ll be glad you did.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts.
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Thank You God. I am grateful for….
1. Receiving the letter I have been waiting for ,on Friday ,offering me my position for this coming school year and a tiny raise….
2. My neighbors for repairing my broken water main, that would have cost me $300.00 if the plumber did it.
3.a small unexpected refund from the Minute Clinic for an over payment.
4. that you walk with me daily!
5. for a delightful and unexpected breakfast with my good neighbor and friend Saturday morning… it was delicious!
6. for my Son….
7. the unexpected gift of Charles Stanley’s Life Principals pray journal…..
God is so good to take care of you, and love you through your friends and neighbors. I rejoice in his provisions and for another school year! Praise God!! Praying your week is filled with more unexpected blessings! {{hugs}]
Happy Joy Day!
We have had to make silver platter choices this week at my house.
Sad news came to us, all of us as a family.
My son and daughter in law had just announced a baby on the way.
Something went wrong and she lost the baby Tuesday night.
Lord this week I am thankful for,
1. Someday we will meet our little one that is in your care.
2. My very much younger brother had a mini stroke. They let him go home last night.
3. K. is working very hard on his problems and is allowing me to speak of you to him.
4. Saturday night we had a spontaneous movie night. All our kids and grandkids were here…with pizza!
5. All bills caught up, even if only for the moment. Unexpected blessing for sure.
6. Son and daughter in law went out to garage sales with me Saturday. Always a good time.
7. Grandson took a ride with me in the neighborhood. He on his scooter and me on my bike.
No more sandals…bummer! Look at garage sales and thrift shops. I’m SURE you will find just the thing.☺️
Happy hunting
Blessings to you!
Oh, Minnie, I am so very sorry. {Big big hugs} Praying now for God’s love, comfort, and grace to be felt.
Joy Day
I liked the image of the butler and silver tray!! I’d pictured the scene in my mind! All week I’ve been saying God is so good because we know He is and there’s ways He shows us.
1. God has been protecting me and working for me for some time and I was unaware. Isn’t it grand? And when I was unaware I praised Him. And now I thank and praise Him for this wonderful unbelievable news.
2. My house is in chaos and there are wrinkles in each step but when it is complete it shall shine. The Lord provides and I can talk about Him providing.
3. I can ask friends to pray for me during all this upheaval. It’s all over the house and in many spaces and areas and God will provide and fight for me and hear me when I cry.
4. My grandson was dedicated to Jesus. To God on Mother’s Day!! He’s so fun.
5. The birds are singing right now so sweetly.
6. I found a ride today.
7. Many flowers have come back on their own!!
God is so very good. I love hearing how God has been at work for you in so many ways when you were unaware. Praising God with you for all his blessings. May your week and home be filled with God’s peace and JOY, Gwen. xoxo
I just want to say that I love the way you write your blogs and ask people what they are praising God for! It is a wonderful way to help train ourselves to notice the wonderful things the Lord is doing in our lives!
Thank you Lord for:
1. Your endless grace and mercies!
2. a calm and beautiful place at the kitchen table where I can meet with you each morning.
3. a family that loves and cares for me.
4. summer and how beautiful it is outside!
5. motivation for work and play.
6. a job that pays well when I am home from college.
7. your overflowing love.
Thanks Claire! It truly warms my heart to know that you find this practice meaningful.
May your new week overflow with hope and JOY!